Category Archives: Humility

For I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Paul is a great example. Consider how he engages fellow believers and how he intercedes on their behalf in prayer. He is enthusiastic, encouraging, thankful, and he prays for them often. He seeks fellowship with them. He is not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation for those who believe.

Romans 1:8-17

      8First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world. 9For God, whom I serve in my spirit in the preaching of the gospel of His Son, is my witness as to how unceasingly I make mention of you, 10always in my prayers making request, if perhaps now at last by the will of God I may succeed in coming to you. 11For I long to see you so that I may impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be established; 12that is, that I may be encouraged together with you while among you, each of us by the other’s faith, both yours and mine. 13I do not want you to be unaware, brethren, that often I have planned to come to you (and have been prevented so far) so that I may obtain some fruit among you also, even as among the rest of the Gentiles. 14I am under obligation both to Greeks and to barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish. 15So, for my part, I am eager to preach the gospel to you also who are in Rome.

      16For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.”

I ask God that I would be able to be more like Paul in his attitude toward other believers. I pray that believers everywhere would be as well. Imagine if we all were more enthusiastic, encouraging, and thankful and that we prayed often for each other and seek fellowship with one another. This attitude remained while Paul experienced much hardship.

Let us also not overlook verse 16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” It is the death and resurrection of Yeshua, our Messiah, that makes a way for us to be saved, to be reconciled with God. It is not through good works or our own righteousness. Let us remember that with humility and thankfulness.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, please help me and other believers to maintain the attitude of Paul in Romans 1. Help us enthusiastically pray for one another, give thanks for one another, seek fellowship with one another, and maintain humility in remembering that it is You who made a way for our salvation through Yeshua. Thank You! Amen.

I would encourage you also to take a few additional minutes to start praying for others today and to give thanks to God for other believers in Your life or even those you don’t know personally. This is a good practice to do regularly.

Shalom. Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

O My God, In You I Trust

Psalm 25 is an inspiring prayer for protection, guidance, and pardon. Don’t just read it, but pray it before almighty God with a genuine heart.

1To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul.

2O my God, in You I trust,
Do not let me be ashamed;
Do not let my enemies exult over me.

3Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed;
Those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed.

4Make me know Your ways, O LORD;
Teach me Your paths.

5Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
For You I wait all the day.

6Remember, O LORD, Your compassion and Your lovingkindnesses,
For they have been from of old.

7Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions;
According to Your lovingkindness remember me,
For Your goodness’ sake, O LORD.

8Good and upright is the LORD;
Therefore He instructs sinners in the way.

9He leads the humble in justice,
And He teaches the humble His way.

10All the paths of the LORD are lovingkindness and truth
To those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

11For Your name’s sake, O LORD,
Pardon my iniquity, for it is great.

12Who is the man who fears the LORD?
He will instruct him in the way he should choose.

13His soul will abide in prosperity,
And his descendants will inherit the land.

14The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him,
And He will make them know His covenant.

15My eyes are continually toward the LORD,
For He will pluck my feet out of the net.

16Turn to me and be gracious to me,
For I am lonely and afflicted.

17The troubles of my heart are enlarged;
Bring me out of my distresses.

18Look upon my affliction and my trouble,
And forgive all my sins.

19Look upon my enemies, for they are many,
And they hate me with violent hatred.

20Guard my soul and deliver me;
Do not let me be ashamed, for I take refuge in You.

21Let integrity and uprightness preserve me,
For I wait for You.

22Redeem Israel, O God,
Out of all his troubles.

Share this prayer with others you care about!


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Looking Deeper into Esther’s Story – Grace and Composure

If you really stop and consider what Esther experienced in the process by which she became queen, it is quite fascinating. At a high level, it may sound like a very positive experience. She wins a beauty contest and becomes queen and then is in position to save her people and God gets the glory. This is all true, but it is more complex than that, and understanding that can help us in considering how God may be at work in our lives.

As you read through the historical account in Esther 2, reflect on what it may have been like from her perspective. I don’t believe she had much choice in participating in the king’s round up. However, she maintained composure and wisely sought and heeded advice from others, such as Mordecai and Hegai. She gained favor among people, and not just the king. She likely had a very pleasing personality to go along with her beauty. This attitude she seems to have maintained throughout a very challenging series of events that must have seemed intimidating at times.

