Category Archives: Family

Deception From Within The Family

Genesis 29:15-30 continues leading us on a journey with Jacob whereby in fleeing from his past mistakes and their destructive impact on his family, Jacob met God personally on the way to find his uncle Laban. Jacob pledged to follow God. We see in this passage that Jacob is going to experience seemingly unthinkable deception at the hands of his own family. Yet one hopes God can use this deception to teach Jacob a lesson about his own deception and trickery which he played out on his father Isaac to receive the blessing Isaac intended for Esau.

After Jacob had stayed with Laban for about a month, 15 Laban said to him, “You shouldn’t work for me without pay just because we are relatives. Tell me how much your wages should be.”

16 Now Laban had two daughters. The older daughter was named Leah, and the younger one was Rachel. 17 There was no sparkle in Leah’s eyes,[a] but Rachel had a beautiful figure and a lovely face. 18 Since Jacob was in love with Rachel, he told her father, “I’ll work for you for seven years if you’ll give me Rachel, your younger daughter, as my wife.”

19 “Agreed!” Laban replied. “I’d rather give her to you than to anyone else. Stay and work with me.” 20 So Jacob worked seven years to pay for Rachel. But his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days.

21 Finally, the time came for him to marry her. “I have fulfilled my agreement,” Jacob said to Laban. “Now give me my wife so I can sleep with her.”

22 So Laban invited everyone in the neighborhood and prepared a wedding feast. 23 But that night, when it was dark, Laban took Leah to Jacob, and he slept with her. 24 (Laban had given Leah a servant, Zilpah, to be her maid.)

25 But when Jacob woke up in the morning—it was Leah! “What have you done to me?” Jacob raged at Laban. “I worked seven years for Rachel! Why have you tricked me?”

26 “It’s not our custom here to marry off a younger daughter ahead of the firstborn,” Laban replied. 27 “But wait until the bridal week is over; then we’ll give you Rachel, too—provided you promise to work another seven years for me.”

28 So Jacob agreed to work seven more years. A week after Jacob had married Leah, Laban gave him Rachel, too. 29 (Laban gave Rachel a servant, Bilhah, to be her maid.) 30 So Jacob slept with Rachel, too, and he loved her much more than Leah. He then stayed and worked for Laban the additional seven years.

If it was Laban’s intent solely to marry his daughter Leah or get more work from Jacob, then he succeeded. However, he was wrong to do it this way, with deception and trickery. Laban essentially placed Leah in the care of a husband who did not love her and was not interested in her. This caused problems for her, and for Rebekah, as we will see in our next lesson as we read on in Chapter 29.

One hopes that Jacob is able to learn from this incident that how he deceived his father, Isaac, was wrong and hurtful. Jacob handled the situation much better than Esau. Jacob did not plot revenge by killing or hurting Laban despite being angry as Esau had plotted to kill Jacob in anger.

I am often reminded as I read through scripture that whatever family problems we see in our society around us today are not new and unique. Mankind is inherently selfish and sinful and brings much suffering and wickedness into the world, even amongst family. Man has not changed in thousands of years, just our surroundings like home, tools, clothing.

None of us are ‘good enough’ to meet God’s standard. I am grateful that God came in the person of Jesus Christ to die for my sins. He paid a debt that I could not. I accept Him as my lord and savior. I repent (e.g. turn away from) my sins and submit to Him. Through the grace of God I am saved by faith. Praise God for the depths of His love for us!

If you have accepted Christ as your savior, please take time to thank Him and praise Him. Submit to Him and turn from your sins daily. Change your life to reflect His instruction instead of the world’s.

If you have never accepted Christ as your savior, please do so now. It is not about the words or a one time action, but rather a genuine repentance of the heart and submission to God. Accept that He died for your sins, was buried, and rose again. Submit to and follow Him. Ask Him into your life as Lord.

If you have any questions or want to pray with someone, please reach out to us at our Contact Us page invite us to pray with you or provide you with more information.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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Submit To God’s Will And He Will Direct Your Path

Genesis 29 continues while Jacob is on his journey escaping from his brother Esau and seeking his uncle Laban to find a wife from his own people, one that does not practice the detestable worship of the Hittites as did the wives of Esau. God revealed himself to Jacob in a dream in Genesis 28 and Jacob committed to following and serving God.

We see that, with God’s help, Jacob had no trouble finding his uncle immediately upon arriving in the land. God clearly appears to be guiding the events to help Jacob. God keeps His promises, and the blessings of God are real and significant.

