Category Archives: Suffering / Adversity

The Quest for Wisdom: Exploring the Depths of God’s Knowledge (Job 28)

Have you ever found yourself in pursuit of wisdom, seeking to unravel life’s mysteries and understand the depths of God’s knowledge?

In Job 28, we journey into the heart of wisdom as Job contemplates the elusive nature of true understanding amidst the trials of life.

Join us as we delve into this profound chapter and uncover the treasures of wisdom hidden within its verses.

Reconnect: Job, amidst his suffering and debates with his friends, reflects deeply on the value and rarity of wisdom. In the preceding chapters, Job has wrestled with the questions of human suffering and the justice of God, leading him to ponder the ultimate source of wisdom in the midst of life’s uncertainties.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Job 28

Job Tells of Earth’s Treasures

1“Surely there is a mine for silver
And a place where they refine gold.

      2“Iron is taken from the dust,
And copper is smelted from rock.

      3Man puts an end to darkness,
And to the farthest limit he searches out
The rock in gloom and deep shadow.

      4“He sinks a shaft far from habitation,
Forgotten by the foot;
They hang and swing to and fro far from men.

      5“The earth, from it comes food,
And underneath it is turned up as fire.

      6“Its rocks are the source of sapphires,
And its dust contains gold.

      7“The path no bird of prey knows,
Nor has the falcon’s eye caught sight of it.

      8“The proud beasts have not trodden it,
Nor has the fierce lion passed over it.

      9“He puts his hand on the flint;
He overturns the mountains at the base.

      10“He hews out channels through the rocks,
And his eye sees anything precious.

      11“He dams up the streams from flowing,
And what is hidden he brings out to the light.

The Search for Wisdom Is Harder

12“But where can wisdom be found?
And where is the place of understanding?

      13“Man does not know its value,
Nor is it found in the land of the living.

      14“The deep says, ‘It is not in me’;
And the sea says, ‘It is not with me.’

      15“Pure gold cannot be given in exchange for it,
Nor can silver be weighed as its price.

      16“It cannot be valued in the gold of Ophir,
In precious onyx, or sapphire.

      17“Gold or glass cannot equal it,
Nor can it be exchanged for articles of fine gold.

      18“Coral and crystal are not to be mentioned;
And the acquisition of wisdom is above that of pearls.

      19“The topaz of Ethiopia cannot equal it,
Nor can it be valued in pure gold.

      20“Where then does wisdom come from?
And where is the place of understanding?

      21“Thus it is hidden from the eyes of all living
And concealed from the birds of the sky.

      22“Abaddon and Death say,
‘With our ears we have heard a report of it.’

      23“God understands its way,
And He knows its place.

      24“For He looks to the ends of the earth
And sees everything under the heavens.

      25“When He imparted weight to the wind
And meted out the waters by measure,

      26When He set a limit for the rain
And a course for the thunderbolt,

      27Then He saw it and declared it;
He established it and also searched it out.

      28“And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;
And to depart from evil is understanding.’”

Summary Key Points:

  1. The Search for Hidden Treasures (Job 28:1-11): Job begins by describing the diligent efforts of miners who delve deep into the earth, seeking precious metals and gems. He highlights the lengths to which humans will go in their pursuit of material wealth, yet acknowledges that true wisdom cannot be bought or found through earthly means.
  2. Wisdom’s Priceless Value (Job 28:12-22): Job contemplates the immeasurable worth of wisdom, comparing it to treasures such as gold, silver, and precious stones. He recognizes that wisdom is beyond the reach of mortal beings and can only be found in reverence for God, who alone understands its true essence.
  3. God’s Revelation of Wisdom (Job 28:23-28): Job concludes by affirming that true wisdom originates with God, who comprehends its depths and has established its principles in the order of creation. He asserts that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, emphasizing the importance of humility and reverence in our pursuit of understanding.

Call to Action:

As we reflect on the wisdom found in Job 28, let’s consider how we can apply its timeless truths to our lives:

  1. Seek Wisdom from God: Instead of relying solely on human intellect or worldly knowledge, commit to seeking wisdom from God through prayer, meditation on His Word, and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit. Recognize that true wisdom begins with reverence for God and a humble heart.
  2. Value Wisdom Above Material Wealth: In a world that often prioritizes material gain and success, remember the priceless value of wisdom that far surpasses earthly treasures. Cultivate a heart that treasures wisdom above riches, recognizing its eternal significance and transformative power in our lives.
  3. Live Wisely in All Areas of Life: Let wisdom guide your decisions, actions, and interactions with others. Embrace discernment, prudence, and sound judgment in your daily choices, seeking to honor God in all that you do. Allow the wisdom of God to shape your character and influence those around you for His glory.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the wisdom revealed in Job 28 and throughout your Word. Grant us the humility to recognize our need for true wisdom that comes from you alone. As we journey through life’s uncertainties, guide us by your Spirit, leading us in paths of wisdom and understanding. May we walk in reverence before you, seeking to honor you with our lives and decisions. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Job’s Unwavering Integrity: A Stand for Righteousness (Job 27)

Have you ever faced a situation where you had to stand your ground, holding onto your principles and integrity despite overwhelming challenges?