Esther 2:1-19

Vashti’s Successor Sought

      1After these things when the anger of King Ahasuerus had subsided, he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what had been decreed against her. 2Then the king’s attendants, who served him, said, “Let beautiful young virgins be sought for the king. 3“Let the king appoint overseers in all the provinces of his kingdom that they may gather every beautiful young virgin to the citadel of Susa, to the harem, into the custody of Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who is in charge of the women; and let their cosmetics be given them. 4“Then let the young lady who pleases the king be queen in place of Vashti.” And the matter pleased the king, and he did accordingly.

      5Now there was at the citadel in Susa a Jew whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair, the son of Shimei, the son of Kish, a Benjamite, 6who had been taken into exile from Jerusalem with the captives who had been exiled with Jeconiah king of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had exiled. 7He was bringing up Hadassah, that is Esther, his uncle’s daughter, for she had no father or mother. Now the young lady was beautiful of form and face, and when her father and her mother died, Mordecai took her as his own daughter.

Esther Finds Favor

      8So it came about when the command and decree of the king were heard and many young ladies were gathered to the citadel of Susa into the custody of Hegai, that Esther was taken to the king’s palace into the custody of Hegai, who was in charge of the women. 9Now the young lady pleased him and found favor with him. So he quickly provided her with her cosmetics and food, gave her seven choice maids from the king’s palace and transferred her and her maids to the best place in the harem. 10Esther did not make known her people or her kindred, for Mordecai had instructed her that she should not make them known. 11Every day Mordecai walked back and forth in front of the court of the harem to learn how Esther was and how she fared.

      12Now when the turn of each young lady came to go in to King Ahasuerus, after the end of her twelve months under the regulations for the women—for the days of their beautification were completed as follows: six months with oil of myrrh and six months with spices and the cosmetics for women— 13the young lady would go in to the king in this way: anything that she desired was given her to take with her from the harem to the king’s palace. 14In the evening she would go in and in the morning she would return to the second harem, to the custody of Shaashgaz, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the concubines. She would not again go in to the king unless the king delighted in her and she was summoned by name.

      15Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai who had taken her as his daughter, came to go in to the king, she did not request anything except what Hegai, the king’s eunuch who was in charge of the women, advised. And Esther found favor in the eyes of all who saw her. 16So Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus to his royal palace in the tenth month which is the month Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.

Esther Becomes Queen

      17The king loved Esther more than all the women, and she found favor and kindness with him more than all the virgins, so that he set the royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti. 18Then the king gave a great banquet, Esther’s banquet, for all his princes and his servants; he also made a holiday for the provinces and gave gifts according to the king’s bounty.

      19When the virgins were gathered together the second time, then Mordecai was sitting at the king’s gate. 20Esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people, even as Mordecai had commanded her; for Esther did what Mordecai told her as she had done when under his care.

God brought Esther through a series of events for which none of us would likely volunteer ourselves or our daughters. She had no choice in what she experienced other than how she would handle it personally. She managed it very effectively maintaining her composure, humility, and I would have to assume a cheerful disposition. (I assume a cheerful disposition because it is very hard to find favor with people when you are a grump or pouting.)

God may similarly bring us through circumstances we don’t want, but we will have the choice on how we act in those circumstances. We may not even know how He plans to use the circumstances we experience while we are going through them. He does not always tell us in advance and show us the map of His plans. We do well to learn to trust Him and conduct ourselves with grace and composure in all circumstances.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, help us a Your people to trust in You in all circumstances. Help us to conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of representing You. Encourage us in tough times. Thanks and praise to You that You can use even strange or difficult circumstances in our lives to bring about Your purposes. Amen.


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Work Together to Build Up the Body of Yeshua

God certainly wants to see His followers help one another in proclaiming the gospel. There are two aspects to helping one another…. looking to help those we can help and being humble enough to accept counsel and help from others.

Those who are wise accept rebuke and wise counsel and grow wiser.

Proverbs 9:9  9Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.

