Resources to Help Marriages

Periodically we post information intended to introduce our community to different parts of the website that they may find useful.  Links are provided for your convenience, or you can just visit the site directly at and look around on your own.

Today’s highlight is the section of our site that identifies a solid starting point for those that want to invest in improving their marriage. If you are experiencing difficulty in marriage, do not ignore it or accept it. Seek help in God and in His word. Even if there is no conflict in your marriage (that would be amazing), consider investing time anyway to continue building a solid foundation for the storms in life.  Even good marriages can benefit and more toward “great”. Think of it like an oil change for your car. You should not wait until the car has engine problems to change the oil!

I also strongly encourage you to actively prepare your children about expectations in marriage. Lead and prepare them for a godly marriage and how to relate rather than let the world lead them to believe in a “fairy tale” marriage where everything is always great and there are no conflicts, and everyone lives happily ever after.



The marriage covenant is the most sacred covenant we enter with the exception of our covenant with God. Our world today provides much distraction and false teaching about marriage.

Even amongst Christian communities and families, there is often little or no Biblical teaching to help guide how we should select a spouse and prepare us to live a godly marriage.

The most important principle to focus on is that we should each try to grow closer to God, and by doing so we will also grow closer to each other.

Seeking a godly spouse:

  • Study the Bible to understand what character traits to develop in yourself and look for in a spouse.
  • Become the godly example of a person that you want to find in a spouse. Continue maturing in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and live as a godly example in your life.
  • Take your time in selecting your spouse. Ensure you know them well and share a similar depth of faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for God to give you confirmation of whom you should marry and then make sure what you hear is from God by seeking godly counsel and comparing it to God’s word.

Growing a godly marriage relationship:

  • Study the Bible independently to continue your personal growth in your relationship with God.
  • Maintain an active prayer life between yourself and God. It should be two-way communication.
  • Spend time together with your spouse daily (or as often as you can) studying and applying the word of God to your lives
  • Spend time in prayer together with your spouse daily.
  • Invest in your marriage relationship before you have difficulty. Seek resources (e.g. books, conferences, online ministries, etc.) that can help you grow closer to your spouse over time. Do not wait until the relationship is struggling to work on improving it.
  • Seek out and partner with another godly married couple you respect and trust that knows Jesus. You can serve as accountability and prayer partners for each other before God.

I have started a list of some good resources that provide practical help for growing in our marriage. Is there a resource you have found that helped you? Please share with us from the Contact Us page.

Find more support under our Ministries section of the site, under the Focused Ministries – Marriage page.

Books and Other Resources

  • Solid Rock Marriage Restoration provides insights based on biblical truth and practical application to help Christians ages 25-55 restore and revitalize their marriage.  Join the Facebook group.
  • For Men Only and For Women Only by Jeff and Shaunti Feldhahn reveal eye-opening truths and simple acts that will improve your relationship with your spouse.
  • The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman shows us how to keep our marriage relationship fresh and growing amid the demands and conflicts and just plain boredom of everyday life.
  • The Love Dare personally leads you through daily devotionals, records your thoughts and experiences, and ends each day daring you to perform a simple act of love for your spouse.
  •  was born from a real-life example of a marriage that could have ended in a wreck, but through grace has blossomed into a ministry serving God.
  • Also consider reviewing other articles previously posted regarding marriage from our category “marriage”.

Take a few minutes today to pray about your marriage and/or marriages of others close to you, that they would be blessed and strong and joyful. Let each marriage bring glory to Yahweh!


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.