Job enters a critical phase where he affirms his unwavering integrity despite the immense suffering and accusations he endures. Join us as we delve into Job 27 to explore the depths of his resolve and the timeless lessons it offers.

Reconnect: In the preceding chapters, Job has engaged in intense debates with his friends, who continue to assert that his suffering is a result of his own sins. In Job 27, Job maintains his innocence and reaffirms his commitment to righteousness, providing insight into his unwavering integrity.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Job 27

Job Affirms His Righteousness

      1Then Job continued his discourse and said,

      2“As God lives, who has taken away my right,
And the Almighty, who has embittered my soul,

      3For as long as life is in me,
And the breath of God is in my nostrils,

      4My lips certainly will not speak unjustly,
Nor will my tongue mutter deceit.

      5“Far be it from me that I should declare you right;
Till I die I will not put away my integrity from me.

      6“I hold fast my righteousness and will not let it go.
My heart does not reproach any of my days.

The State of the Godless

7“May my enemy be as the wicked
And my opponent as the unjust.

      8“For what is the hope of the godless when he is cut off,
When God requires his life?

      9“Will God hear his cry
When distress comes upon him?

      10“Will he take delight in the Almighty?
Will he call on God at all times?

      11“I will instruct you in the power of God;
What is with the Almighty I will not conceal.

      12“Behold, all of you have seen it;
Why then do you act foolishly?

      13“This is the portion of a wicked man from God,
And the inheritance which tyrants receive from the Almighty.

      14“Though his sons are many, they are destined for the sword;
And his descendants will not be satisfied with bread.

      15“His survivors will be buried because of the plague,
And their widows will not be able to weep.

      16“Though he piles up silver like dust
And prepares garments as plentiful as the clay,

      17He may prepare it, but the just will wear it
And the innocent will divide the silver.

      18“He has built his house like the spider’s web,
Or as a hut which the watchman has made.

      19“He lies down rich, but never again;
He opens his eyes, and it is no longer.

      20“Terrors overtake him like a flood;
A tempest steals him away in the night.

      21“The east wind carries him away, and he is gone,
For it whirls him away from his place.

      22“For it will hurl at him without sparing;
He will surely try to flee from its power.

      23Men will clap their hands at him
And will hiss him from his place.

Summary Key Points:

  1. Job’s Oath of Integrity: Job opens chapter 27 by taking a solemn oath, asserting his righteousness and vowing not to give up his integrity. He declares that as long as he lives, he will not speak falsely or renounce his honesty.
  2. Rejection of Hypocrisy: Job passionately denounces the fate of the wicked, describing their eventual downfall and the fleeting nature of their prosperity. He makes it clear that he will not become like the hypocrites who pretend to be righteous but ultimately face judgment.
  3. The Permanence of God’s Justice: Job’s discourse emphasizes his unwavering belief in God’s justice. He asserts that the wicked may experience temporary success, but ultimately, God’s justice will prevail, and the righteous will inherit the blessings.

Call to Action:

As we reflect on Job’s unwavering integrity in chapter 27, let’s draw valuable lessons for our own lives:

  1. Uphold Your Integrity: Job’s commitment to maintaining his integrity in the face of adversity serves as a powerful example. In our own lives, let’s resolve to uphold our principles, even when it’s difficult.
  2. Reject Hypocrisy: Job’s strong words against hypocrisy remind us to be authentic in our faith and actions. Avoid pretending to be something you’re not; instead, let your actions align with your beliefs.
  3. Trust in God’s Justice: Job’s trust in God’s ultimate justice is a source of hope and reassurance. Even in challenging times, trust that God’s justice will prevail, and righteousness will be rewarded.
  4. Prayer: Take a few minutes to pray, asking for the strength to maintain your integrity, reject hypocrisy, and trust in God’s justice in your life and in the world.

Engage in Discussion: Share your thoughts on Job’s unwavering integrity and how it inspires you in your own life. Discuss these important principles with friends and family, and feel free to leave your comments below to continue the conversation.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Job Rebukes Bildad While Acknowledging God’s Unfathomable Power (Job 26)

Have you ever found yourself frustrated by well-intentioned advice that misses the mark, leaving you longing for deeper understanding and meaning in the face of life’s challenges?

In Job 26, we witness Job’s response to Bildad’s counsel, which falls short of addressing the profound mysteries of his suffering. Join us as we delve into Job’s rebuke of Bildad and his awe-inspiring acknowledgment of God’s incomparable power amidst ongoing tension with his friends.

Reconnect: In the preceding chapters, Job has been locked in a heated debate with his friends, who insist that his afflictions are a result of his own sin. Job maintains his innocence and wrestles with the mysteries of his suffering.

Now, in Job 26, he responds to Bildad’s speech by agreeing that God’s unmatched might is obvious but calling out the inadequacy of his friend’s counsel.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Job 26

Job Rebukes Bildad

      1Then Job responded,

      2“What a help you are to the weak!
How you have saved the arm without strength!

      3“What counsel you have given to one without wisdom!
What helpful insight you have abundantly provided!

      4“To whom have you uttered words?
And whose spirit was expressed through you?

The Greatness of God

5“The departed spirits tremble
Under the waters and their inhabitants.

      6“Naked is Sheol before Him,
And Abaddon has no covering.

      7“He stretches out the north over empty space
And hangs the earth on nothing.