Apollos was an eloquent man and well versed in the scriptures. He had fervent spirit and was out there proclaiming and teaching about Yeshua. He was none the less incomplete in his understanding of the gospel. Priscilla and Aquilla reached out to him to teach him and encourage him, refining his teaching while still building upon his enthusiasm and talents. They did not dismiss him or reject him because he did not have it all quite right. They went out of their way to help him grow.

Equally important is the fact that Apollos was humble enough to listen and admit he did not understand everything perfectly. He took the wise counsel and became even more effective servant for Christ. What a wonderful series of events to watch those who learned from Paul reach out to help others in effectively and accurately sharing the truth of Yeshua!

Acts 18:23-28

Third Missionary Journey

      23And having spent some time there, he left and passed successively through the Galatian region and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.

      24Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures. 25This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he was speaking and teaching accurately the things concerning Jesus, being acquainted only with the baptism of John; 26and he began to speak out boldly in the synagogue. But when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. 27And when he wanted to go across to Achaia, the brethren encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him; and when he had arrived, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace, 28for he powerfully refuted the Jews in public, demonstrating by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ.

When we work together as a body of Christ to help one another in understanding and in the logistics of evangelism we are stronger than when we divide ourselves and attack one another… or even just choose not to help.

Has God put someone in your path that is reaching out to help you better understand the scriptures? Are you humble enough to listen and prayerfully consider if it is a helpful course correction you should follow?

Is God calling you to graciously help reach out to someone who may have great talents and enthusiasm, but may benefit from your counsel on the scriptures? Are you obeying and reaching out to that person?

Let us each consider how to help others and be humble enough to accept help from others. The body of Christ is truly strengthened when all parts are working together toward the same goal… that of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, please guide and encourage Your people to help one another. Let us be patient with those who are not complete in their understanding. Encourage us to invest time and effort to help them. Also create in Your people a spirit of humility that is willing to learn what others have to teach. Amen. 


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

It’s Not About Us, It’s About God

There are times when we will experience God’s blessing upon our lives or see Him work through us as His faithful servants in powerful ways. We must be prepared for these times so that they do not cause us to stumble.  It is at these times when we experience God’s power that we may be most vulnerable to the sin of pride. We must not forget that it is God’s power and blessing and not our own accomplishment in order to remain humble and faithfully serve God.

Acts 14:8-18

    8At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother’s womb, who had never walked. 9This man was listening to Paul as he spoke, who, when he had fixed his gaze on him and had seen that he had faith to be made well, 10said with a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet.” And he leaped up and began to walk. 11When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they raised their voice, saying in the Lycaonian language, “The gods have become like men and have come down to us.” 12And they began calling Barnabas, Zeus, and Paul, Hermes, because he was the chief speaker. 13The priest of Zeus, whose temple was just outside the city, brought oxen and garlands to the gates, and wanted to offer sacrifice with the crowds. 14But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard of it, they tore their robes and rushed out into the crowd, crying out 15and saying, “Men, why are you doing these things? We are also men of the same nature as you, and preach the gospel to you that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, WHO MADE THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH AND THE SEA AND ALL THAT IS IN THEM. 16“In the generations gone by He permitted all the nations to go their own ways; 17and yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.” 18Even saying these things, with difficulty they restrained the crowds from offering sacrifice to them.

Paul and Barnabas were grieved that the crowds were missing the point… they were honoring Paul and Barnabas instead of God. They immediately took direct action to put the focus off them and back on God! What a temptation that could be to men… to be lifted up and honored, but they would have to take credit for what God was doing. Paul and Barnabas demonstrated humility and kept the focus on God, even when it was hard to do so. They knew it was not about them, it was about God.

Have you experienced things that went really well because of God’s blessing and had people try to shower praise on you for “your” accomplishments? It can be easy to just accept the credit, but it is better to give glory to God instead of letting it land on ourselves. It’s not about us and what we do, it’s about God and what He does and Has already done. How can you react differently and give God the glory the next time a similar situation comes up?

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, please lead and guide me. Help me to stand strong and speak boldly for You. Please work through me to bring glory and honor to You. Let me remain humble as You work through me that I would not stumble into pride, but rather keep the focus on You and Your glory. I pray this also for all Your people and especially the leaders you raise up to stand for righteousness. Amen. 


