Study the Evidence of the Resurrection Objectively

We see examples in scripture where Pharisees and Sadducees make up wild explanations to explain away the miracles Jesus was plainly doing in the name of God right before their very eyes. People today who do not want to believe in Jesus continue to do the same today.

There is strong evidence of the following, for those who are willing to genuinely study it with an open mind, seeking truth rather than seeking to justify positions they already hold that reject Jesus.

  • Jesus was a real historical figure who performed many miracles
  • Jesus claimed to be God
  • Jesus was brutally tortured, crucified, killed, and buried in a tomb
  • On the third day, the tomb was empty despite guard by Roman soldiers
  • Jesus appeared before many witnesses after His death
  • The disciples were transformed through the death and resurrection of Jesus from those who would hide or deny Him (e.g. Peter) to those willing to suffer and die to proclaim Him.

It is difficult to capture the detailed study of each in a devotional or post. Each of these points can be, and have been, more fully developed by Christian scholars in a variety of books. There are also additional evidences including fulfillment of prophecy that are powerful testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ as God.

I encourage each of you to spend time studying objectively to convince yourselves where the evidence really leads. Even if you believe and already follow Jesus,  studying the evidence can better prepare you to share testimony with non-believers or just to strengthen your own faith for trials that may come your way.

Couple recommendations to get a quick start…

  • Christianity on Trial: Does the Christian faith hold up under scrutiny? What does science tell us about the plausibility of a god? Can we trust the alleged eyewitness testimony of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus?
  • The Third Day, by Hank Hanegraaff, examines factual evidences from the fatal torment and empty tomb to Christ’s appearances and transformation in a way that builds Christians’ confidence in sharing the truth of the gospel.
  • Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, by Nabeel Qureshi, describes a dramatic journey from Islam to Christianity including the friendships, experiences and investigation that led to conversion.
  • Josh McDowell Ministry, at As a young man, Josh McDowell considered himself an agnostic. He truly believed that Christianity was worthless. However, when challenged to intellectually examine the claims of Christianity, Josh discovered compelling, overwhelming evidence for the reliability of the Christian faith.


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