The Day of the Lord: A Call to Humility and Repentance (Ezekiel 30)

Do you live with an awareness of the Lord’s power and judgment?

Ezekiel 30 speaks of the “Day of the Lord,” a time of divine judgment that calls us to humility and repentance.

Key Verse: “For the day is near, even the day of the Lord is near; it will be a day of clouds, the time of the Gentiles.” – Ezekiel 30:3 (NKJV)

Background Context: Ezekiel 30 is a prophecy against Egypt and its allies, warning of the impending judgment and destruction that will come upon them. This chapter emphasizes the certainty of God’s judgment and serves as a powerful reminder of His sovereignty over all nations. The “Day of the Lord” is a recurring theme in the Bible, symbolizing a time when God executes justice and righteousness.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Ezekiel 30

Lament over Egypt

      1The word of the LORD came again to me saying,

2“Son of man, prophesy and say, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD,
“Wail, ‘Alas for the day!’

      3“For the day is near,
Even the day of the LORD is near;
It will be a day of clouds,
A time of doom for the nations.

      4“A sword will come upon Egypt,
And anguish will be in Ethiopia;
When the slain fall in Egypt,
They take away her wealth,
And her foundations are torn down.

5“Ethiopia, Put, Lud, all Arabia, Libya and the people of the land that is in league will fall with them by the sword.”

      6‘Thus says the LORD,
“Indeed, those who support Egypt will fall
And the pride of her power will come down;
From Migdol to Syene
They will fall within her by the sword,”
Declares the Lord GOD.

      7“They will be desolate
In the midst of the desolated lands;
And her cities will be
In the midst of the devastated cities.

      8“And they will know that I am the LORD,
When I set a fire in Egypt
And all her helpers are broken.

9“On that day messengers will go forth from Me in ships to frighten secure Ethiopia; and anguish will be on them as on the day of Egypt; for behold, it comes!”

      10‘Thus says the Lord GOD,
“I will also make the hordes of Egypt cease
By the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon.

      11“He and his people with him,
The most ruthless of the nations,
Will be brought in to destroy the land;
And they will draw their swords against Egypt
And fill the land with the slain.

      12“Moreover, I will make the Nile canals dry
And sell the land into the hands of evil men.
And I will make the land desolate
And all that is in it,
By the hand of strangers; I the LORD have spoken.”

      13‘Thus says the Lord GOD,
“I will also destroy the idols
And make the images cease from Memphis.
And there will no longer be a prince in the land of Egypt;
And I will put fear in the land of Egypt.

      14“I will make Pathros desolate,
Set a fire in Zoan
And execute judgments on Thebes.

      15“I will pour out My wrath on Sin,
The stronghold of Egypt;
I will also cut off the hordes of Thebes.

      16“I will set a fire in Egypt;
Sin will writhe in anguish,
Thebes will be breached
And Memphis will have distresses daily.

      17“The young men of On and of Pi-beseth
Will fall by the sword,
And the women will go into captivity.

      18“In Tehaphnehes the day will be dark
When I break there the yoke bars of Egypt.
Then the pride of her power will cease in her;
A cloud will cover her,
And her daughters will go into captivity.

      19“Thus I will execute judgments on Egypt,
And they will know that I am the LORD.”’”

Victory for Babylon

20In the eleventh year, in the first month, on the seventh of the month, the word of the LORD came to me saying, 21“Son of man, I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and, behold, it has not been bound up for healing or wrapped with a bandage, that it may be strong to hold the sword. 22“Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Behold, I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt and will break his arms, both the strong and the broken; and I will make the sword fall from his hand. 23‘I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them among the lands. 24‘For I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon and put My sword in his hand; and I will break the arms of Pharaoh, so that he will groan before him with the groanings of a wounded man. 25‘Thus I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, but the arms of Pharaoh will fall. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I put My sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and he stretches it out against the land of Egypt. 26‘When I scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them among the lands, then they will know that I am the LORD.’”

Reflection on Ezekiel 30:

  • The Imminence of Judgment: The chapter opens with a declaration that the day of the Lord is near, bringing a time of darkness and turmoil (Ezekiel 30:1-3). This emphasizes the urgency and inevitability of God’s judgment.
  • Destruction of Egypt: The prophecy details the fall of Egypt and its allies, describing how they will be defeated and laid waste (Ezekiel 30:4-9). This serves as a sobering reminder that no nation, regardless of its power and wealth, is beyond God’s reach.
  • God’s Sovereignty: God declares that He will execute judgment on Egypt and break its pride (Ezekiel 30:10-12). This highlights His sovereignty and control over all events and nations.
  • The Purpose of Judgment: The chapter explains that the purpose of God’s judgment is so that the people will know that He is the Lord (Ezekiel 30:19). This underscores the redemptive aspect of divine judgment, intended to lead people to recognize God’s authority and turn to Him.

Summary Key Points:

  • The Day of the Lord: A time of divine judgment that brings justice and righteousness, reminding us of God’s sovereignty.
  • Certainty of Judgment: No nation or individual is beyond God’s reach; His judgment is inevitable and just.
  • Purpose of Judgment: God’s judgment serves to lead people to acknowledge His authority and turn to Him in repentance.
  • Call to Humility and Repentance: The prophecy against Egypt calls us to examine our own lives, repent of our sins, and humble ourselves before God.

Application: Let us live with a constant awareness of the Lord’s power and judgment. May we examine our hearts and lives, repenting of any sins and humbling ourselves before God. Let us recognize His sovereignty and authority over all things and strive to live in a way that honors Him. By doing so, we align ourselves with His will and prepare for the day of the Lord.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we acknowledge Your sovereignty and power over all nations and events. Help us to live with an awareness of Your judgment and to examine our hearts and lives. Grant us the humility to repent of our sins and turn to You with sincere hearts. May we recognize Your authority and live in a way that honors and glorifies You. Prepare us for the day of the Lord and keep us steadfast in our faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

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