Category Archives: Traditions / Holidays

A True Clean Start: Embracing God’s Grace

As another year dawns, it’s a time when many of us contemplate the idea of a fresh start. The turning of the calendar seems to hold the promise of leaving behind past mistakes and embracing new opportunities. It’s a season of New Year’s resolutions, where we pledge to rid ourselves of bad habits or adopt better ones. However, as January fades into February, the enthusiasm for these “clean starts” often wanes, and we find ourselves back where we began.

But what if there’s a way to attain a genuine clean start—one infused with divine power and lasting transformation? The good news is that such an opportunity exists, and it’s not confined to the month of January. Through Christ, we can experience true forgiveness, redemption, and renewal. Our past sins need not define us, for God’s grace offers a pathway to a fresh beginning at any moment.

1. The Prodigal Son: A Story of Forgiveness (Luke 15:11-32)

“And He said, ‘A man had two sons…'” (Luke 15:11)

In the parable of the prodigal son, Jesus illustrates God’s unwavering love and forgiveness. The younger son squandered his inheritance in a distant land but came to his senses and returned home, expecting nothing more than to be a hired servant. However, his father’s response was a powerful demonstration of God’s grace. The father ran to embrace his wayward son, showering him with love, forgiveness, and a clean start.

2. God Awaits Our Return

God, our heavenly Father, awaits our return just as the father in the parable did. He watches the horizon for our humble repentance, ready to run and embrace us. There’s no sin too great for His forgiveness, no rebellion beyond His reach. It’s within our power to choose whether we return to Him or remain separated.

3. The Helper: God’s Power in Our Transformation (John 16:5-15)

“But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you…” (John 16:7)

When we turn to Christ for forgiveness and renewal, we receive more than forgiveness alone. God graciously sends the Holy Spirit as our Helper. The Spirit empowers us to overcome sin, make lasting changes, and embark on our fresh start. We are not alone in this journey; we have the divine power and guidance of God Himself.

4. A Call to Repentance and Obedience

While God’s forgiveness is boundless, it requires sincere repentance and a commitment to follow His ways. Repentance means turning away from our sinful past and submitting to God. The Bible is clear that we must obey God’s commandments and live according to His Word to walk in His grace.

5. God’s Promises of Forgiveness

God’s promises of forgiveness are abundant throughout the Scriptures:

  • “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the LORD, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be as white as snow…” (Isaiah 1:18-20)
  • “Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…” (Acts 3:19-21)
  • “In Him, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace…” (Ephesians 1:3-14)

6. The Invitation to a Fresh Start

So, as the calendar turns from one year to the next, remember that a clean start isn’t limited to January. Through Christ, we can experience forgiveness, renewal, and transformation at any moment. God’s grace is always available, ready to wash away our sins and empower us to live according to His will.

Embrace Your Fresh Start

As you embark on this new year, remember that God’s grace offers you a fresh start—a clean slate free from the burdens of past mistakes. You need not rely on the changing of the calendar or societal norms for a new beginning. Instead, turn to God, repent of your sins, and submit to His guidance. Allow His Spirit to empower you in your journey of transformation. In God’s grace, every moment is an opportunity for a true clean start.

May the grace and peace of our Lord be with you,

John Golda


Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Christmas on Trial – the Closing Argument

Enter the courtroom of conscience as we put Christmas on trial.

In a world adorned with festive lights and holiday cheer, let’s set aside sentimental traditions for a moment and embark on a truth-seeking journey.

Brace yourself for a compelling case presented by Clyde Kilough, challenging the origins of Christmas and its alignment with God’s will.

Join the jury of reflection and let the evidence unfold—because it’s not just Christmas that’s on trial, but perhaps our understanding of what truly pleases our Creator

Before we start, I invite you to pray with me:

Father, help me to consider the facts and perspective laid out in the article today with a heart that wants to please You above all others. Help me to be courageous to challenge emotional family and cultural traditions against the truth of Your word. Help me to truly reflect on and consider what change I should make for myself and my family in regard to popular holidays.  Amen.

Christmas on Trial

Imagine a courtroom where Christmas is on trial, charged with false impersonation of legitimate, godly worship. Both sides have presented their cases. Now it’s the prosecutor’s turn to make his closing argument. It could well go something like this.