29 Then Jacob hurried on, finally arriving in the land of the east. He saw a well in the distance. Three flocks of sheep and goats lay in an open field beside it, waiting to be watered. But a heavy stone covered the mouth of the well.

It was the custom there to wait for all the flocks to arrive before removing the stone and watering the animals. Afterward the stone would be placed back over the mouth of the well. Jacob went over to the shepherds and asked, “Where are you from, my friends?”

“We are from Haran,” they answered.

“Do you know a man there named Laban, the grandson of Nahor?” he asked.

“Yes, we do,” they replied.

“Is he doing well?” Jacob asked.

“Yes, he’s well,” they answered. “Look, here comes his daughter Rachel with the flock now.”

Jacob said, “Look, it’s still broad daylight—too early to round up the animals. Why don’t you water the sheep and goats so they can get back out to pasture?”

“We can’t water the animals until all the flocks have arrived,” they replied. “Then the shepherds move the stone from the mouth of the well, and we water all the sheep and goats.”

Jacob was still talking with them when Rachel arrived with her father’s flock, for she was a shepherd. 10 And because Rachel was his cousin—the daughter of Laban, his mother’s brother—and because the sheep and goats belonged to his uncle Laban, Jacob went over to the well and moved the stone from its mouth and watered his uncle’s flock. 11 Then Jacob kissed Rachel, and he wept aloud. 12 He explained to Rachel that he was her cousin on her father’s side—the son of her aunt Rebekah. So Rachel quickly ran and told her father, Laban.

13 As soon as Laban heard that his nephew Jacob had arrived, he ran out to meet him. He embraced and kissed him and brought him home. When Jacob had told him his story, 14 Laban exclaimed, “You really are my own flesh and blood!”

Jacob submitted to God in Genesis 28. In fact, he gained an appropriate fear of God, recognizing the authority of our Lord. When we submit to God, He will direct our paths and when we seek to live out our lives according to His will and His plan instead of our own, He will enable us to succeed.

Each of us should consider… “Have I truly submitted all of my life to God? Do I trust Him in the outcome, even if it is not what I want or ask for? What areas am I holding on to, insisting it be according to my will instead of His?”

Another aspect we must consider as Christians is that we should, like Jacob, have an appropriate “fear” of God. He is not just a loving “grandfather” with no opinion of right and wrong in our behaviors. He is a just and holy God… a father… who is going to hold us accountable for the right and wrong that we commit through our thoughts, actions, and inactions. He does so because He loves us and He knows what is best for us. We should let that appropriate fear help to guide us in our submission to Him as we would an earthly father.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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What Good Deed Must I Do To Have Eternal Life?

Jesus continues to teach us about the kingdom of heaven in Matthew 19:16-30, in response to a question from a wealthy man. Jesus’ response is respectful but difficult and really tests how committed the man is to seeking and submitting to God. Sadly, this man walks away from God because it is too hard for him.

16 Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher,[f] what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”

17 “Why ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. But to answer your question—if you want to receive eternal life, keep[g] the commandments.”

18 “Which ones?” the man asked.

And Jesus replied: “‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. 19 Honor your father and mother. Love your neighbor as yourself.’[h]

20 “I’ve obeyed all these commandments,” the young man replied. “What else must I do?”

21 Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

22 But when the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.

23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is very hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 24 I’ll say it again—it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”

25 The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?” they asked.

26 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

27 Then Peter said to him, “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?”

28 Jesus replied, “I assure you that when the world is made new[i] and the Son of Man[j] sits upon his glorious throne, you who have been my followers will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life. 30 But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.[k]

We should be careful to recognize that the rich man is a specific person, and not representative of all rich people or all people who have many possessions. That should be obvious since it is clear that not all who are rich even come to seek God or try to follow His commands as this man did.  I give him credit in that he was trying to follow God’s commandments and seek to learn more about path to eternal life… he was closer to the kingdom of God than many in our churches today. However, he still came up short of what is required… submission to God in all things.  He valued money and possessions above God.

We immediately get insight into this man’s motivations and drives by his opening question.

16 Someone came to Jesus with this question: “Teacher,[f] what good deed must I do to have eternal life?”

The wealthy man did not come seeking to know God’s will for him and to submit to God. He came to see what he could do to get eternal life.  In effect he wanted to see what was required and if it was not hard, he would do it. He is task oriented and seeking another specific action or work on his part to complete on his way to eternal life. He does not seem to recognize that his works and deeds are not and will never be sufficient.

