ABC’s of Salvation

On a recent trip through a store selling groceries and household items I was handed a blue card by someone as I walked by the aisles near the front of the store. After reading the card, I was delighted to see that it was a Christian outreach from a local church. I thought they captured a good overview of salvation in a few words and felt it would be good to share more broadly.

ABC’s of Salvation

Acknowledge – that we are born sinners into this world and that we can’t save ourselves.

Believe – that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and by accepting Him as Lord, you can become a born again Christian.

Confess – Romans 10:9 which says, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Prayer of Salvation is not about specific words but the heart. A prayer of salvation may sound something like this…

Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I confess that Jesus is Lord. I believe in my heart that you raised Him from the dead. Come into my heart Jesus, and be Lord over my life. Thank you God for saving me.

I will add here that when you truly accept Jesus as Lord of your life, it is more than words or a one time profession of faith. It is more than going to church once a week and saying you are a Christian. Your behaviors and values change to be more like Jesus.  You want to study His word to learn more about His character, what He wants from His people, and how He interacts with His people.

Someone who accepts Jesus as lord of their life learns over time to be less concerned about the opinions of the world and more concerned about the truth of God’s word.  It is a wonderful experience that starts us on a journey of transformation to become more like Jesus Christ and less like our old sinful nature. People cannot help but notice true Christians living joyfully for God in their daily life, even during difficult times.

If you find yourself blending in with the world so much that nobody notices you are different as a Christian… you  should prayerfully consider if you are really living for Christ.


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