Assyrian Archaeology Validates Biblical Records – Sennacherib’s Prism

Many try to discredit the Bible by claiming it is historically inaccurate and thus cannot be trusted. On the other hand, I have found it very encouraging as a Christian to read about and study example after example of archaeological evidence that continues to prove the Bible is an historically accurate document that can be trusted with great confidence.

I encourage you to click through to read a bit about the example listed here or browse others from the site.

Read about Sennacherib’s Prism Revealing King Hezekiah on

The Account Recorded on the Prism

“On the six inscribed sides of this clay prism, King Sennacherib recorded eight military campaigns undertaken against various peoples who refused to submit to Assyrian domination. In all instances, he claims to have been victorious. As part of the third campaign, he beseiged Jerusalem and imposed heavy tribute on Hezekiah, King of Judah-a story also related in the Bible, where Sennacherib is said to have been defeated by “the angel of the Lord,” who slew 185,000 Assyrian soldiers (II Kings 18-19).” – Oriental Institute

The Biblical Comparison

The best way to see the accuracy of the Biblical account with this record on Sennacherib’s Prism is to compare 2 Kings 18:13-19:37 and Isaiah 36:1-37:38 with the last paragraph on the above account.

It can be very powerful to understand how much physical evidence exists to support the accuracy of the Bible as God’s word. Too often Christians are taught to dismiss the Bible or just accept is on faith. God provided much evidence to support that faith. The better we know it the more effectively we will build confidence within ourselves and in witnessing to others.


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