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Why Did God Allow This Hardship to Happen?

There is much suffering in this world and many situations that we as believers may struggle to understand. We may find ourselves asking, “Why did God allow this to happen?”. There will always be things we do not fully understand, but it is truly important to draw near to God during these times… draw closer to Him… do not let suffering or lack of understanding on your part separate you from God.

Proverbs 3:5-7  5Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. 6In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. 7Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and turn away from evil.

From a practical perspective, when we are looking to God to help us out of difficulty or to help us prosper while experiencing it, if we allow ourselves to drift away from Him, we will be less able to hear His instructions and guidance. During these times we want to draw near and listen closely to what God has to tell us. I want to serve God and honor Him even in suffering and trials. I want to learn what He is trying to teach me and let Him use me.

Consider the death of Stephen and persecution of the early followers of Christ by those who claimed to be righteous… Jewish religious leaders. There was much persecution and suffering amongst the early church. The followers of Yeshua fled Jerusalem and spread the message of the gospel to other locations. Imagine if they would have just gotten mad at Yahweh and stopped following Yeshua to avoid a difficult situation… they would have been lost and Yah’s plan to spread the good news of Messiah across the world would not have progressed the way He desired.

The early followers of Yeshua obeyed Yahweh and proclaimed the good news to others despite persecution. They began by preaching to only Jewish people. During this time of suffering, though, they still trusted the LORD and when they heard His guidance to proclaim the gospel to Jews and Gentiles, they did. God brought a tremendous harvest of new believers from the Gentiles.  The early church believed and trusted Yahweh even during persecution and hardship. As a result, He was able to use them in a mighty way to the glory of His kingdom.

None of the early disciples of Yeshua were thinking… “If only we could be persecuted and scattered, that would be great.” or “We should preach to the Gentiles.” But they were faithful and served the LORD regardless of difficulty and circumstance. Praise and glory to Yahweh, the faithful servants flourished in the situation in which He planted them and then were able to hear His instructions to adjust their course and bring the gospel to a great number of believers. Now, 2000 years later, see how many followers of Yeshua were not among the Jewish people! How much of the harvest would have been missed if Yeshua’s disciples did not listen?

We can also see that in suffering, which came as a famine in this case, believers pulled together to help one another. This principle is important for us to remember. I am sure these early Gentile disciples did not fully and properly understand the instructions of Yah such as the Law. That is why Paul was there teaching for so long. Despite some variation in understanding and practice of how they pursued the LORD, they pulled together in unity. Of course, I am sure it helped to have a clear leader in Paul to teach them all they needed to know. We tend to lack that today, though many teachers are out there with differing understanding of how to live for the LORD.

Acts 11:19-30

The Church at Antioch

      19So then those who were scattered because of the persecution that occurred in connection with Stephen made their way to Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except to Jews alone. 20But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who came to Antioch and began speaking to the Greeks also, preaching the Lord Jesus. 21And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a large number who believed turned to the Lord. 22The news about them reached the ears of the church at Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas off to Antioch. 23Then when he arrived and witnessed the grace of God, he rejoiced and began to encourage them all with resolute heart to remain true to the Lord; 24for he was a good man, and full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And considerable numbers were brought to the Lord. 25And he left for Tarsus to look for Saul; 26and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And for an entire year they met with the church and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.

      27Now at this time some prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch. 28One of them named Agabus stood up and began to indicate by the Spirit that there would certainly be a great famine all over the world. And this took place in the reign of Claudius. 29And in the proportion that any of the disciples had means, each of them determined to send a contribution for the relief of the brethren living in Judea. 30And this they did, sending it in charge of Barnabas and Saul to the elders.

Keep your eyes, ears and heart open for Yah’s direction for you in the midst of the difficulties you may be experiencing. How might He be using this situation or guiding you to further His kingdom? Do not despair, He is with you and can cause all things to work together for the good of those who believe in Him.

Romans 8:28  28And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

How can you obey Yah and allow Him to use you in the midst of hard situations you are experiencing today? How can you help other disciples of Yeshua who are experiencing difficulty?