By Clyde Kilough

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you’ve heard the defense supporting the religious practice of celebrating Christmas. I trust you noted it was not a biblical defense, because none exists.

Let’s step away from human reasoning and emotion, and revisit the facts presented to you by history, scholars and God’s Word itself.

You’ll recall that all the expert witnesses—secular historians and theologians alike—attested that modern Christmas practices can be easily traced back to non-Christian origins. Their sources were so numerous that no one bothered to present counterarguments.

Please remember these facts:

    • Christmas is a man-made holiday. The Bible has zero reference to celebrating Jesus’ birth, which was probably in the autumn, not winter. Not until nearly three centuries later, in fact, did a “birthday party for Jesus” make its way into religious observance. Not until A.D. 336 did a Roman calendar officially note celebrating Jesus’ birth on Dec. 25.
    • So how was Dec. 25 selected for this celebration? Pope Julius I decreed it. Why? Because syncretism, the blending of religions, had become a common tool employed by the Roman church for assimilating “heathens” into its fold. Midwinter pagan festivals were immensely popular throughout Europe, so mixing these into the church’s rituals was an easy method to induce nonbelievers to embrace their version of Christianity.
    • What were these festivals? They included:
    • The birthday of the sun god Mithra.
    • Saturnalia, a time of debauchery honoring the Roman god of agriculture, Saturn.
    • Northern European celebrations of the winter solstice glorifying the sun’s return.
    • The Scandinavian Norse religion’s yule celebrations Dec. 21 through January, with its abundant superstitious customs.
    • The German version revering their god Odin. Interestingly, Odin is supposed to have made nighttime flights during which he would watch people and decide who to bless and curse. Hmm. Isn’t that reminiscent of a modern tale of a mythical guy who flies at night, somehow having godlike powers to know “who’s naughty and nice”?

People aren’t easily converted from entrenched popular customs, but church leaders had their methods. Let the people keep their customs, they figured, but simply syncretize them with ours and call them Christian. Instead of celebrating Dies Natalis Solis Invicti—the birthday of the unconquered sun—we’ll say we’re now honoring Jesus, the Son of God.

I remind you of the historian who quoted Augustine of Hippo, a great church influence, as saying in a Christmas sermon, “Let us celebrate this day as a feast not for the sake of this sun, which is beheld by believers as much as ourselves, but for the sake of Him who created the sun.”

If Jesus appeared today, would He okay our worshipping on a holiday borrowed from pagan religions that idolized the sun, moon and rocks?

I’ve barely recapped the historical evidence, but clearly, no one can legitimately argue for any biblical support upholding any aspect of Christmas as a Christian holiday. In fact, virtually all of our Christmas traditions—trees, mistletoe, gift-giving, wreaths, caroling, Santa Claus—sprang from these pagan festivals.

It is the thought that counts!

So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s examine the defense’s arguments in support of observing Christmas today, beginning with the contention that “at the end of the day—so what? It’s the thought that counts!”

Actually, I agree 100 percent! It is the thought that matters—and it’s God’s thought that matters most! God left ample evidence of His thought on this in His Word, the Bible.

I remind you of the religious scholars who admitted that God has always adamantly opposed syncretism, often bemoaning how His people mixed their idolatrous neighbors’ customs with their worship of Him.

When God delivered Israel from Egypt, what did He command? “Do not inquire after their gods, saying, ‘How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.’ You shall not worship the Lord your God in that way.”

What part of “you shall not” is so confusing for us humans?

For emphasis, He added, “Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.” That’s in Deuteronomy 12:30-32.

So, centuries later, after watching the people continually blend pagan practices into their worship, taking from and adding to everything He’d said, God told them through the prophet Amos, “I hate, I despise your feast days” (Amos 5:21).

Did God use lightly the words hate and despise? If not, why should we assume He feels differently today?

In the same verse He also said, “I take no delight in your solemn assemblies” (Revised Standard Version). Today’s most important “solemn assemblies” are Christmas and Easter, but they are not the holy days God appointed. Even then, God told them, “Take away from Me the noise of your songs” (verse 23). They may be beautiful and catchy songs, but because of what they represent and where they come from, to God they are just noise!

