Embrace Passover: Rediscover Our Roots and Remember Christ’s Sacrifice

In a world where traditions often overshadow biblical instructions, it’s crucial to remember the significance of Passover, a festival that not only commemorates God’s deliverance of His people from bondage in Egypt but also foreshadows the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb. While modern Christianity has drifted towards celebrating Easter, with its blend of pagan traditions, it’s essential to revisit the roots of our faith and the holy days God explicitly commands us to observe.

God’s Persistent Instruction

Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread are highlighted repeatedly in Scripture (Exodus 12:42-51, Exodus 13:1-16, Exodus 23; Leviticus 23) as essential commemorations of God’s mighty hand freeing His people. This repetition isn’t merely for emphasis but a call to remember and celebrate God’s acts of salvation throughout generations. The directive to share these stories with our children (Exodus 13:8, 14-16) ensures that the knowledge of God’s power and love is passed down, keeping the faith alive through every generation.

The Christian Connection

For Christians, Passover holds additional meaning. Jesus, our Messiah, fulfilled the role of the Passover lamb, sacrificing Himself to free us from the bondage of sin. The elements of the Passover meal—especially the unleavened bread—take on profound significance in light of Christ’s death and resurrection. By celebrating Passover, we acknowledge the continuity of God’s salvation plan from the Exodus to the Cross and beyond.

The Challenge of Tradition

Choosing to celebrate Passover in a Christian context may seem daunting, especially when faced with longstanding traditions and the potential for misunderstanding or conflict. Yet, Jesus Himself warned that following Him might set us at odds with familiar customs and even our own families (Matthew 10:32-39). The decision to embrace Passover is a choice to prioritize God’s instructions over man-made traditions, seeking closer alignment with His desires for our lives.

A New Way to Celebrate

Celebrating Passover as believers in Christ doesn’t require adherence to all the ancient rituals but an open heart to remember and rejoice in God’s deliverance and Christ’s sacrifice. It offers a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of the biblical narrative and experience a richer, more meaningful connection to the story of our faith.

An Invitation to Rediscovery

If the idea of celebrating Passover feels new or unfamiliar, you’re not alone. Many Christians are rediscovering the richness of God’s holy days and finding joy in aligning their celebrations with Scripture. It’s a journey of faith, exploration, and deepening love for our Creator and Redeemer.

Prayer for Guidance and Joy in Celebration

Father, lead us back to the roots of our faith, to the holy days You have set apart for us. Help us to see the beauty and depth of celebrating Passover, recognizing Jesus as our Passover Lamb. Give us the courage to step away from traditions that do not honor You and embrace those that do. May our celebrations bring us closer to You, filled with joy, understanding, and gratitude for all You have done. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.