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, please raise up teachers like Paul to instruct and lead Your people in a return to Your instructions for how we are to live and worship. Help the disciples of Yeshua pull together to move toward restoration of living as Yeshua demonstrated, according to Your ways rather than the ways of man. Please help us have unity in moving toward proper understanding and living out of Your teaching in the scriptures. Amen. 


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Sometimes We Find Grace, Mercy, and Forgiveness Through Discipline

We previously read in 2 Chronicles 33:1-9 about the wickedness of King Manasseh of Judah, who came after Hezekiah. As we continue to read in verses 10-20, we see his idolatry is rebuked and quite severely. We should pay close attention to the relationship and interaction between Manasseh and Yahweh. This is a story of grace, mercy, and forgiveness; but it is experienced through humility and repentance, and it all begins with discipline.

These principles apply to our lives today!

2 Chronicles 33:10-20

Manasseh’s Idolatry Rebuked

      10The LORD spoke to Manasseh and his people, but they paid no attention. 11Therefore the LORD brought the commanders of the army of the king of Assyria against them, and they captured Manasseh with hooks, bound him with bronze chains and took him to Babylon. 12When he was in distress, he entreated the LORD his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers. 13When he prayed to Him, He was moved by his entreaty and heard his supplication, and brought him again to Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God.

      14Now after this he built the outer wall of the city of David on the west side of Gihon, in the valley, even to the entrance of the Fish Gate; and he encircled the Ophel with it and made it very high. Then he put army commanders in all the fortified cities of Judah. 15He also removed the foreign gods and the idol from the house of the LORD, as well as all the altars which he had built on the mountain of the house of the LORD and in Jerusalem, and he threw them outside the city. 16He set up the altar of the LORD and sacrificed peace offerings and thank offerings on it; and he ordered Judah to serve the LORD God of Israel. 17Nevertheless the people still sacrificed in the high places, although only to the LORD their God.

      18Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh even his prayer to his God, and the words of the seers who spoke to him in the name of the LORD God of Israel, behold, they are among the records of the kings of Israel. 19His prayer also and how God was entreated by him, and all his sin, his unfaithfulness, and the sites on which he built high places and erected the Asherim and the carved images, before he humbled himself, behold, they are written in the records of the Hozai. 20So Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they buried him in his own house. And Amon his son became king in his place.

The LORD rebuked Manasseh and the people of Judah. He spoke to them first, but they ignored Him. These are Yah’s people, His children. He brought about a harsher punishment and rebuke to get their attention. This is out of love and not hate. He loves His children enough to try to correct them and bring them back to Him. I do the same with my children. I rebuke and bring consequences on my own, whom I love. I do not go punish and rebuke the children who are not my own.

Another mistake often made by Yah’s people is to assume that difficulty comes from Satan and may indicate they are really on the right track for Yah and Satan is trying to discourage them. This can be true, but so too is it true that Yah will discipline us for going in the wrong direction. Our perspective on this affects how we react. We must be keenly aware of both perspectives.

Hebrews 12:4-13

A Father’s Discipline

4You have not yet resisted [c]to the point of shedding blood in your striving against sin; 5and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons,




AND HE PUNISHES EVERY SON WHOM HE ACCEPTS.” 7It is for discipline that you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? 8But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. 9Furthermore, we had [d]earthly fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; shall we not much more be subject to the Father of [e]spirits, and live? 10For they disciplined us for a short time as seemed best to them, but He disciplines us for our good, so that we may share His holiness. 11For the moment, all discipline seems not to be pleasant, but painful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterward it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.

12Therefore, [f]strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, 13and make straight paths for your feet, so that the limb which is impaired may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.

Manasseh hit rock bottom, because of the discipline of the LORD. That is when he turned genuinely back to Yah and sought forgiveness and repentance. Manasseh’s relationship with Yah was developed to a new level and Yah restored Manasseh as king of Judah. Manasseh was a changed man. He was focused on Yah and His ways. What a beautiful example of Yah’s grace, forgiveness, and mercy, but all brought about through repentance by discipline.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, thank You for Your holy word that leads and guides us! Thank You for the historical examples You have provided us like Hezekiah and Manasseh that can help us gain perspective on our own lives. Thank You for grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Thank You even for discipline that You bring on us to correct and rebuke us and restore our relationship with You! Amen. 

