The LORD Uses Unexpected People; You May Be One of Them

Matthew was not a popular person. No Jewish person liked the tax collector who was collecting for the Romans, and often taking more than they should so they had some profit for themselves as well. It has not changed all that much even today. When I do business with most, I get a name. When the IRS sends me something they do not give a contact name but some sort of code or ID. I presume they are shielding their people’s identity because they know most people do not like what they do even today.

Yeshua chose Matthew. He saw something in Him. Matthew immediately followed and left behind what he was doing. Do not miss both of these facts. If Yeshua can use Matthew, He can also use a lot of unexpected people, and you and I may be some of them. Answer quickly when He calls.

Mark 2:13-17

Levi (Matthew) Called

      14As He passed by, He saw Levi the son of Alphaeus sitting in the tax booth, and He said to him, “Follow Me!” And he got up and followed Him.

Do not overlook that Matthew was likely turning away from a good personal financial situation to follow Yeshua. It was not simply convenient for him to drop everything and follow Yeshua. I also conclude that Matthew had heard of Yeshua or even heard Him directly, and was aware of the miracles. It was not as if a stranger came and called Him.

I suppose we can also keep in mind when we see others coming in the name of Yeshua, some of them may have unexpected background and we may be tempted to reject some on their personal history. Take care not to do this to readily. They may be one more unexpected person responding to the call of Yeshua to share the gospel. Test them on what they teach and the fruit they bear, not solely on their past mistakes or lifestyle.

Similarly, do not exclude the possibility that He will choose to use you because of your past either. Be ready to answer the call.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, please help me to have discernment to test others not by their past mistakes alone but by their fruit and what they teach and how they live.  Please help me be prepared to answer quickly when You call. Amen. 


Devotion by John in service to Christ


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