      8“He wraps up the waters in His clouds,
And the cloud does not burst under them.

      9“He obscures the face of the full moon
And spreads His cloud over it.

      10“He has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters
At the boundary of light and darkness.

      11“The pillars of heaven tremble
And are amazed at His rebuke.

      12“He quieted the sea with His power,
And by His understanding He shattered Rahab.

      13“By His breath the heavens are cleared;
His hand has pierced the fleeing serpent.

      14“Behold, these are the fringes of His ways;
And how faint a word we hear of Him!
But His mighty thunder, who can understand?”

Summary Key Points:

  1. Job’s Rebuke of Bildad: Job begins his response by rebuking Bildad’s unhelpful counsel, highlighting its failure to provide answers to his deep questions about suffering.
  2. God’s Unfathomable Power: Job praises God’s incomprehensible power, emphasizing His ability to suspend the earth over nothingness and to govern the universe with divine wisdom.
  3. Ongoing Tension: This passage illustrates the ongoing tension between Job and his friends, as he challenges their understanding and seeks deeper insights into the mysteries of his suffering.
  4. Job’s Profound Acknowledgment: Despite the disagreements and frustrations, Job acknowledges the majesty of God’s creation, underscoring the humility that comes with recognizing our human limitations.

Call to Action: Let Job’s response remind us of the importance of seeking a deeper understanding of God’s ways in the midst of life’s challenges. Reflect on moments when well-intentioned advice fell short and left you seeking a higher wisdom. Offer a prayer for wisdom and guidance in times of uncertainty and frustration.

Prayer: Gracious God, we acknowledge Your unfathomable wisdom and power. Help us to seek deeper understanding in times of confusion and frustration. Grant us the humility to recognize our limitations and the patience to await Your divine answers. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Discussion: Share your thoughts on Job’s rebuke of Bildad and the ongoing tension between Job and his friends. Reflect on the importance of seeking deeper understanding and wisdom when facing life’s profound questions. Engage in a conversation with friends or family, exploring the significance of humility in our faith journey.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

The Incomparable God: Bildad’s Reflection (Job 25)

Hook: Have you ever found yourself utterly awed by the greatness of God, leaving you at a loss for words to describe His immense power and wisdom?

In Job 25, Bildad the Shuhite offers a brief reflection on the incomparable nature of God, emphasizing that, in comparison, none of us are without sin, not even Job.

Join us as we delve into this concise yet profound passage and gain a deeper understanding of the majesty of our Creator.

Reconnect: As we delve into Job 25, we find Bildad continuing his discourse in response to Job’s lamentations and questions. In the previous chapters, Job has expressed his deep anguish and desire to present his case before God. Bildad’s words here offer a perspective on God’s absolute holiness and supremacy. It’s worth noting that Bildad’s answer, like those of his friends, continues to suggest that Job’s suffering is a consequence of his sin—a notion that Job vehemently rejects, leading to an ongoing theological debate.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Job 25

Bildad Says Man Is Inferior

      1Then Bildad the Shuhite answered,

      2“Dominion and awe belong to Him
Who establishes peace in His heights.

      3“Is there any number to His troops?
And upon whom does His light not rise?

      4“How then can a man be just with God?
Or how can he be clean who is born of woman?

      5“If even the moon has no brightness
And the stars are not pure in His sight,

      6How much less man, that maggot,
And the son of man, that worm!”

Summary Key Points:

  1. God’s Unapproachable Holiness: Bildad begins by acknowledging the inaccessibility of God’s holiness. He describes God as the One who brings order to the heavens and possesses unapproachable majesty. This recognition underscores the vast gulf between humanity and the Creator.
  2. Human Insignificance: Bildad highlights the frailty and imperfection of humanity when compared to the purity and perfection of God. He asks a rhetorical question: “How then can man be righteous before God?” This question serves as a reminder that human righteousness falls short in the presence of divine holiness.
  3. The Need for Mediation: Bildad’s words indirectly point to the need for a mediator between humanity and God. Recognizing the vast chasm that separates us from God’s holiness, Bildad implies the necessity of someone who can bridge that gap—a role that foreshadows the ultimate Mediator, Jesus Christ.
  4. Job’s Ongoing Search: While Bildad’s words emphasize the unapproachable nature of God, they do not offer comfort or resolution to Job’s suffering. Job continues to seek answers and understanding, grappling with the profound mysteries of his circumstances and God’s ways.

Call to Action: As we reflect on Job 25, let us also contemplate the incomparable holiness and greatness of our Creator. Take a moment to meditate on the majesty of God and the inherent limitations of human righteousness.

In times of struggle and questioning, remember that God is beyond our comprehension, yet He invites us into a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ, our Mediator. Seek a deeper understanding of His holiness, and allow it to inspire awe and reverence in your heart.

Prayer: Almighty God, we stand in awe of Your unapproachable holiness and majesty. Help us to recognize our limitations and imperfections in comparison to Your perfection. Thank you for providing Jesus as our Mediator, bridging the gap between us and Your holiness. May we continually seek a deeper understanding of Your greatness and approach You with reverence. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Exploring the Mystery of God’s Justice: Why Are the Wicked Not Punished? (Job 24)

Have you ever pondered the apparent success of those who act wickedly, seemingly untouched by the consequences of their actions?