Now, since God says in Malachi 3:6, “I am the Lord, I do not change,” and emphasizes in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever,” we have to ask, “Has God now changed His mind about such things?” If Jesus appeared today, would He okay our worshipping on a holiday borrowed from pagan religions that idolized the sun, moon and rocks? Because someone mixed it into religion and called it “Christian,” does that mean God sanctioned it?

It is the thought that counts—but what does God think?

But if my heart’s right …

You also heard from a defense witness who reasoned, “I know Christmas’ origins are wrong, but I know in my heart why I go to church at Christmas—it’s to honor Jesus—and I believe it’s what’s in my heart that counts!”

Absolutely—the heart does count! That’s big on God’s list of qualities! But don’t forget what Jesus said about the heart in Mark 7:6-9: “This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men. For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men.” Jesus doesn’t accept just any worship, even if in our heart we think it’s okay.

Notice, too, He said, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition.”

Christmas offers a prime example of this. Isn’t God the One who said, “Do not lie”? But what is one of the biggest Christmas traditions people cling to? Lying to kids about Santa Claus! How does that honor Jesus, who commands us not to lie! And don’t forget Easter. How do people lie to their kids that rabbits lay eggs, then trot off to church saying it’s all about worshipping God?

Do we really think we can reject doing what God says, instead borrowing religious practices from pagan religions, and think He’ll be happy about it because we say “my heart’s right”?

Tradition does not trump obedience. If our heart’s right, won’t we be striving to worship God “in spirit and in truth,” as Jesus told the Samaritan woman (John 4:24)?

Saying “Lord, Lord” to no avail

You also heard this line of reasoning from the defense: “Yes, everyone knows the bad side of Christmas—the partying, commercialism, indebtedness, greed and so on—but most people have a very merry Christmas. What’s wrong with families enjoying being together with good food, gifts, pretty music and lights, or helping the needy? There’s far more good than bad, and a lot of it involves good Christian acts!”

Well, of course God loves good things and seeing people happy. But do good deeds justify bad actions? Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” Who was He addressing? Religious people proudly pointing out all their good deeds!

“Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’”

There is more “Lord, Lord” talk at this time of year than any other, but does it impress God when we persist in lawlessness—doing things He tells us not to do?

We say we’re worshipping the baby Jesus, but we’re not doing what the grown-up Jesus told us to do! If people were really serious about doing God’s will, we’d see real “peace on earth” and “goodwill toward men.” We’d see good deeds all the time, not just during a few days when they get in the “Christmas spirit.”

People of truth?

You also heard the defense try to poke a hole in our case by arguing, “The Jesus I know isn’t so radical about something that brings so much fun and enjoyment to everyone, even the fantasy part for the kids.”

Ladies and gentlemen, this one’s simple. Answer this, please: Would you like it if someone told your kids lies about you and got them to believe it? I don’t think so.

So how do you think God feels when He’s being lied about?

This is so important because of where it comes from. Jesus explained one time—in John 8:44—that the devil “is a liar and the father of it.” The people He was addressing were the religious leaders of the day, and He angered them by saying they were of their father the devil. It doesn’t matter who you are—if you lie, or perpetuate a lie, it’s wrong.

If people claim to follow God, isn’t it logical that He expects them to not lie? Aren’t Christians to be people of truth—telling the truth and practicing the truth?

Sad to say, for thousands of years God has seen people lying about Him, even under the guise of claiming to speak for Him.

Long ago God spoke through Ezekiel words that are just as true today: “Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. … Her prophets plastered them with untempered mortar, seeing false visions, and divining lies for them, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord God,’ when the Lord had not spoken.” That’s Ezekiel 22:26 and 28.

Putting words in God’s mouth is just a bit presumptuous, wouldn’t you say?

What’s really on trial?

So, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, let me ask you again: Given the weight of evidence, both factual and circumstantial, if Jesus were here today, do you think He would attend Christmas Eve services, or exchange gifts around the Christmas tree? Would He have a “Put Christ back into Christmas” bumper sticker—or would He say He was never in it to begin with?

Would He still stand by His words in Matthew 4:4, that man shall live “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God”? I ask, can you do that and observe Christmas at the same time?

I rest my case; but as you make your decision, I urge you to remember that it’s not really Christmas that is on trial—we are.

