Evolution Requires More Faith Than Creation

I am often surprised how many people dogmatically insist that evolution, called even by its strongest supporters only a “theory”, is the only or even the most credible explanation for the infinite complexity we witness in the world around us.

Imagine with me for a moment that we are on a hike through the woods… where nobody lives… we have not seen anyone in days. We come across a clearing, clean and organized. In the middle of the clearing is a cabin, made out of wood of nearby trees. It has a door, windows, and when we open it there is furniture. All of it made from the same wood of the nearby trees. Even the most confident evolutionist would conclude that there must be someone around who cleared the land and built the cabin and furniture… even though they could not prove it. Although, they had not seen anyone in days of traveling the area, they know that even something as simple as a cabin and furniture can not create itself from the nearby trees. There must be a creative force… in the case of the cabin… a person or people who designed and built it. To say that it happened randomly over the past several hundred years would be laughable.

Why then do these same people, when they see all the infinite complexity of our universe, assume the most likely conclusion is that it happened randomly instead of by the work of a creator… in this case, God. The difference is that when it comes to creation, these people already assume there is no God so must somehow explain His creation without Him.

Entropy is the scientific principle for things to go from order to disorder… not from disorder to infinitely complex order. You mow your lawn to keep it neat, it does not work to leave it alone and watch it “evolve” to stay in neat order over time. I put phone cords into the cabinet separately and they come out tangled, never the other way around. If I build a house and leave it alone, it degrades and needs repair. To accept as science a theory (e.g. evolution) that suspends the scientific principle of entropy is akin to explaining how airplanes fly by assuming that gravity does not exist…. because you refuse to accept aerodynamics.

If evolution were even possible, which it is not, it is not the most likely hypothesis. A creative force is needed to bring order from chaos or disorder. In this case, God.  Objectively, the evidence points to a divine creator… to God. To insist that God does not exist and then rationalize a different creation mechanism that is impossible or much less likely… that is not science… that is faith is the absence of God despite the evidence for God. I do not have enough faith to deny the existence of God.

[Psalms 19:1-4] The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.  Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard.  Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world.

[Romans 1:20] For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God.


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