In the Book of Job, we encounter a chapter that delves into the mystery of why the wicked sometimes prosper while the innocent suffer. Job’s contemplation leads us to explore the ways of the wicked and the justice of God.

Reconnect: As we continue our journey through the Book of Job, we find Job still wrestling with his suffering, while his friends offer various explanations for his afflictions. Despite their debates, Job remains steadfast in declaring his innocence and in the pursuit of understanding God’s ways.

(Summarized and continued after the  scripture)

Job 24

Job Says God Seems to Ignore Wrongs

1“Why are times not stored up by the Almighty,
And why do those who know Him not see His days?

      2“Some remove the landmarks;
They seize and devour flocks.

      3“They drive away the donkeys of the orphans;
They take the widow’s ox for a pledge.

      4“They push the needy aside from the road;
The poor of the land are made to hide themselves altogether.

      5“Behold, as wild donkeys in the wilderness
They go forth seeking food in their activity,
As bread for their children in the desert.

      6“They harvest their fodder in the field
And glean the vineyard of the wicked.

      7“They spend the night naked, without clothing,
And have no covering against the cold.

      8“They are wet with the mountain rains
And hug the rock for want of a shelter.

      9“Others snatch the orphan from the breast,
And against the poor they take a pledge.

      10“They cause the poor to go about naked without clothing,
And they take away the sheaves from the hungry.

      11“Within the walls they produce oil;
They tread wine presses but thirst.

      12“From the city men groan,
And the souls of the wounded cry out;
Yet God does not pay attention to folly.

      13“Others have been with those who rebel against the light;
They do not want to know its ways
Nor abide in its paths.

      14“The murderer arises at dawn;
He kills the poor and the needy,
And at night he is as a thief.

      15“The eye of the adulterer waits for the twilight,
Saying, ‘No eye will see me.’
And he disguises his face.

      16“In the dark they dig into houses,
They shut themselves up by day;
They do not know the light.

      17“For the morning is the same to him as thick darkness,
For he is familiar with the terrors of thick darkness.

      18“They are insignificant on the surface of the water;
Their portion is cursed on the earth.
They do not turn toward the vineyards.

      19“Drought and heat consume the snow waters,
So does Sheol those who have sinned.

      20“A mother will forget him;
The worm feeds sweetly till he is no longer remembered.
And wickedness will be broken like a tree.

      21“He wrongs the barren woman
And does no good for the widow.

      22“But He drags off the valiant by His power;
He rises, but no one has assurance of life.

      23“He provides them with security, and they are supported;
And His eyes are on their ways.

      24“They are exalted a little while, then they are gone;
Moreover, they are brought low and like everything gathered up;
Even like the heads of grain they are cut off.

      25“Now if it is not so, who can prove me a liar,
And make my speech worthless?”

Summary Key Points:

  1. The Unpunished Wicked: In Job 24, Job questions why the wicked often seem to escape punishment for their deeds. He observes how they exploit the vulnerable, take advantage of the helpless, and go about their wickedness without apparent consequences. This perplexing reality prompts Job to reflect on the seeming absence of divine justice in the world.
  2. The Cry of the Afflicted: Amid his contemplation, Job highlights the cries of the oppressed and the afflicted. He emphasizes the anguish of those who suffer at the hands of the wicked, emphasizing their desperate pleas for relief. Job’s reflections draw attention to the harsh conditions endured by the innocent.
  3. God’s Timing and Justice: While Job acknowledges the apparent success of the wicked, he doesn’t lose sight of God’s ultimate justice. He recognizes that, even though justice may not be immediate, the wicked will face their reckoning in due time. Job’s insights remind us that God’s timing may differ from our own, but His justice is certain.
  4. Application for Our Lives: Job’s contemplation prompts us to consider the existence of wickedness and injustice in the world. It reminds us that we live in a fallen world where the wicked may sometimes prosper, and the innocent suffer. However, we are encouraged to maintain our faith in God’s ultimate justice, even when we cannot fully comprehend His ways.

Call to Action: Take a moment to reflect on the injustices you may have observed or experienced in the world. Just as Job questioned the ways of the wicked, consider how you can advocate for justice and support those who are oppressed. Pray for God’s guidance in seeking justice and trust in His ultimate plan for righteousness.

Additionally, share your thoughts and engage in discussions with friends and family about the complex issues of justice, wickedness, and the role of faith in navigating these challenges.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

When Friends Offer Troubling Advice (Job 22)

Have you ever experienced the frustration of receiving well-intentioned advice that seems far from the mark?

In life’s most challenging moments, we often turn to friends for support and guidance, but sometimes their counsel can miss the mark entirely. Job faced similar experiences, especially in the dialogue found in Job 22.

Let’s explore the lessons we can learn from Job’s encounters with his friends.

Reconnect: In the preceding chapters of the Book of Job, we witness Job’s ongoing suffering and his friends’ attempts to explain it as a result of his sins, reflecting the idea that suffering is always a consequence of personal sin. In contrast, Job stands emphatically behind his innocence, challenging this simplistic view of suffering as divine punishment for personal wrongdoing.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Job 22

Eliphaz Accuses and Exhorts Job

      1Then Eliphaz the Temanite responded,

      2“Can a vigorous man be of use to God,
Or a wise man be useful to himself?