As we conclude this courtroom inquiry, the verdict lies in the hands of your conscience.

Take a moment for introspection, laying aside the tinsel and carols. Let the evidence presented resonate within your heart.

In the quiet chambers of prayer, seek guidance and discernment from the One who sees beyond the glitter and garlands. Reflect on what truly pleases our Creator, and may your decisions align with His timeless wisdom.

May your journey of faith be guided by truth and a sincere desire to honor the One who remains unchanged. Be still, reflect, and may your path be illuminated by the light of understanding and obedience.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.


Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross. 

A Parable About Sharing Christ through Holiday Traditions

Amidst the glittering lights and festive cheer, a parable unfolds, inviting us to examine the delicate dance between holiday traditions and true faith. Picture two paths diverging, each offering a unique approach to share Christ amid the allure of seasonal customs.

In this tale, we journey through the twinkling maze of Christmas trees and the echoes of age-old carols. Yet, beyond the tinsel and warmth, a crucial question lingers: Do our cherished holiday traditions truly align with God’s desires, or have they unwittingly become veiled distractions?

Meet two individuals on a mission to share Christ, one steadfast in presenting unfiltered Biblical truths, the other opting for a blend of compromise. As we navigate their choices, we find ourselves standing at the crossroads of our own holiday traditions.

There were two men, each of whom wanted to share Christ with Buddhists, but they had very different approaches.

The first man decided he would reach them with only the instructions laid out in the Bible. He knew it would be hard. He was dedicated to putting in the hard work to reach and serve them and to bring them only the truth of the God’s word from the Bible. He knew this may not bring the biggest crowds, but he wanted to ensure those who did respond to the message would genuinely be led toward Christ and a fruitful, Biblical relationship with Him. He understood that God must work in someone’s heart and draw them to Him if they are to truly follow Him. Man cannot do it alone. He worked tirelessly and met much resistance. He taught them about the appointed times of God in Leviticus 23 and taught them how and when to celebrate what God had instructed rather than what man had made up. Many were very attached to the traditions and customs they grew up with. Many rejected the message of the Bible, but those that did come truly came to know Christ and His teachings. They had to make hard choices and walk away from many traditions that were dear to them. They had to change even things they enjoyed in order to put Christ first and live His way. For those who judged by counting the number of “converts” or the number of people attending services, this ministry was deemed not very successful. But God saw those who were truly reached for Him and smiled. People had been reached with the truth and come to Him on His terms with repentance, thanksgiving, love and submission in their hearts. Their lives were fully transformed.

The second man observed the limited results of the first man’s efforts. He saw how many of the Buddhists refused to give up their traditions and practices, even if they were willing to listen about Christ. He had a different idea. He was sure he could make it easier for people to come accept Christ if he let them keep many of their traditions and just relabeled them with Christian meaning. He observed the Buddhist traditions and holidays. He compromised purity of the gospel of Christ by blending Biblical teaching with Buddhist teaching. For one example, he embraced Buddha statues. He said they represent God’s provision and abundance rather than Buddha. He understood that God says in the Bible not to worship Him the way that the pagans worship their Gods, but he thought that was too extreme for today’s situation. He could make this a good thing and lead people to Christ by using the pagan traditions. He had many more people show up to his services and accept Christ. For those who counted success by counting the number of people, this ministry seemed much more successful. God, however, was sad. He saw now a group of people who had not repented of their sin. They had not walked away from the things that He said were bad. They had not chosen to put Him first in their lives. They simply added Christ’s name and some of His teaching on top of the traditions and beliefs they previously held. Now they had a blended teaching which kept the people farther from Him, all the while making them comfortable that they had accepted Christ, though they had not changed their lives fully. They gave Christ only part of their attention and obedience. He was not first. Instead, family traditions and pagan worship traditions remained first in their hearts. They had “fit God in” around those other things.

Reflecting on these approaches, consider the parallels in the history of Christmas traditions. While most Christians reject blending Christianity with Buddhism, the historical adoption of pagan practices into Christmas often goes unquestioned. Evergreen decorations, Christmas trees, and other customs originated in pagan celebrations, later absorbed into Christmas with Christian labels. The emotional attachment to these traditions, painted in the name of Christ, often blinds us to their origins.

