The Cross

1Peter 2:24 He himself bore our sins in his body on  the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

The work of the cross is the completed work of Jesus Christ shedding his blood for us to redeem us from sin when we repent and turn from it.  As we look to serve the Lord wholeheartedly and live for him, we show the Lord our  appreciation for what he has done for us.

What a tremendous gift this is for those who accept it. This gift from the Lord changes everything! Its all about the blood of Jesus that was sacrificed for us and covers us daily.

The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon against the enemy because of the ultimate sacrifice the Lord made on our behalf.  We  can now be in right relationship with our Heavenly Father because Jesus’ blood was shed to pay for all our sins. There is no more separation between us and the Lord when we receive this. The enemy hates this and he knows the blood of Jesus defeats him.

Nothing but the blood of Jesus can cleanse us as white as snow. We are totally redeemed by him and now joint heirs with Christ as we accept what was done for us on the cross and live for him.

Praise God for this precious gift!  Let us never take it for granted.


Devotion by Tonia in service to Christ

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13)