There is one other gem hidden in this passage we should not overlook.

Nevertheless the people still sacrificed in the high places, although only to the LORD their God. (2 Chronicles 33:17)

Despite Manasseh’s reforms and efforts, the people still sacrificed in a way that was originated from pagan worship practices rather than Yah’s ways. Though they no longer worshipped false gods in these practices, it is still listed as a disappointment that is not pleasing to Yah. They worshipped Yah according to the ways the pagans worship their gods and Yah does not like this. Yah wants us to worship Him the way He tells us. This is a common trap Christians fall in today with Christmas and Easter and other common cultural holidays. Most of these have pagan origins and may have had Christian stories or principles layered on top of the pagan origins. Celebrating Christ in Christmas is quite similar to the people of Judah worshipping Yah on the high places. He does not like it. This is mixing and blending truth with error in our worship, even if we worship Yahweh or honor Yeshua in this manner. To learn more, you can search Christmas on our home page or review our category of articles on holidays / traditions by scrolling down through the articles.


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

What Can We Learn from Assyria’s Invasion of Judah?

As I read 2 Chronicles 32, I tend to focus on at least three perspectives: Hezekiah, Yahweh, and Sennacherib. Of course, you can explore more as well, such as the perspective of the people of Israel or the soldiers of Sennacherib. Each perspective helps us understand key elements of God’s interaction with man that still apply today.

I find it interesting to read through this passage several times, each time focused on one of the different perspectives identified above. For example, I read first focused on the events from Hezekiah’s perspective, then a second time from the perspective of Sennacherib, and then again from that of Yahweh.

For background context consider reading 2 Chronicles 29 30, and 31. Hezekiah is a righteous king, doing what is good in the sight of the LORD and leading his people out of sin and rebellion to Yahweh and into a right worship and lifestyle according to Yah’s ways.

2 Chronicles 32

Sennacherib Invades Judah

      1After these acts of faithfulness Sennacherib king of Assyria came and invaded Judah and besieged the fortified cities, and thought to break into them for himself. 2Now when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and that he intended to make war on Jerusalem, 3he decided with his officers and his warriors to cut off the supply of water from the springs which were outside the city, and they helped him. 4So many people assembled and stopped up all the springs and the stream which flowed through the region, saying, “Why should the kings of Assyria come and find abundant water?” 5And he took courage and rebuilt all the wall that had been broken down and erected towers on it, and built another outside wall and strengthened the Millo in the city of David, and made weapons and shields in great number. 6He appointed military officers over the people and gathered them to him in the square at the city gate, and spoke encouragingly to them, saying, 7“Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed because of the king of Assyria nor because of all the horde that is with him; for the one with us is greater than the one with him. 8“With him is only an arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.” And the people relied on the words of Hezekiah king of Judah.

Sennacherib Undermines Hezekiah

      9After this Sennacherib king of Assyria sent his servants to Jerusalem while he was besieging Lachish with all his forces with him, against Hezekiah king of Judah and against all Judah who were at Jerusalem, saying, 10“Thus says Sennacherib king of Assyria, ‘On what are you trusting that you are remaining in Jerusalem under siege? 11‘Is not Hezekiah misleading you to give yourselves over to die by hunger and by thirst, saying, “The LORD our God will deliver us from the hand of the king of Assyria”? 12‘Has not the same Hezekiah taken away His high places and His altars, and said to Judah and Jerusalem, “You shall worship before one altar, and on it you shall burn incense”? 13‘Do you not know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of the lands? Were the gods of the nations of the lands able at all to deliver their land from my hand? 14‘Who was there among all the gods of those nations which my fathers utterly destroyed who could deliver his people out of my hand, that your God should be able to deliver you from my hand? 15‘Now therefore, do not let Hezekiah deceive you or mislead you like this, and do not believe him, for no god of any nation or kingdom was able to deliver his people from my hand or from the hand of my fathers. How much less will your God deliver you from my hand?’”