As you ponder this parable, delve into the history of Christmas and God’s explicit command not to adopt pagan practices. Reflect on whether cherished traditions align with putting God first. The journey may be challenging, but the reward lies in growing closer to Him by prioritizing His ways.

Acknowledging the emotional difficulty of change, remember that standing for Christ above all else may stir discord. As Jesus foretold in Matthew 10:23-39, such challenges are inherent in prioritizing Christ.

This parable urges you to prayerfully study the history of Christmas, seeking God’s truth in His word. Explore’s documentary, “The Christmas Question” and teachings like “Sunburned – Part 1 and Sunburned – Part 2.” Consider God’s instructions in Leviticus 23 and His focus on Moedim, the holy days outlined in the Bible.

You can also study more of our posts on this subject by searching the category “traditions / holidays” on our website at

The LORD has also given us instructions on what holy days to celebrate to point to Him and our relationship with Him. They are called the Moedim and are outlined in Leviticus 23 and other places throughout the Bible.

You can find scripture where Jesus participated in the Moedim. You will never find record of Jesus celebrating Christmas and Easter (or almost anything we celebrate commonly today) in the Biblical record. Passover is different than  Easter.

With God’s celebrations, the focus is always on Him and not gifts or food or simply ourselves.

To learn more, read our teaching on Celebrating God’s Holy Days (Moedim) or scroll through and read from our Traditions/ Holidays category of teachings.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, grant us clarity and discernment regarding traditions and Your ways. Instill courage within us to embrace change and prioritize You above all. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you. John

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

A Heartfelt Reflection on Family Traditions (The Parable of Two Fathers)

In the heart of a town, two fathers stood as neighbors, each with a son, driven by a common desire to honor God. Both attended church faithfully, praying and reading the Bible with their sons. Yet, their paths diverged, shaping the destinies of their families.

The first father, unwavering in his commitment to God, faced mockery for standing firm in his convictions. He refused to lie to his son, and his son noticed.  His son observed this courage, and the father’s honesty resonated deeply. He instilled a belief in one God, teaching that God defines good and bad, and sin carries consequences.

As the son grew older, he sometimes wondered how he could know Jesus was real since he could not “see” him or “touch” him but accepted it because his father was always honest with him. He learned to stand for Jesus even when it was hard, because he learned by watching his father.

In contrast, the second father clung to generational traditions, content in a comfortable existence. He blended truths with fanciful tales, weaving a web of make-believe characters into his son’s life. It felt comfortable, most of his friends and neighbors lived their lives in a similar manner so there was no conflict.

He did not feel that God really cared that much about some areas of how he and his family led their daily lives. He told his son that Jesus was the way to God, but he also liked to tell his son seemingly harmless made-up stories about make believe characters. He enjoyed telling his son about the tooth fairy, Easter bunny, and of course Santa Claus. He continued the stories for many years until finally his son would learn on his own that each story was not true.

The father even went out of his way to provide false evidence that the stories were true… like money under the pillow for a tooth or telling his son that the bunny hid the eggs and brought him a basket, and of course having lots of presents at Christmas… all from Santa.  He even ate cookies and milk on behalf of Santa. After all, it’s just a bit of fun. What harm can it do?

Yet, as his son grew older, the line between reality and fiction blurred, leaving him with doubts about Jesus and the Bible. The son sometimes wondered how he could know Jesus was real since he could not “see” him or “touch” him. He loved his father, but throughout his life his father had lied to him and even gone out of his way to fake evidence in many make-believe characters. He could not help but wonder if Jesus and the Bible were like the rest of the made-up stories and he had many doubts.

Reflections on Tradition and Truth

Let’s pause and consider the stories we tell our children. Are we unknowingly weaving a web of lies, disrupting the authenticity of our faith journey? Beyond the potential mistrust caused by falsehoods, we must scrutinize the deeper impact of our traditions.

Take the story of Santa Claus—a representative example. It shifts the focus of Christmas from giving to receiving, emphasizing deserving gifts based on behavior. The supposed accountability for “bad” actions becomes inconsequential, undermining the idea of consequences for wrong choices. Furthermore, Santa, an all-knowing and eternal figure, can be seen as a subtle replacement for God.

