Why Doesn’t God Answer My Prayer?

Sometimes it may feel like God is not answering our prayers. Often when we feel this way it is because we have asked for something and He did not give us the specific thing for which we asked. Because He did not say “yes” and “right now”, we feel like He did not hear, is not listening, or does not care.

For those of us that are parents or have even been around children, we recognize that giving them everything they ask for is not the answer that demonstrates the most wisdom or love for those children. They may ask to eat nothing but candy all day… and get a sick stomach, or ask to play in the street… and get hit by a car. We use our wisdom to decide when to answer “yes”,” no”, or “later”.

It is the same way with God. He loves us as His children and wants the best for us, but often times what we are asking for is not what is best for us. We must trust in God when He answers “yes” and when he answers “no”. So too when He has different timing than we had in mind… “yes, but later”.

Our prayers most honor God and are most likely to be answered with “yes” when we are praying for things that are pleasing to God and are in His will. Once again, this makes perfect sense to us when we think about children asking us for things. For example, if a child asks for eating candy all day the answer is “no”. If the child asks for an opportunity to take care of her little brother and show him love doing something he really likes… the answer is much more likely to be “yes” or “yes, but later”.

Sometimes God may hear and answer our prayer but it is in a different way than we expected or asked. We may ask God to grant us our desire to marry a particular individual that seems a great choice. God may deny this request and answer later by providing someone He knows will be a better choice in His timing. Similarly it could be the same individual but at a different time when we are better prepared for a successful, godly marriage.

One of the greatest examples of a “no” answer was when Jesus came in prayer before He was taken into custody to be crucified.

Matthew 26:39 [Jesus] went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.”

Jesus asked for something, but willingly submitted to God’s will. Through an answer of “no” to the most righteous person ever to walk the earth, God provided a path to salvation for the rest of us through accepting Jesus Christ as our lord and savior.


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