Worship the Holy King: Reverence for God’s Justice and Holiness (Psalm 99)

How do we respond to the holiness of God?

In Psalm 99, we are invited to worship the Lord with reverence and awe, recognizing His justice, holiness, and sovereign rule over all creation.

Key Verse: “Exalt the Lord our God and worship at His footstool; He is holy.” – Psalm 99:5 (NIV)

Background Context: Psalm 99 is a powerful declaration of God’s holiness and His reign as King over all the earth. The psalm highlights God’s justice, righteousness, and His unique relationship with His people. It calls for the nations to tremble before God’s holy presence, reminding us that God is not only a loving and merciful King but also a righteous judge who rules with fairness and truth. The psalm also reflects on how God has been faithful to His people throughout history, answering the prayers of those who called upon Him, yet still holding them accountable to His holy standards.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Psalm 99

Praise to the LORD for His Fidelity to Israel.

      1The LORD reigns, let the peoples tremble;
He is enthroned above the cherubim, let the earth shake!

      2The LORD is great in Zion,
And He is exalted above all the peoples.

      3Let them praise Your great and awesome name;
Holy is He.

      4The strength of the King loves justice;
You have established equity;
You have executed justice and righteousness in Jacob.

      5Exalt the LORD our God
And worship at His footstool;
Holy is He.

      6Moses and Aaron were among His priests,
And Samuel was among those who called on His name;
They called upon the LORD and He answered them.

      7He spoke to them in the pillar of cloud;
They kept His testimonies
And the statute that He gave them.

      8O LORD our God, You answered them;
You were a forgiving God to them,
And yet an avenger of their evil deeds.

      9Exalt the LORD our God
And worship at His holy hill,
For holy is the LORD our God.

Reflection on Psalm 99:

  • The Lord Reigns in Majesty: The psalm begins with a declaration of God’s sovereign rule: “The Lord reigns, let the nations tremble” (Psalm 99:1). This opening verse reminds us that God’s authority extends over all nations and peoples. His throne is established above the cherubim, signifying His exalted and majestic rule. The image of the nations trembling before God underscores the awe and reverence that we should have for the King of kings. God’s reign is not like human rulers who are often fallible and unjust; His reign is characterized by righteousness, justice, and holiness. As believers, we are called to live in reverence of God’s authority, recognizing that He is in control of all things.
  • God’s Justice and Righteousness: In verses 4-5, the psalmist highlights God’s commitment to justice: “The King is mighty, He loves justice—you have established equity; in Jacob you have done what is just and right” (Psalm 99:4). God is not only powerful, but He is also just. He establishes fairness and equity in His dealings with humanity, and His rule is characterized by righteousness. This is a comforting truth, especially when we see injustice in the world around us. Even when earthly systems fail to deliver justice, we can trust that God’s reign is just and that He will one day set all things right. Our response to God’s justice is to exalt Him and worship at His footstool, acknowledging His perfect and righteous character.
  • God’s Holiness and Worship: The refrain “He is holy” is repeated throughout the psalm (Psalm 99:3, 5, 9). This emphasis on God’s holiness reminds us of His otherness—God is set apart from all creation in His purity, perfection, and moral excellence. To say that God is holy is to acknowledge that there is no one like Him. His holiness demands our reverence and awe. When we come into God’s presence, we are reminded of our own sinfulness and need for His grace. True worship is not just about singing songs or offering prayers; it is about bowing in humble reverence before the holiness of God, recognizing His majesty and glory.
  • God’s Faithfulness to His People: The psalmist also reflects on how God has been faithful to His people throughout history, specifically mentioning Moses, Aaron, and Samuel (Psalm 99:6-8). These leaders called upon God in times of need, and He answered them. God’s relationship with His people has always been marked by His willingness to listen to their prayers and respond with mercy and guidance. Yet, God also held them accountable to His holy standards, forgiving their sins while disciplining their misdeeds (Psalm 99:8). This balance of mercy and justice is a beautiful reflection of God’s character—He is both compassionate and righteous. In our own lives, we can trust in God’s faithfulness to hear our prayers and guide us, but we must also recognize the importance of living in obedience to His commands.
  • Exalting the Lord in Worship: The psalm concludes with a call to “exalt the Lord our God and worship at His holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy” (Psalm 99:9). Exaltation means lifting up the name of the Lord, giving Him the highest honor and glory. Worshiping God at His holy mountain symbolizes coming into His presence with reverence and awe. Our response to God’s holiness should be one of humble worship, recognizing that He alone is worthy of our praise and adoration. As we worship God, we acknowledge His supreme authority over all things and His rightful place as King of our lives.

Summary Key Points:

  • God Reigns in Majesty: The Lord is sovereign over all creation, and His reign calls for reverence and awe from the nations.
  • God’s Justice and Righteousness: God’s rule is characterized by justice and fairness. He establishes equity and righteousness in all His dealings with humanity.
  • The Holiness of God: God’s holiness sets Him apart from all creation. He is pure, perfect, and worthy of our highest worship and reverence.
  • God’s Faithfulness: God is faithful to His people, answering their prayers and guiding them with mercy, while holding them accountable to His holy standards.
  • Worship as a Response to God’s Holiness: Our response to God’s holiness is to exalt Him in worship, giving Him the highest honor and bowing in humble reverence before His throne.

Application: Take a moment to reflect on the majesty and holiness of God. How do you respond to His sovereign rule and perfect justice? Are there areas in your life where you need to trust in God’s fairness, especially when you see injustice around you? Consider how you can exalt God in your daily life through worship, prayer, and obedience. Take time to humbly come before God, acknowledging His holiness and offering your life as an act of worship. Remember that God is both merciful and just, and He invites you into a relationship with Him that is marked by grace and accountability.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we exalt You as the holy and righteous King. You reign in majesty and justice, and we stand in awe of Your power and authority. Help us to live in reverence of Your holiness, trusting in Your perfect justice even when we see injustice in the world. We thank You for Your faithfulness to hear our prayers and guide us, and we ask for the grace to walk in obedience to Your commands. Teach us to worship You with humble hearts, recognizing that You alone are worthy of all honor and glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

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