Rediscovering Our Spiritual Seasons: Embracing YHWH’s Appointed Times

Have you ever paused to think about the holidays we celebrate and where they come from? As the leaves begin to turn and we enter the season of fall moedim, it’s a perfect time to explore the rich tapestry of God’s appointed festivals and what they truly signify.

Raised in a Christian household, we attended church regularly but didn’t delve deeply into the Bible’s teachings or question the cultural norms that shaped our celebrations. Like many, I grew up celebrating holidays that, unbeknownst to me, had more to do with pagan traditions than the commands of YHWH. It was only later that I discovered the moedim, the times appointed by God for special remembrance and celebration, which opened a new chapter in my spiritual journey.

Awakening to the Moedim: YHWH’s appointed times, detailed in Leviticus 23 and throughout Scripture, offer a profound connection to the past deeds and future promises of God. These are not just historical commemorations but are vibrant celebrations of what Christ has fulfilled and what He promises to complete upon His return. These appointed times are not exclusively Jewish; they are divine markers meant for all who follow YHWH, offering us a rhythm of worship distinct from the secular calendar.

The Significance of Each Season: Each moed, from Passover to Sukkot, holds deep Messianic significance, pointing both to the first coming of Yeshua and His glorious return. These times are designed to draw us closer to God, enriching our understanding and appreciation of His sovereign plan.

  • Passover (Pesach): Celebrates Yeshua’s atoning death
  • Feast of Weeks (Shavuot): Commemorates the giving of the Torah and the Holy Spirit
  • Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah): Marks a time of reflection and renewal
  • Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur): A solemn day of atonement and reconciliation
  • Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot): Rejoices in God’s provision and foreshadows the coming Kingdom

Practical Steps to Celebrate: While the absence of the temple and priesthood changes how we can observe these feasts, their spiritual essence remains intact. Start by learning the historical and prophetic nuances of these days. Engage with them through prayer, scripture reading, and community fellowship.

Resources to Explore:

Call to Action: As we approach Yom Teruah, I encourage you to join me and countless others in rediscovering these divine appointments. Whether through online resources, community worship, or personal study, let’s embrace these celebrations as opportunities to grow closer to YHWH and each other.

Closing Prayer: Father, thank You for the beauty and depth of Your appointed times. As we learn and grow in understanding of these holy days, draw us nearer to Your heart and deeper into the rhythms of Your grace. Help us to celebrate Your moedim with joy and reverence, using these times to teach our families and strengthen our communities. In the name of Yeshua, we pray, Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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