      16His servants spoke further against the LORD God and against His servant Hezekiah. 17He also wrote letters to insult the LORD God of Israel, and to speak against Him, saying, “As the gods of the nations of the lands have not delivered their people from my hand, so the God of Hezekiah will not deliver His people from my hand.” 18They called this out with a loud voice in the language of Judah to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall, to frighten and terrify them, so that they might take the city. 19They spoke of the God of Jerusalem as of the gods of the peoples of the earth, the work of men’s hands.

Hezekiah’s Prayer Is Answered

      20But King Hezekiah and Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, prayed about this and cried out to heaven. 21And the LORD sent an angel who destroyed every mighty warrior, commander and officer in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned in shame to his own land. And when he had entered the temple of his god, some of his own children killed him there with the sword. 22So the LORD saved Hezekiah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem from the hand of Sennacherib the king of Assyria and from the hand of all others, and guided them on every side. 23And many were bringing gifts to the LORD at Jerusalem and choice presents to Hezekiah king of Judah, so that he was exalted in the sight of all nations thereafter.

      24In those days Hezekiah became mortally ill; and he prayed to the LORD, and the LORD spoke to him and gave him a sign. 25But Hezekiah gave no return for the benefit he received, because his heart was proud; therefore wrath came on him and on Judah and Jerusalem. 26However, Hezekiah humbled the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the LORD did not come on them in the days of Hezekiah.

      27Now Hezekiah had immense riches and honor; and he made for himself treasuries for silver, gold, precious stones, spices, shields and all kinds of valuable articles, 28storehouses also for the produce of grain, wine and oil, pens for all kinds of cattle and sheepfolds for the flocks. 29He made cities for himself and acquired flocks and herds in abundance, for God had given him very great wealth. 30It was Hezekiah who stopped the upper outlet of the waters of Gihon and directed them to the west side of the city of David. And Hezekiah prospered in all that he did. 31Even in the matter of the envoys of the rulers of Babylon, who sent to him to inquire of the wonder that had happened in the land, God left him alone only to test him, that He might know all that was in his heart.

      32Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah and his deeds of devotion, behold, they are written in the vision of Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, in the Book of the Kings of Judah and Israel. 33So Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and they buried him in the upper section of the tombs of the sons of David; and all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem honored him at his death. And his son Manasseh became king in his place.

I want to summarize some key points from each perspective: Hezekiah, Sennacherib, and Yahweh. As you read and reflect, consider how each may apply in your life today.


  • He was in right relationship with Yahweh.
  • He still faced difficulties and trials that were significant. It was not because of any sin of his own.
  • He trusted faithfully in the power of Yahweh over that of men.
  • He did not complain about why Yah would allow this to happen, but instead he turned to Yah for help.
  • He took wise and bold action on his own to prepare for war in regards to what he could do on his own, and then he also sought Yah in prayer to rescue him.
  • After Yah granted miraculous victory, Hezekiah and the LORD were both honored with gifts and respect.
  • Yah healed Hezekiah, but he then acted with a proud heart. The LORD provided correction to Hezekiah. Hezekiah repented and humbled his heart before the LORD, and the LORD relented. This pattern is one similar to that of David and we do well to watch out we do not lose our humility and if we do, that we repent.
  •  Hezekiah was blessed with financial wealth from Yah. This is not necessarily a promise that all who follow Yah will be financially rich. Consider many prophets and disciples who were clearly not wealthy. Trust in Yah either way but praise Him for what He does provide to you.


  • He had no respect for or relationship with Yahweh.
  • He was very proud and arrogant.
  • He had full trust in his own ability to control any outcome based on the strength of his resources (e.g. army).
  • He boldly disrespected Yah, comparing Him to the common false gods and idols of other nations.
  • Once Yah decided to defeat Sennacherib as an answer to prayer, all his earthly power was totally meaningless.
  • He faced defeat which he likely never fully understood, but it was based on his standing against the one true God.
  • When he died, he ended up in eternal suffering.