      3“Is there any pleasure to the Almighty if you are righteous,
Or profit if you make your ways perfect?

      4“Is it because of your reverence that He reproves you,
That He enters into judgment against you?

      5“Is not your wickedness great,
And your iniquities without end?

      6“For you have taken pledges of your brothers without cause,
And stripped men naked.

      7“To the weary you have given no water to drink,
And from the hungry you have withheld bread.

      8“But the earth belongs to the mighty man,
And the honorable man dwells in it.

      9“You have sent widows away empty,
And the strength of the orphans has been crushed.

      10“Therefore snares surround you,
And sudden dread terrifies you,

      11Or darkness, so that you cannot see,
And an abundance of water covers you.

      12“Is not God in the height of heaven?
Look also at the distant stars, how high they are!

      13“You say, ‘What does God know?
Can He judge through the thick darkness?

      14‘Clouds are a hiding place for Him, so that He cannot see;
And He walks on the vault of heaven.’

      15“Will you keep to the ancient path
Which wicked men have trod,

      16Who were snatched away before their time,
Whose foundations were washed away by a river?

      17“They said to God, ‘Depart from us!’
And ‘What can the Almighty do to them?’

      18“Yet He filled their houses with good things;
But the counsel of the wicked is far from me.

      19“The righteous see and are glad,
And the innocent mock them,

      20Saying, ‘Truly our adversaries are cut off,
And their abundance the fire has consumed.’

      21“Yield now and be at peace with Him;
Thereby good will come to you.

      22“Please receive instruction from His mouth
And establish His words in your heart.

      23“If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored;
If you remove unrighteousness far from your tent,

      24And place your gold in the dust,
And the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brooks,

      25Then the Almighty will be your gold
And choice silver to you.

      26“For then you will delight in the Almighty
And lift up your face to God.

      27“You will pray to Him, and He will hear you;
And you will pay your vows.

      28“You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you;
And light will shine on your ways.

      29“When you are cast down, you will speak with confidence,
And the humble person He will save.

      30“He will deliver one who is not innocent,
And he will be delivered through the cleanness of your hands.”

Summary Key Points:

  1. Eliphaz’s Accusations: In Job 22, Eliphaz, one of Job’s friends, offers a harsh rebuke to Job, accusing him of various sins. He suggests that Job’s suffering is a direct result of his wickedness, asserting that God punishes the wicked and rewards the righteous. Eliphaz’s accusations reflect a common belief that suffering is always a consequence of personal sin.
  2. Lessons in Empathy: Job’s experience with his friends reminds us of the importance of empathy and sensitivity when offering counsel to those in distress. While Eliphaz and others may have had good intentions, their failure to understand the depth of Job’s suffering and their rush to judgment illustrate the need for compassion in difficult times. They were trying to solve the problem instead of simply comforting and encouraging their friend.
  3. Seeking God’s Perspective: Job’s story prompts us to seek God’s perspective in times of suffering. Instead of jumping to conclusions or offering quick answers, we should approach the suffering of others with humility and prayer, recognizing that we may not fully comprehend God’s purposes.

Call to Action: As we reflect on Job 22, let us strive to be empathetic listeners and companions to those facing trials. Rather than making hasty judgments or providing easy explanations, let us pray for discernment and seek God’s perspective. When comforting friends in times of suffering, may we offer not only words of encouragement but also the gift of understanding and empathy.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the lessons found in the Book of Job. Help us to be compassionate and understanding friends to those in times of suffering. Grant us the wisdom to seek Your perspective and guidance when comforting others, and may our words and actions reflect Your love and grace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Discussion Prompt: Share a personal experience where you received counsel from a well-meaning friend that missed the mark. How did it make you feel, and what did you learn from that experience? How can we apply the lessons from Job’s story to our interactions with those facing trials?

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Contemplating the Prosperity of the Wicked (Job 21)

Have you ever been engaged in a deep conversation where your find yourself responding to something hurtful that someone else has said to you?

Job finds himself in such a conversation as he responds to the arguments put forth by his friends. In Job 21, we delve into Job’s contemplation of the prosperity of the wicked, which serves as a counter-argument to his friends’ assertions.

Reconnect: In the previous chapter, we witnessed Zophar, one of Job’s friends, presenting his perspective on the fate of the wicked. Zophar discussed the apparent success of the wicked and their eventual downfall, emphasizing divine judgment. Job now responds to these ideas, providing a unique perspective on the topic.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Job 21

Job Says God Will Deal with the Wicked

      1Then Job answered,

      2“Listen carefully to my speech,
And let this be your way of consolation.

      3“Bear with me that I may speak;
Then after I have spoken, you may mock.

      4“As for me, is my complaint to man?
And why should I not be impatient?

      5“Look at me, and be astonished,
And put your hand over your mouth.

      6“Even when I remember, I am disturbed,
And horror takes hold of my flesh.

      7“Why do the wicked still live,
Continue on, also become very powerful?

      8“Their descendants are established with them in their sight,
And their offspring before their eyes,

      9Their houses are safe from fear,
And the rod of God is not on them.

      10“His ox mates without fail;
His cow calves and does not abort.

      11“They send forth their little ones like the flock,
And their children skip about.

