What’s In A Name?

What’s in a name? A name can at times carry a great deal of significance. When we, as followers of Christ, call upon “God” or praise “God”, even a Muslim or Hindu can agree and praise god, but who are we praising? who are we asking for help?

As followers of Christ we certainly know the name of Jesus Christ and if we have studied the Bible we see much power and significance in the name of Jesus. However as we come to know our Father in heaven and relate to Him throughout our lives, why not call Him by name? Yes, His name is holy and should not be used in vain. But calling to our Father by name is not using His name in vain. Praising our Father by name is not using His name in vain.

So what is His name? There is some degree of debate on whether His name is Jehovah (pronounced “Yehova”) or Yahweh. We can welcome this civil debate and study as brothers and sisters in Christ. We need not divide over this, but it does matter. How many of us want to be called by the wrong name? We may not get angry at our children if they call us the wrong name, but we certainly appreciate those that take the time and effort to learn it properly as they get more mature.

As an introduction for you to the matter, I have included some discussion from an article at HopeOfIsrael.net. Click through the link to read the whole article.

Therefore “Jehovah” is the english equilvant of “Yehovah”. This pronunication has been verified by ancient manuscripts predating the New-testament. The other way we know that “JeHoVah”is correct because it is broken into three syllables “Je” from “yehi” meaning “He will be” (translated one time in the KJB as “JAH”); next is “Ho” from “hove” meaning “Being”; lastly “Vah” from “hahyah” meaning “He was” . Therefore the meaning of “Jehovah” is the ETERNAL ONE. That is what the Lord Jesus was saying about Himself, that he was Himself Jehovah – defining it in Rev 1:4, 8; 4:8; 11:17. That  Jesus therefore has validated the correct pronunciation by defining the three syllables of JE-HO-VAH.

What’s in a name? A lot. Jehovah carries the significance of God’s eternal nature and is used in scripture to demonstrate further that Jesus is one with the Father. When we address our Father, why not start calling Him by name, Jehovah, as we do when we refer to Jesus?


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.