Pray with Me for YHWH to Heal and Strengthen Marriages

Periodically we bring forth a prayer request in lieu of studying scripture for our daily walk. We invite you to pray with us for the marriages of those who follow Yeshua.

Father, please open the eyes and ears of Christians around the world to the truth and depth of your word. Help create a revival in Christian marriages by convicting your people of their selfishness and sin in marriage toward you and their spouse. Create in them a new spirit to seek to understand your word and follow you and as result experience the true joy that You intend for a godly marriage.

Let not people turn toward divorce and accept it because of the hardness of their hearts, but rather overcome it by living your word in their lives! Let your people truly be a light to the nations, demonstrating loving, kind, selfless, marriages that are filled with joy. 

Thank you for praying with us today.  To pray with us regularly for one another and for Biblical examples of prayer, please visit our Prayer Requests page.