Christmas Traditions and Their Underlying Messages

The story of Santa, widely accepted and celebrated, inadvertently draws attention away from God, causing confusion and doubt. As Christians, it’s crucial to question whether our cherished traditions align with God’s message. It’s not merely about lying to our children but about the values and lessons embedded in these stories.

Trying to tell a child Christmas is about Jesus, but then overwhelming them with presents and made-up stories about Santa is like telling a child to eat a carrot and then putting in front of them a table full of cookies, brownies, cakes, and ice cream. At the very least, the table of desserts is a major distraction. In most cases, the children will remember the desserts long after they forget the carrot.

After spending years lying to children and convincing them that Santa is real, even when they start to recognize it and ask questions, we will then tell them it was all in fun… but trust me about Jesus.

Even Atheists Like Santa

Santa is in fact accepted around the world by many because he is absolutely not pointing to God, but rather distracting attention away from God or replacing God completely. Christians and non-Christians alike accept him. In one example, Santa’s picture was used as a spokesman for a billboard campaign by atheists basically saying we can be good without need of God. “Go ahead and skip church! Just be good for goodness sake.” (link to article here). [How an atheist can define “good” while claiming there is no God is an interesting conversation for another day.]

The Emotional Challenge of Change

Recognizing the need for change is emotional and challenging. Yet, standing for Christ above all else, even within our families, is a commitment Christ himself acknowledged would stir discord. (Matthew 10:32-39)

Choose God’s Ways Over Man-Made Traditions

In the spirit of self-reflection, challenge yourself to objectively evaluate your traditions. Seek God’s truth in His word and apply it in your life. Remember, God desires His people to be holy and righteous, placing Him above all else.

A Call to Prayerful Action

May this reflection be an awakening, prompting prayerful consideration. We encourage you to seek God’s guidance, bravely stepping into a journey where His ways triumph over the traditions of man.

Closing Challenge: Put God First

As we conclude, remember the words of Jesus—choose God over familial bonds, prioritizing Christ above all. For in giving up our lives for Him, we truly find life.

God wants his people to be holy (set apart for God’s use) and righteous (living according to God’s commands rather than the world’s). He wants us to put Him first, above everything else.

Challenge yourself to objectively evaluate your traditions and seek first the kingdom of God. Do not dismiss this quickly but rather prayerfully seek God to show you the truth of His word and how to apply it in your life.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.


Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Are Christmas Trees in the Bible?

In the enchanting glow of Christmas traditions that colored my childhood, this season held a special place in my heart. Yet, as adulthood unfolded, the Lord gently nudged me to unravel the origins of these cherished traditions, turning what was once my favorite time of the year into a journey of profound introspection.

One tradition that captivates families during this season is the joyous act of bringing a Christmas tree into the home—a tradition I enthusiastically partook in for decades. While undeniably fun, the pursuit of “fun” is not the moral compass by which we determine right from wrong. Sin may cloak itself in enjoyment, but its fleeting happiness pales in comparison to the profound joy found in a genuine relationship with our Heavenly Father.

As believers, we anchor our understanding of good and bad in God’s standards, illuminated through the pages of the Bible. Regardless of one’s perspective on its divine inspiration, the Bible remains the most accurate record of God’s relationship with His people and His guidelines for righteous living.

My quest for truth led me to scrutinize whether Christmas trees found a place in the Bible, and to my surprise, a passage in Jeremiah 10:1-4 seemed to allude to them. It cautioned against adopting the practices of non-believers, condemning the cutting of trees for decoration—a striking parallel to our modern Christmas traditions.

Some will argue this is focused only on idols, but it seems to apply also to Christmas trees.

Jeremiah 10:1-4 (KJV)

1Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel:

2Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.

3For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.

4They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.

Delving deeper into the roots of Christmas, I discovered that many of its customs have pagan origins. While this revelation might be startling, it underscores the importance of Yahweh’s call for believers to be set apart and holy, avoiding the adoption of worldly practices under the guise of Christianity.

For those intrigued to explore further, additional articles and videos are available, providing a comprehensive understanding of Christmas traditions. I urge you to prayerfully consider these revelations, seeking the courage and discernment to distance ourselves from heathen practices in alignment with God’s teachings.