      12“They sing to the timbrel and harp
And rejoice at the sound of the flute.

      13“They spend their days in prosperity,
And suddenly they go down to Sheol.

      14“They say to God, ‘Depart from us!
We do not even desire the knowledge of Your ways.

      15‘Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him,
And what would we gain if we entreat Him?’

      16“Behold, their prosperity is not in their hand;
The counsel of the wicked is far from me.

      17“How often is the lamp of the wicked put out,
Or does their calamity fall on them?
Does God apportion destruction in His anger?

      18“Are they as straw before the wind,
And like chaff which the storm carries away?

      19You say, ‘God stores away a man’s iniquity for his sons.’
Let God repay him so that he may know it.

      20“Let his own eyes see his decay,
And let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty.

      21“For what does he care for his household after him,
When the number of his months is cut off?

      22“Can anyone teach God knowledge,
In that He judges those on high?

      23“One dies in his full strength,
Being wholly at ease and satisfied;

      24His sides are filled out with fat,
And the marrow of his bones is moist,

      25While another dies with a bitter soul,
Never even tasting anything good.

      26“Together they lie down in the dust,
And worms cover them.

      27“Behold, I know your thoughts,
And the plans by which you would wrong me.

      28“For you say, ‘Where is the house of the nobleman,
And where is the tent, the dwelling places of the wicked?’

      29“Have you not asked wayfaring men,
And do you not recognize their witness?

      30“For the wicked is reserved for the day of calamity;
They will be led forth at the day of fury.

      31“Who will confront him with his actions,
And who will repay him for what he has done?

      32“While he is carried to the grave,
Men will keep watch over his tomb.

      33“The clods of the valley will gently cover him;
Moreover, all men will follow after him,
While countless ones go before him.

      34“How then will you vainly comfort me,
For your answers remain full of falsehood?”

Summary Key Points:

  1. Job’s Counter-Argument: Job offers a thought-provoking counter-argument to his friends’ assertions about the fate of the wicked. He acknowledges the reality that, at times, the wicked do indeed prosper, enjoying long lives, secure households, flourishing children, and abundant possessions.
  2. Questioning Divine Justice: Job’s response raises profound questions about divine justice. He wonders aloud why the wicked appear to escape suffering while they mock God and live without fear of divine retribution.
  3. The Unpredictability of Life: Job highlights the unpredictability of life, where both the righteous and the wicked may face suffering or prosperity, challenging the simplistic views of his friends.

Job’s response encourages us to reflect on the complexities of life and divine justice. Have you ever grappled with the apparent prosperity of those who seem far from righteous? Take time to pray and seek God’s wisdom in understanding the mysteries of life’s experiences and His divine plan.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we humbly seek Your wisdom and guidance as we navigate life’s complexities. Help us to understand the mysteries of Your divine justice and the unpredictable nature of our journey. Grant us discernment and a heart filled with compassion. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Discussion: Share your thoughts on the questions raised by Job’s response. Have you ever questioned why the wicked appear to prosper while living in defiance of God? Engage in meaningful discussions with friends and family, and feel free to share your reflections in the comments below.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

The Illusion of Success in Wickedness (Job 20)

Have you ever encountered individuals who appear to thrive in their wicked ways, seemingly experiencing prolonged success?

It can be perplexing and disheartening to witness.

In Job 20, we explore the insights shared by Job’s friends as they grapple with the notion that the wicked can prosper for an extended period, leading us to consider the ultimate judgment that awaits them in the presence of God.

Reconnect: In the Book of Job, we find ourselves amidst a series of intense dialogues between Job and his friends. Job has been enduring unimaginable suffering, and his friends, including Zophar, have been attempting to explain the reasons behind his trials. Job’s friends continue to hold to the belief that Job’s suffering is a consequence of his sin, leading to their ongoing discussions and debates.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Job 20

Zophar Says, “The Triumph of the Wicked Is Short”

      1Then Zophar the Naamathite answered,

      2“Therefore my disquieting thoughts make me respond,
Even because of my inward agitation.

      3“I listened to the reproof which insults me,
And the spirit of my understanding makes me answer.

      4“Do you know this from of old,
From the establishment of man on earth,

      5That the triumphing of the wicked is short,
And the joy of the godless momentary?

      6“Though his loftiness reaches the heavens,
And his head touches the clouds,

      7He perishes forever like his refuse;
Those who have seen him will say, ‘Where is he?’

      8“He flies away like a dream, and they cannot find him;
Even like a vision of the night he is chased away.

      9“The eye which saw him sees him no longer,
And his place no longer beholds him.

      10“His sons favor the poor,
And his hands give back his wealth.

      11“His bones are full of his youthful vigor,
But it lies down with him in the dust.

      12“Though evil is sweet in his mouth
And he hides it under his tongue,

      13Though he desires it and will not let it go,
But holds it in his mouth,

      14Yet his food in his stomach is changed
To the venom of cobras within him.

      15“He swallows riches,
But will vomit them up;
God will expel them from his belly.

      16“He sucks the poison of cobras;
The viper’s tongue slays him.

      17“He does not look at the streams,
The rivers flowing with honey and curds.

      18“He returns what he has attained
And cannot swallow it;
As to the riches of his trading,
He cannot even enjoy them.