He appears to believe in eternal life, but by the end we will see that his conviction on this matter is perhaps not as strong as it seems at first… else why would he walk away in the end. When we lack conviction in the reality of eternity with or without God (heaven or hell), we are vulnerable to valuing possessions or relationships in this world too much, putting them above God and failing to fully submit to Him.

Jesus takes a moment to clearly define “good”… that is to say godly or meeting God’s standard of holiness. Only those things and people are good. He clearly points out that only one is good… God Himself. No person meets this standard.

Jesus continues by pointing out that the man should measure himself against the commandments. The mans’ motivation for responding with “which ones?” is not clear to me. Was he looking for the bare minimum to get by or was he seeking clarification to separate God’s commandments from the many burdensome rules and traditions of men that the Pharisees and Sadducees had created?

When the man responds that he has followed all these commandments, we know that he can only be thinking of the physical acts associated with the commandments. Jesus just stated that only one is good… that one being God. Plus we read elsewhere in scripture where Jesus clearly tells us that to even think angry thoughts is to commit murder… to think lustful thoughts is to commit adultery. (Matthew 5:21-26). No one can measure up to God’s standard as reflected in the commandments. They show the depth of our sin when properly used as our measuring stick.

Jesus knows this man has not met the standard and could have spent time discussing it with him. Instead, Jesus knows where the man’s heart is and where his stumbling block is and gets right to the heart of the matter as it applies to this specific wealthy man.

21 Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

We may not know for sure if the rich man ever repented, but clearly he left in defeat. How hard it is for those that have much in this world to submit to God. How easy to rely on the things of this world.

Jesus then clearly explains to the disciples that it is hard… humanly impossible even, for a man to get to heaven without God. It is only with God that it is possible.

Peter then asks what several disciples are likely thinking…

27 Then Peter said to him, “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?”

We see that our eternal life with God is not just a case of either “in or out”, but rather there are levels of reward based on how we submitted to and served Him with our lives.

29 And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or property, for my sake, will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life. 30 But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.[k]

We are also clearly reminded by Jesus that those who follow Him should expect to be giving up possessions, family , friends… those things most dear to us. This is not to be done randomly, but rather Jesus is warning us that when we put God first above all else, we will find ourselves facing rejection even from those most dear. We must choose God above all else, without exception. It will be hard… humanly impossible. We need God.

Pray that God would reveal to you what areas of your life you are holding as higher priority or value over God. Pray He would help you to properly put Him first, even when it is painful.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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Let the Children Come To Me. Don’t Stop Them!

Matthew 19:13-15 captures wonderful insight into the character of God as revealed through Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry. God loves children and families who seek Him. He has time for us. He is never too busy and He never stops caring.

13 One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him.

14 But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.” 15 And he placed his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left.

This is a simple collection of verses, but take care not to overlook it! I have found myself many times remembering this one to help me try to live my life for Christ. It is so easy to get caught up in everything we think is so important that we have to get done. But Jesus reminds us to take time for the children… to spend time with them and to bless them. Also He shows us the value as parents of bringing our children to Him. Those parents could easily have entertained their children doing something else “fun”, perhaps something the children even preferred at the time, but instead they brought their children to Jesus and persisted even when the disciples tried to turn them away.

This short scripture has been inspirational to me as a father of four.  What greater way to show God’s love to the children than to demonstrate they are important by stopping what you are doing and making time for them? What greater way than to teach them about God through Jesus Christ and help them develop a personal relationship with Him.

What is more pleasing to God… to play or watch sports like football, baseball or basketball… or to help your children learn to relate to and rely on Jesus Christ? Which do your children and your family spend more time on?

Surely my work and my tasks are no more important than Jesus’ ministry was! Surely my need to relax is no greater than His was during His earthly ministry.  It was important to Jesus to spend time with children and help them to know Him. It is then also important to me. Let the children come!


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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Let No One Split Apart What God Has Joined Together

As Jesus is teaching and healing in the presence of large crowds of public witnesses it must have surely been a dramatic sight. People being healed, family and friends cheering on in amazement and praising God. This must surely have been an exciting scene in Matthew 19:1-12Yet the Pharisees walk past all of this in an effort to trap Jesus. Jesus, undeterred, uses this as an opportunity to speak clearly about marriage and divorce.

19 When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went down to the region of Judea east of the Jordan River. Large crowds followed him there, and he healed their sick.

Some Pharisees came and tried to trap him with this question: “Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife for just any reason?”

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’[a] And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’[b] Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”

“Then why did Moses say in the law that a man could give his wife a written notice of divorce and send her away?”[c] they asked.

Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.[d]

10 Jesus’ disciples then said to him, “If this is the case, it is better not to marry!”

11 “Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12 Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry[e] for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”

It almost seems routine that Jesus healed the sick in front of large crowds. It is mentioned almost in passing as we begin this scripture. But we must be careful never to take that for granted. He performed those signs to demonstrate His authority as God to heal people physically and spiritually (through forgiveness of sins for those who repent).

The scene is set… large crowds hearing Jesus teach and witnessing miracles of healing publically with many witnesses… and the Pharisees, religious leaders, can only think about trapping Jesus. They are blind to His truth because they already decided that they do not want to give up their power, authority, and influence. They seem blinded by their own wickedness. They are certainly not submitted to God.

Jesus takes the opportunity to clearly teach about marriage and divorce. With great clarity, Jesus points to the scriptures as authoritative and specifically points to marriage being between one man and one woman.  Homosexual “marriage” is clearly omitted because it is wrong and not God’s plan. Additionally, God clearly speaks that a man is  joined to his “wife”, not his “wives”.

Once a husband and wife are joined by God in marriage, God intends for them to stay together and seek and submit to God and each other through good times and difficult times. They are to separate  from mother and father and join to each other as the primary relationship in their lives, behind only their individual relationships with God for priority. The two become one and should not be separated.

Because of the wickedness and hardness of our hearts, God does allow divorce in some instances. It is not His plan for married couples to seek divorce, but rather a disappointing outcome driven by wickedness and selfishness, which at times creates a dangerous or harmful situation. We should never take divorce lightly and should always seek God’s help to reconcile and confirm before going down that path. It is better not to marry, than to marry and divorce.

For those of us who have experienced divorce or know those who have, there is forgiveness and grace for those who submit to God and repent from our sins. We should be careful not to rationalize divorce in a way that vindicates any involved are faultless. Those who develop an intimate relationship with God, study His scripture and apply it to their lives, submit to Him and prayerfully ask for His guidance… will be much more successful in choosing a godly spouse and living out a godly marriage that requires each of us to change and move away from our sinful and selfish desires and submit to God and our spouse. If two are truly submitted to God, difficulties in marriage can be addressed and overcome to the glory of God.

Instead, when we find ourselves in divorce, we must turn with genuine repentance before God and seek His forgiveness and grace. Jesus already died for our sins. His blood pays for our mistakes. Accept His grace and seek greater relationship with Him to avoid repeating the same sin again.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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Not My Father’s Relationship With God, But My Own

After receiving God’s blessing from Isaac, Jacob had to leave his family because of the deception he used against his brother Esau. As he travels, God appears to him in a dream in Genesis 28:10-22.

10 Meanwhile, Jacob left Beersheba and traveled toward Haran. 11 At sundown he arrived at a good place to set up camp and stopped there for the night. Jacob found a stone to rest his head against and lay down to sleep. 12 As he slept, he dreamed of a stairway that reached from the earth up to heaven. And he saw the angels of God going up and down the stairway.

13 At the top of the stairway stood the Lord, and he said, “I am the Lord, the God of your grandfather Abraham, and the God of your father, Isaac. The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants. 14 Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth! They will spread out in all directions—to the west and the east, to the north and the south. And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants. 15 What’s more, I am with you, and I will protect you wherever you go. One day I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have finished giving you everything I have promised you.”

16 Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I wasn’t even aware of it!” 17 But he was also afraid and said, “What an awesome place this is! It is none other than the house of God, the very gateway to heaven!”

18 The next morning Jacob got up very early. He took the stone he had rested his head against, and he set it upright as a memorial pillar. Then he poured olive oil over it. 19 He named that place Bethel (which means “house of God”), although it was previously called Luz.

20 Then Jacob made this vow: “If God will indeed be with me and protect me on this journey, and if he will provide me with food and clothing, 21 and if I return safely to my father’s home, then the Lord will certainly be my God. 22 And this memorial pillar I have set up will become a place for worshiping God, and I will present to God a tenth of everything he gives me.”

God made a point to confirm His promises to Jacob directly. He did not leave Jacob to rely on stories and teaching from his father or grandfather. God appeared in a dream and was very clear to Jacob. When he awoke, he had no doubt. He knew it was God.

