Do Not Redefine God, Rather Redefine Your Understanding of Him

Today’s message is brief, but important. Take a few minutes to reflect on it prayerfully. Some will simply say, “this is obvious”, and that is great. Others may really need the reminder as they experience difficult situations in which they may feel a bit lost.

When we find scripture that is confusing or seems contradictory based on our current understanding, we have a few choices.

  1. Ignore the confusion and keep going about focusing on what we do understand.
  2. Redefine God and His word to fit into our current understanding.
  3. Let His word challenge and redefine our understanding so we can grow further, even if it makes us uncomfortable.

Option 1 may actually be ok sometimes, if the point at question is fairly minor. However, we should acknowledge that we may be missing an opportunity the Spirit is trying to use to help us grow in our understanding of God.

Option 2 is never the right choice, and few ever choose it intentionally. They do not say, “let me redefine God”. Rather, they allow themselves to interpret scripture very liberally and stretch beyond what it actually says. Often, they can lean into false teaching that is so prevalent in churches today to back up what they believe. We should be very careful to test our understanding against other scripture, not just against what our pastor says. Many pastors are teaching flat out bad doctrine, typically mixed with a lot of truth as well, which makes it seem believable.  Many do not realize they are teaching bad doctrine. They are simply lost in the cultural understanding or God rather than the Biblical one.

An example of this may be when God tells the Israelites to take the promised land and take no prisoners. Many may struggle with understanding the context and instead of searching out true understanding, push away from God and the Bible as if their own understanding is the source of truth.

Consider this article on, Joshua: Judgment or Cruelty? Conquering the Promised Land | BibleProject™

Of course, option 3 is best. Allow yourself to admit you don’t fully understand something. Then, if it is troubling you, put in time and effort to study and pray to seek an answer. However, start with the following premise: God is perfect and just. The Bible is the most accurate source of instruction from God to His people on how to live. My understanding and that of culture and churches around me is often flawed. If I am not redefining my understanding of God based on His revelation and His word, I am not learning.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, please help Your people to remain humble in our understanding of You so that we would be ready to learn as You reveal new things to us rather than clinging to what we think we already know and redefining You and Your word to fit our current view. Lead us to redefine our understanding of You based on Your word and not to redefine You and what Your word means based on our current views. Amen.  


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.