      19“For he has oppressed and forsaken the poor;
He has seized a house which he has not built.

      20“Because he knew no quiet within him,
He does not retain anything he desires.

      21“Nothing remains for him to devour,
Therefore his prosperity does not endure.

      22“In the fullness of his plenty he will be cramped;
The hand of everyone who suffers will come against him.

      23“When he fills his belly,
God will send His fierce anger on him
And will rain it on him while he is eating.

      24“He may flee from the iron weapon,
But the bronze bow will pierce him.

      25“It is drawn forth and comes out of his back,
Even the glittering point from his gall.
Terrors come upon him,

      26Complete darkness is held in reserve for his treasures,
And unfanned fire will devour him;
It will consume the survivor in his tent.

      27“The heavens will reveal his iniquity,
And the earth will rise up against him.

      28“The increase of his house will depart;
His possessions will flow away in the day of His anger.

      29“This is the wicked man’s portion from God,
Even the heritage decreed to him by God.”

Summary Key Points:

  1. Zophar’s Perspective: In Job 20, Zophar offers his perspective on the fate of the wicked. He presents the idea that the wicked may experience periods of success, giving the impression that they thrive in their wickedness.
  2. Apparent Prosperity: Zophar paints a vivid picture of the wicked’s apparent prosperity, describing their opulent lifestyles, flourishing enterprises, and the illusion of sustained triumph.
  3. The Swift Demise: Despite their success, Zophar warns that the wicked will eventually face a sudden and irreversible downfall. He speaks of God’s judgment, which will ultimately overtake them.

Let us reflect on the ongoing discussions in the Book of Job and consider the choices we make in our lives. Have you ever questioned why the wicked seem to prosper? Take a moment to pray for discernment in understanding divine justice and to seek God’s guidance in your own journey.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we come before you seeking wisdom and discernment. Help us understand the complexities of divine justice, especially when we witness the apparent success of the wicked. Guide us in our own choices, and may we trust in your ultimate judgment. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Discussion: Share your thoughts on the challenges posed by the success of the wicked. Have you questioned why it seems that sometimes they thrive?

Engage in discussions with friends and family, and feel free to comment below to share your insights and reflections.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Job’s Cry of Faith and Hope (Job 19)

Have you ever felt so utterly alone, as if the world had turned against you, and there was no one left to comfort or understand your pain?

Imagine the depths of despair and suffering, and yet, within that darkness, a glimmer of faith and hope emerges. This is the essence of Job’s remarkable story, particularly in Job 19.

Before delving into Job 19, let’s briefly recap the preceding chapters of Job.

Job, a righteous man, faced a series of devastating trials, including the loss of his wealth, health, and children. In his suffering, Job’s friends came to offer comfort but ended up accusing him of hidden sin as the cause of his afflictions. Despite this, Job has maintained his faith in God while wrestling with the questions of suffering and justice. In this chapter, we witness Job’s unwavering hope in the midst of his suffering.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Job 19

Job Feels Insulted

      1Then Job responded,

      2“How long will you torment me
And crush me with words?

      3“These ten times you have insulted me;
You are not ashamed to wrong me.

      4“Even if I have truly erred,
My error lodges with me.

      5“If indeed you vaunt yourselves against me
And prove my disgrace to me,

      6Know then that God has wronged me
And has closed His net around me.

Everything Is against Him

7“Behold, I cry, ‘Violence!’ but I get no answer;
I shout for help, but there is no justice.

      8“He has walled up my way so that I cannot pass,
And He has put darkness on my paths.

      9“He has stripped my honor from me
And removed the crown from my head.

      10“He breaks me down on every side, and I am gone;
And He has uprooted my hope like a tree.

      11“He has also kindled His anger against me
And considered me as His enemy.

      12“His troops come together,
And build up their way against me
And camp around my tent.

      13“He has removed my brothers far from me,
And my acquaintances are completely estranged from me.

      14“My relatives have failed,
And my intimate friends have forgotten me.

      15“Those who live in my house and my maids consider me a stranger.
I am a foreigner in their sight.

      16“I call to my servant, but he does not answer;
I have to implore him with my mouth.

      17“My breath is offensive to my wife,
And I am loathsome to my own brothers.

      18“Even young children despise me;
I rise up and they speak against me.

      19“All my associates abhor me,
And those I love have turned against me.

      20“My bone clings to my skin and my flesh,
And I have escaped only by the skin of my teeth.

      21“Pity me, pity me, O you my friends,
For the hand of God has struck me.

      22“Why do you persecute me as God does,
And are not satisfied with my flesh?

Job Says, “My Redeemer Lives”

23“Oh that my words were written!
Oh that they were inscribed in a book!

      24“That with an iron stylus and lead
They were engraved in the rock forever!

      25“As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives,
And at the last He will take His stand on the earth.

      26“Even after my skin is destroyed,
Yet from my flesh I shall see God;

      27Whom I myself shall behold,
And whom my eyes will see and not another.
My heart faints within me!

      28“If you say, ‘How shall we persecute him?’
And ‘What pretext for a case against him can we find?’

      29Then be afraid of the sword for yourselves,
For wrath brings the punishment of the sword,
So that you may know there is judgment.”