To learn more:

In conclusion, I invite you to join me in prayer:

Father, grant us the strength to prioritize Your instructions above all else. Instill in us the courage and discernment to detach from traditions rooted in heathen or pagan origins, which stand contrary to Your teachings. May an awakening sweep through Your people worldwide, turning them away from worldly ways and toward Your divine path. Amen.



Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Test Everything Faithfully: A Call to Discernment

Ever caught in the flow of fervent teachings or ingrained traditions, but not sure whether or not they are truly based on God’s word? Maybe you even feel spirit led… but is it truly the Spirit or something else?

Dive into Apostle Paul’s timeless guidance on embracing the Spirit while critically evaluating every teaching against Scripture’s unchanging standards.

Let’s explore these insights more deeply:

  • Embrace and Evaluate: In 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22, Paul warns us not to stifle the Spirit or scorn prophecies but to test everything and cling to what is good. This balance is essential for maintaining the integrity of our faith journey.
  • The Power of Discernment: The challenge of discerning truth from deception is both a gift and a critical responsibility. Discernment ensures that our beliefs are rooted in truth rather than tradition.
  • Tradition vs. Truth: Paul’s exhortation to test everything shines a light on the necessity of scrutinizing widely accepted norms, such as the observance of Sabbath on Sunday. The cultural shift towards Sunday Sabbath lacks a clear biblical foundation. A careful examination of the disciples’ practices, pre and post Yeshua’s resurrection, reveals their adherence to the seventh-day Sabbath.
  • Unmasking Cultural Holidays: Explore the pagan roots intertwined with “Christian holidays” like Christmas and Easter. The historical roots often intertwine with pagan practices, challenging believers to scrutinize traditions inherited from generations past. The absence of biblical endorsement for these celebrations invites us to reevaluate their place in our faith.
  • Testing Cultural Assumptions: Investigate common yet inaccurate cultural representations of biblical events, such as the number of wise men visiting Jesus or the nativity scene’s setting. These explorations reveal how deeply cultural assumptions can distort biblical truths.

If I were to ask most people “How many wise men visited Jesus?”, most would say “three”. Fact is that we don’t know. The Bible does not say. It only says they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and we assume and teach three. It could be two or it could be five. One person can bring a gift of two items or two people can both bring the same item.

Similarly, nativity scenes almost always show the wise men at the stable where Yeshua was born. If you read the text, you will see this is not at all accurate. The star appeared when Yeshua was born. That is what triggered the wise men to plan and begin their journey. By the time they arrived, Yeshua was in a house, not a stable. We will also read later that Herod, understanding that Yeshua was born well ahead of the arrival of the Magi, ordered children up to two years old to be killed, not only newborns. (Matthew 2:1-12)

Conclusion: As we navigate the complex tapestry of faith and tradition, let Paul’s wisdom guide us. Embrace discernment to anchor our beliefs in the unchanging Word of God.

Call to Action: Commit to studying Scripture independently, challenging commonly accepted practices by comparing them with biblical teachings. Encourage others to embark on this journey of discernment and truth.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, grant us discerning hearts and minds. Guide us to hold fast to what is good and abstain from every form of evil. Illuminate the path of truth amid the complexities of cultural assumptions. May we, as Your children, stand firm on the foundation of Your Word. In Yeshua’s name, we pray, Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Grateful Praise for a Delivering God (Psalm 116)

How do you respond to a God who hears your cries and delivers you?

Psalm 116 is a heartfelt declaration of love and gratitude to God for His faithfulness in delivering the psalmist from distress. It reminds us of God’s attentive care and calls us to respond with a life of gratitude, obedience, and worship.

Key Verse:
“I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy.” – Psalm 116:1 (NIV)

Background Context:
Psalm 116 is one of the “Hallel” psalms, traditionally sung during Passover and other Jewish festivals. It reflects personal thanksgiving for God’s deliverance from a life-threatening situation. The psalmist’s words show deep love for God, gratitude for His salvation, and a commitment to living a life that honors Him. This psalm teaches us to trust God in times of trouble and to respond with praise and obedience when He answers our prayers.

(Continued and expanded after scripture.)

Psalm 116

Thanksgiving for Deliverance from Death.

     1I love the LORD, because He hears
My voice and my supplications.

      2Because He has inclined His ear to me,
Therefore I shall call upon Him as long as I live.

