- Bible for Kids by LifeChurch.tv is an engaging and fun way to learn the Bible for kids.
- BibleMan Videos is an app where you can buy BibleMan videos at a reasonable price and have easily available for kids to watch.
- Cullen’s Abc’s Christian Apps teach kids hand motions to go with classic Christian songs.
- Jesus Loves Me by Listener Records is wonderful. My kids from younger than 2 to quite a few years older enjoy singing along.
- Kingdom Media provides a whole collection of great apps that are engaging and fun for my kids. We enjoy learning and studying God’s word together. Check them out.
- Noah’s Ark by Aguppy Productions
- Noah’s Ark Animal Sound Matching Game and Noah’s Ark Animal Name Matching Game are fun apps for younger kids.
- My Bible To Go is an interactive Bible app with touch activated elements and sounds on every page.
- My First Bible Stories provides favorite stories from the Bible, beautifully illustrated and simply retold for children ages 2+.
- The Beginner’s Bible available for iPad includes compelling narration, music, and sound effects for 94 Bible stories.
- The Word Search by Christian Family Games is a fun word search game focused on enjoying and learning the Bible.