Jesus Again Predicts His Death And Resurrection

Earlier in Matthew 17, Jesus experiences the transfiguration on a mountaintop, coming into the presence of God, Elijah, and Moses. Then he comes down the mountain top to find that His disciples were unable to cast out a demon from a young boy and he appears to get frustrated, apparently at the lack of faith of the disciples. (We covered this in yesterday’s devotion, so will not cover in detail here.)

As we read Matthew 17:22-23 we gain some insight into why He may have been getting frustrated with the progress of the disciples. Time for His earthly ministry is running short. After explaining to the disciples why they could not cast out the demon, because they did not have enough faith, Jesus tells them again of His impending death and resurrection.

22 After they gathered again in Galilee, Jesus told them, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of his enemies. 23 He will be killed, but on the third day he will be raised from the dead.” And the disciples were filled with grief.

The disciples loved Jesus. They were filled with grief to think that He would suffer or no longer be with them.

Jesus clearly knew what was coming. He demonstrated courage and faith by willingly choosing to submit to God’s will and suffer and die for our sins… the sins of all those who would follow Him and accept His offer. Jesus in His earthly ministry demonstrates the faith we are called to strive for in our lives.

One can also take a moment to recognize that this is clearly prophetic in terms of predicting what events will transpire before they occur based on revelation from God.  Jesus was preparing the disciples for what was to come by showing them it was not unexpected and by showing them that He was willingly submitted to obeying God’s will for His life.

Take time to consider in your own life:

  • Are you fully submitted to God, even when things He asks are difficult or feel uncomfortable? Even when people will come against you and mock you or persecute you?
  • Or do you do what you want to do and only obey God’s instruction when it is easy and consistent with your own desires and comfort zone?
  • What are some examples in your life where you have taken a stand for Jesus despite being mocked, rejected, or persecuted? If you can not think if any… then consider again the first question above.


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