Summary Key Points:

  1. Job’s Profound Suffering: Job’s afflictions have reached an unbearable point. He is physically and emotionally tormented, covered in painful sores, and surrounded by friends who misunderstand and accuse him.
  2. A Cry for a Redeemer: Despite his anguish, Job clings to a glimmer of hope—a hope in a Redeemer who will vindicate him. In the midst of despair, he expresses an unwavering belief that his Redeemer lives and will one day stand upon the earth.
  3. Resilience in Faith: Job’s story teaches us the power of resilience in faith. Even when life’s circumstances seem utterly bleak, when it appears that God has turned against us, we can still hold on to the hope of redemption and restoration.
  4. The Promise of Restoration: Job’s cry for a Redeemer foreshadows the ultimate redemption we find in Jesus Christ. In Christ, we have a Redeemer who not only vindicates us but also offers us salvation and eternal life.

As we contemplate Job’s remarkable faith amid suffering, let us consider our own trials and tribulations. Are there moments in our lives when we, like Job, feel abandoned and afflicted? Take comfort in knowing that our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, is alive and present in our struggles.

Let us pray:

Dear Heavenly Father, in our moments of despair and suffering, we thank you for the hope we find in Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Just as Job clung to the belief in his Redeemer, help us to hold on to the assurance of salvation and restoration through Christ. Strengthen our faith and grant us resilience in the face of adversity. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Discussion and Comment: Have you ever experienced a moment of deep suffering where your faith was tested? How did you find hope and resilience during that time? Share your thoughts, engage in meaningful discussions with others, and leave your comments below.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Bildad’s Condemnation: The Unrelenting Words of Job’s Friend (Job 18)

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation where the words spoken cut like a sharpened blade?

Where someone’s words seem to pour salt into your wounds instead of offering comfort?

In the Book of Job, we encounter such a conversation, as Bildad, one of Job’s friends, responds to Job’s ongoing suffering with unrelenting words of condemnation.

Reconnect: Before we delve into Job 18, let’s recall the context. Job, a righteous man, has experienced unimaginable suffering—losing his wealth, health, and family. His friends Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar have come to offer comfort, but their words have often been filled with accusations that Job’s suffering is the result of some hidden sin.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Job 18

Bildad Speaks of the Wicked

      1Then Bildad the Shuhite responded,

      2“How long will you hunt for words?
Show understanding and then we can talk.

      3“Why are we regarded as beasts,
As stupid in your eyes?

      4“O you who tear yourself in your anger—
For your sake is the earth to be abandoned,
Or the rock to be moved from its place?

      5“Indeed, the light of the wicked goes out,
And the flame of his fire gives no light.

      6“The light in his tent is darkened,
And his lamp goes out above him.

      7“His vigorous stride is shortened,
And his own scheme brings him down.

      8“For he is thrown into the net by his own feet,
And he steps on the webbing.

      9“A snare seizes him by the heel,
And a trap snaps shut on him.

      10“A noose for him is hidden in the ground,
And a trap for him on the path.

      11“All around terrors frighten him,
And harry him at every step.

      12“His strength is famished,
And calamity is ready at his side.

      13“His skin is devoured by disease,
The firstborn of death devours his limbs.

      14“He is torn from the security of his tent,
And they march him before the king of terrors.

      15“There dwells in his tent nothing of his;
Brimstone is scattered on his habitation.

      16“His roots are dried below,
And his branch is cut off above.

      17“Memory of him perishes from the earth,
And he has no name abroad.

      18“He is driven from light into darkness,
And chased from the inhabited world.

      19“He has no offspring or posterity among his people,
Nor any survivor where he sojourned.

      20“Those in the west are appalled at his fate,
And those in the east are seized with horror.

      21“Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked,
And this is the place of him who does not know God.”

Summary Key Points:

  1. Bildad’s Harsh Accusations: In Job 18, Bildad continues his relentless accusations against Job. He portrays Job as a wicked man, describing him as a “fool” who brings trouble upon himself through his own actions. Bildad’s words reflect the prevailing belief of the time that suffering was a direct consequence of sin. He asserts that Job’s suffering is evidence of divine judgment.
  2. The Fate of the Wicked: Bildad paints a grim picture of the fate that awaits the wicked. He describes a series of calamities that befall the wicked, including the snare of the grave and the destruction of his household. According to Bildad, the wicked will be forgotten and their memory blotted out from the earth.
  3. Job’s Response: Job, however, remains resolute in his innocence. Despite Bildad’s harsh words and the overwhelming weight of his suffering, Job maintains his trust in God. He continues to seek answers, to plead his case before the Almighty, and to long for a mediator who can represent him before God.

As we reflect on Bildad’s words in Job 18, we are reminded of the importance of choosing our words carefully, especially when someone is going through a season of suffering. Instead of rushing to judgment or making assumptions about the causes of another’s pain, let us offer compassion, empathy, and support.

Take a few moments now and pray that we have the wisdom to speak words that heal rather than wound, and that we may be agents of comfort in the lives of those who are suffering.

Discussion and Comment:

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were quick to judge someone’s suffering?

How can we learn from Bildad’s approach and strive to be more compassionate in our responses to those who are hurting?

Share your thoughts and engage in a discussion with friends or family about the importance of offering comfort and understanding in times of suffering.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.