Rediscovering Our Roots: Embracing the Hebrew Foundations of Our Faith

Have you ever wondered if the Old Testament is merely a collection of ancient stories with little relevance today? Think again. The roots of our Christian faith stretch deeply into these Hebrew scriptures, offering not just historical insights but a vibrant blueprint for our spiritual journey.

In many modern Christian teachings, there’s a prevailing notion that the Old Testament serves merely as a backdrop to the New Testament, with its commands and lessons largely obsolete in the light of Christ’s teachings. However, this perspective not only neglects the depth of our faith’s foundations but also overlooks the enduring relevance of the Old Testament. Understanding the Hebrew roots of Christianity is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of the Bible and God’s eternal plan.

The Relevance of All Scripture: The Apostle Paul underscores the importance of all Scripture in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, reminding us that every word of the Bible, including the Old Testament, is inspired by God and useful for teaching, correction, and training in righteousness. This directive sets a clear mandate for Christians to delve into the Old Testament with the aim of applying its timeless truths to our lives.

2 Timothy 3:16-17

16All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.

Yeshua’s Adherence to the Law: Yeshua (Jesus) himself lived in accordance with the laws and traditions outlined in the Old Testament. His life and actions were in perfect harmony with the Scriptures, which he came not to abolish but to fulfill (Matthew 5:17). By studying how Yeshua observed these laws, we gain invaluable insights into how they apply to us today.

Misconceptions About ‘Jewish Traditions’: It’s vital to distinguish between cultural traditions and the commandments given by God to the Israelites. While some may dismiss the Old Testament practices as merely ‘Jewish ways,’ we must recognize that these were, in fact, God’s ways to guide and instruct His people. The moral and ethical teachings of the Old Testament are not obsolete; they carry profound implications for believers today.

Fulfillment, Not Replacement: Understanding which aspects of the Old Testament law were fulfilled through Christ’s sacrifice is key. This discernment allows us to appreciate the sacrificial system’s fulfillment in Yeshua’s ultimate sacrifice while still adhering to the moral and ethical codes that govern Christian conduct.

Call to Action:

  1. Study Diligently: Commit to a structured study of the Old Testament to uncover the richness of the Hebrew roots of Christianity.
  2. Reflect on Christ’s Example: Regularly reflect on how Christ fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies and laws, and seek to emulate His obedience.
  3. Challenge Misconceptions: Engage in discussions within your community to correct common misconceptions about the Old Testament’s relevance.
  4. Integrate Teachings: Actively integrate the ethical and moral teachings of the Old Testament into your daily life as a follower of Christ.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the entirety of Your Word, from Genesis to Revelation. Help us to understand and appreciate the foundations of our faith laid in the Old Testament. Guide us in applying these eternal truths to our lives, just as Yeshua demonstrated during His time on earth. Give us the wisdom to discern what is cultural and what is eternally mandated by You. May our journey through Scripture deepen our faith and broaden our understanding of Your kingdom. Amen.

I am including some links to resources to help you Study Hebrew Roots of Christianity.

  • (also challenges and helps us test common teaching or practices today against God’s word. We are to test everything and hold onto only what is good
  • Shoreshim Ministries, at, re-introduces Christians to the Jewish Y’shua in order to educate believers in the Hebraic roots of their faith. This in turn helps disciples to understand and follow Messiah more fully in their lives.
  • Beth Immanuel Sabbath Fellowship, at, is a family-based Messianic Jewish community for people of all nations. Teaching and Bible study is at the center of what they do. They emphasize teaching and study from a Messianic Jewish perspective, revealing the Jewish Roots of Christianity, and encountering the Jewish Jesus.
  • First Fruits of Zion, at, specializes in the study and teaching of Scripture from its historical, linguistic, and cultural context. They present a Messianic Jewish reading of the Bible and early Jewish-Christianity.
  • Foundations in Torah, at, focuses on connecting the gospels and epistles of the New Testament with their foundations in the Old Testament for a better understanding of context.
  • Hebraic Roots Network, at, is a consortium of like-minded ministries dedicated to bringing solid Biblical teaching to the world. They present the Scriptures from a Hebrew perspective allowing the viewer to gain a deeper understanding through applied context.
  • Hebrew For Christians, at, helps us study and deepen our faith by connecting with the Hebrew roots of God’s relationship with His people.
  • Messianic Torah Observant Israel. We are dedicated to serving YHWH as He brings the Body of Messiah together worldwide. We pray that this website becomes a valuable resource for you to learn, grow, and fellowship with other like-minded believers from around the world who desire to connect with you and help you feel connected.
  • Latest reports and tools for sighting crescent (renewed) moons throughout the world and within Israel for the purposes of observing a Biblical calendar.
  • It is the focus of this ministry to restore what we believe has been something lost over the past 2,000 years or so and that is the Hebrew or Hebraic roots of the Christian faith.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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