      3The cords of death encompassed me
And the terrors of Sheol came upon me;
I found distress and sorrow.

      4Then I called upon the name of the LORD:
“O LORD, I beseech You, save my life!”

      5Gracious is the LORD, and righteous;
Yes, our God is compassionate.

      6The LORD preserves the simple;
I was brought low, and He saved me.

      7Return to your rest, O my soul,
For the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.

      8For You have rescued my soul from death,
My eyes from tears,
My feet from stumbling.

      9I shall walk before the LORD
In the land of the living.

      10I believed when I said,
“I am greatly afflicted.”

      11I said in my alarm,
“All men are liars.”

      12What shall I render to the LORD
For all His benefits toward me?

      13I shall lift up the cup of salvation
And call upon the name of the LORD.

      14I shall pay my vows to the LORD,
Oh may it be in the presence of all His people.

      15Precious in the sight of the LORD
Is the death of His godly ones.

      16O LORD, surely I am Your servant,
I am Your servant, the son of Your handmaid,
You have loosed my bonds.

      17To You I shall offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving,
And call upon the name of the LORD.

      18I shall pay my vows to the LORD,
Oh may it be in the presence of all His people,

      19In the courts of the LORD’S house,
In the midst of you, O Jerusalem.
Praise the LORD!

Reflection on Psalm 116:

  • God Hears Our Cries: The psalmist begins with a declaration of love for God because He listens to their prayers: “He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy” (Psalm 116:1). This intimate assurance reminds us that God is attentive to the cries of His people. Are you bringing your troubles to God in prayer, trusting that He hears you? Take comfort in knowing that He is always listening and cares deeply for you.
  • God’s Deliverance Brings Gratitude: The psalmist recalls how God saved them from death and restored their soul, prompting deep gratitude and joy. When we experience God’s deliverance, whether from physical danger or spiritual struggles, it should lead us to thanksgiving. Are you pausing to thank God for the ways He has delivered you in the past? Reflect on His faithfulness and let gratitude overflow in your heart.
  • Walking in Obedience as a Response: The psalmist commits to walking before the Lord “in the land of the living” (Psalm 116:9). Gratitude for God’s deliverance should lead to a life of obedience and devotion. Are you living in a way that reflects your love for God? Seek to honor Him with your actions, knowing that obedience is a form of worship.
  • Paying Our Vows to the Lord: The psalmist resolves to fulfill their vows in the presence of God’s people as a public act of worship (Psalm 116:14). This shows the importance of following through on our commitments to God, especially in gratitude for His goodness. Are there promises or commitments you need to renew before God? Honor Him by living faithfully to what you have pledged.
  • Gratitude Leads to Worship: The psalmist’s response to God’s goodness is a life of worship and service. This includes lifting up “the cup of salvation” and calling on the name of the Lord (Psalm 116:13). True worship is rooted in recognizing God’s mercy and offering our lives as a response. How are you worshiping God in your daily life? Let your gratitude inspire acts of worship that honor His name.

Summary Key Points:

  • God Hears Our Prayers: He listens attentively to the cries of His people, offering mercy and compassion.
  • Deliverance Inspires Gratitude: Reflecting on God’s faithfulness leads to a heart full of thanksgiving.
  • Obedience Is a Response to God’s Mercy: Gratitude for God’s goodness should lead to a life of faithfulness and devotion.
  • Fulfill Your Commitments to God: Living out our promises and vows is an act of worship and gratitude.
  • Gratitude Fuels Worship: Recognizing God’s mercy prompts us to worship Him with our lives and actions.

Reflect on the ways God has delivered you in the past and take time to thank Him for His faithfulness. Commit to walking in obedience and fulfilling any vows or promises you have made to Him. Let your gratitude fuel acts of worship, both privately and publicly, as a testimony to God’s goodness. Seek to live a life that honors Him, recognizing His mercy and love in all you do.

Closing Prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for hearing our cries and delivering us from trouble. We are grateful for Your mercy and faithfulness in our lives. Help us to respond with gratitude, obedience, and worship, living in a way that honors You. Strengthen us to fulfill our commitments to You and to walk in Your ways. May our lives reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This devotional calls us to trust in God’s deliverance, respond with gratitude and obedience, and live lives of worship that reflect His goodness and mercy.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.