  • Yah favored Hezekiah, but still allowed him to face significant difficulty and challenges.
  • Yah surely did not favor Sennacherib, but still allowed him to accomplish much and be mighty in the eyes of men. He had much worldly power.
  • When the righteous called out for help, Yah defeated Sennacherib without action needed from Hezekiah or his army.
  • When the righteous, Hezekiah, was ill and asked for help, Yah healed him. This does not mean Yah will heal everyone who is righteous.
  • When Hezekiah became proud in his heart, Yah rebuked him and humbled him. When Hezekiah repented, Yah forgave him and showed mercy.
  • Yah blessed Hezekiah with riches and honor.

I hope you have found this as interesting a study as I have. I encourage you to think through from more perspectives as well and write it out. Then reflect how it applies. Considering the perspective of the people of Judah or Sennacherib’s army surely brings an angle of those who were not the leaders into play that would be interesting to explore. Remember, this is not just history, but relevant for how we should live still today.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, please show me how to apply this history to my personal life. Help me to walk in right relationship with You and trust in You as my provider and defender. Help me also to have wisdom and courage to take the action that I should in order to address the challenges that face me. Amen. 


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Accept Correction, Change Behavior, and Seek Forgiveness

Simon was a man who was used to being the center of attention. He had grown accustomed to people being impressed by his tricks… his slights of hand or “magic arts”. When he met Philip and saw the people being baptized in the name of Yeshua and witnessed great signs and miracles… Simon believed.

As a new believer, Simon continued to witness the signs and wonders and was particularly impressed when the apostles laid hands on people and the Holy Spirit was bestowed on them.

Simon made a significant mistake and was rebuked for it by the apostles. He was so impressed by the acts of the apostles that he perhaps slipped back into his typical mindset of making a deal to buy the power of God he saw in front of him. Perhaps he was drawn to being the center of attention again or just excited as a new follower of Christ and he approached the situation from his selfish nature or glorifying himself rather than the selfless nature of glorifying God.

The message of the apostles to Simon was simple and consistent with the ways of Yeshua, turn to Yahweh in repentance and ask for forgiveness. Simon’s response was equally consistent with the ways of Yeshua, please pray for me.

Acts 8:9-24

     9Now there was a man named Simon, who formerly was practicing magic in the city and astonishing the people of Samaria, claiming to be someone great; 10and they all, from smallest to greatest, were giving attention to him, saying, “This man is what is called the Great Power of God.” 11And they were giving him attention because he had for a long time astonished them with his magic arts. 12But when they believed Philip preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were being baptized, men and women alike. 13Even Simon himself believed; and after being baptized, he continued on with Philip, and as he observed signs and great miracles taking place, he was constantly amazed.

      14Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent them Peter and John, 15who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. 16For He had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17Then they began laying their hands on them, and they were receiving the Holy Spirit. 18Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money, 19saying, “Give this authority to me as well, so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.” 20But Peter said to him, “May your silver perish with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! 21“You have no part or portion in this matter, for your heart is not right before God. 22“Therefore repent of this wickedness of yours, and pray the Lord that, if possible, the intention of your heart may be forgiven you. 23“For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bondage of iniquity.” 24But Simon answered and said, “Pray to the Lord for me yourselves, so that nothing of what you have said may come upon me.”

New believers are not instantly changed into mature believers when they say “yes” to Christ for the first time. It is typical that they need love, patience, support, and prayer from more mature believers around them. They are still learning how to follow Yeshua, and do so for His glory rather than their own. They will make mistakes. What we see in Simon though is what appears to be genuine concern for his mistake and a genuine desire to ask forgiveness and receive support in prayer form the apostles.

More mature Christians we can make a point to reach out to and support new Christians… and absolutely to rebuke them and pray for them to help them stay on the right path to relationship with God. New Christians should allow themselves to be humble when they make mistakes… not to get defensive, but rather accept counsel, repent of the wrong behavior, ask forgiveness from God and ask others to pray for them and with them.

Our journey to become more like Yeshua and less like our own selfish nature is a journey that lasts a lifetime… we are never done, but it transforms us along the way. Those who accept correction will grow in wisdom and progress faster and further on the journey toward close relationship with Yeshua.

I invite you to pray with me:

Father, please help me to have a right heart toward You. Help me to focus on bringing glory and honor to You. Give me a spirit that is ready to accept correction (or give it appropriately). Amen.


Devotion by John in service to Christ

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.