Pray Humbly and Genuinely with a Repentant Heart

For those of us who wish to indeed submit to Yeshua and follow Him, we must be willing to humbly admit our faults to change them. Yeshua provides a wonderful example of a sinful man who genuinely comes before God for repentance and contrasts that with someone who is just making a show of prayer in a noticeably prideful manner. I encourage each of us to thoughtfully and humbly read the scripture from Luke and then come before God in genuine humility, admitting our sins, and asking for forgiveness with a commitment to repent and sin no more. For those of us who have already accepted Yeshua as our savior, our sins have been forgiven. We come to admit our sins and accept the forgiveness already provided through Yeshua with a commitment to repent and sin no more.

Luke 18:9-14       9And He also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt: 10“Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11“The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12‘I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’ 13“But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’ 14“I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

We all remain sinful, no matter where we are on our journey. Take time to identify an area in which you need change and come before God with a pure motive and pure heart, privately, and ask forgiveness and ask His help with repentance. Then work consciously to change your wrong behavior and He will help you.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, thank You for forgiveness through Yeshua. Thank You for the grace and mercy You have already given us. I am genuinely sorry for my sin and my transgressions against You. Help me be transformed through the renewing of my mind to walk in the fullness of the Holy Spirit as you intend. Help me to walk in Your ways. I pray this in the name of Yeshua. Amen. 

Shalom. May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you. Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.