God came to Jacob at a low point for him, as he was running from a bad family situation. He likely had little wealth with him on his journey. What God promised him must have seemed unbelievable. It would certainly require God, Himself, to make it happen. Yet Jacob did not rationalize away or disbelieve the message he heard from God as many of us may be tempted to do. Instead, Jacob believed in faith and made a personal commitment to God.  He did not rely on a commitment made by his father or grandfather. Now it was a personal relationship between Jacob and God.

Jacob also committed to tithing, or giving ten percent of all he received from God back to God. He wanted to honor God with worship and with money.

It is important for each of us to have a personal relationship with God. It is not enough that our family serves God or has a personal relationship with Him.

If you have not already done so, or perhaps even if you have, take a few moments and pray to our creator that He would reveal Himself to you and help you to have a heart to commit and submit to Him. Turn you life over to God and seek to follow Him and proclaim Him wholeheartedly.


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God Loves Each Of Us As Special And Unique

Beginning in Matthew 18, Jesus speaks to His disciples about what it means to be great in the kingdom of heaven. He calls a child over and then speaks about how important it is to welcome little children on His behalf and how bad it is to tempt and mislead them. In Matthew 18:12-14, Jesus then continues on with a parable to give insight into how God feels about caring for His people.

12 “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? 13 And if he finds it, I tell you the truth, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine that didn’t wander away! 14 In the same way, it is not my heavenly Father’s will that even one of these little ones should perish.

God cares for all of His people as the shepherd cares for all hundred of the sheep. God cares enough to go looking for even one of us that gets lost. This is a wonderful expression of love. God does not view us as interchangeable parts, each the same as the other, such that missing one when you still have so many others is not important. God knows each of us as individuals and none of us is replaceable by another. He made us. We are each precious to Him. He does not want any of us to perish… to get lost and end up separated from Him for eternity in hell.

I have heard people stumble on this teaching. They think the shepherd is leaving the ninety-nine at risk to go seek the one who got lost. Perhaps they feel like ninety-nine out of one hundred is pretty good after all and how important can the one sheep be?

Most who stumble don’t understand the mentality of a shepherd who is tending his own flock. They think more like a hired hand who feels no personal ownership or accountability for the flock. This parable is actually giving us great insight into how God views us.

Consider a family with ten children that went camping in the woods. Would they return with just nine children? Would not the parent leave the nine at the car or camp site if necessary and go look for the one that was missing? Would they not all rejoice more over the one that was found than the nine that were never lost?

God knows us each personally and loves us as His children. He is our father, our shepherd, and we depend on Him. He wants all of us to grow to know Him and follow Him.


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Who Is The Greatest In The Kingdom Of Heaven?

Many of us in the world seek greatness. Often what is most telling is what is put forth as the standard against which to measure greatness. Jesus addresses this subject in Matthew 18:1-10.

18 About that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Who is greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?”

Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

“And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf[a] is welcoming me. But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.

“What sorrow awaits the world, because it tempts people to sin. Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting. So if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one hand or one foot than to be thrown into eternal fire with both of your hands and feet. And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.[b]

10 “Beware that you don’t look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my heavenly Father.

Where does greatness begin, according to Jesus?

  • Turn from our sin. To turn from our sin does not mean we live sinless lives… but it does mean we strive to. It is a journey away from our sin nature and toward God’s holy standard. We are not to accept and dwell in our sin.
  • Be humble, as a small child. If we are arrogant instead of humble we likely start to think we deserve heaven… we have earned it because we are better than others. We also start to treat others differently, and not in a good way. On the other hand, when we realize that we are not good enough and it is only through God’s grace that we are saved, then we become humble. When we are humble, we treat people, even sinners or those who disagree with us, with love and compassion and not with contempt.
  • Recognize how our actions and words can lift someone up and lead them to Christ or cause them to stumble. We are accountable to God for helping or stumbling others in their spiritual journey.
  • Those who tempt others to sin and reject God will be held accountable and it will be bad for them. Rather than tempt people to sin by rationalizing sinful behavior, always look for ways to encourage others in living in a way that honors and obeys God.
  • There is most certainly life after death and what we do in this life directly has consequences on our life after death.

Jesus’ definition of greatness is very different from the world. The world tempts us to define great as those who get fame, power, money while basically serving themselves. Jesus calls us to turn from sin, be humble, and be seek to help others in their journey to know God and live His way rather than tempt them to live however they want to live, rationalizing sin and ignoring or rejecting God in the process.

Take a few moments to reflect for yourself and your family:

  •  How do you measure up to this standard of greatness? What changes do you want to make personally?
  • Whose standard of greatness do you use to identify your role models and heroes? God’s standard or the world’s standard? Should you change who you consider role models?


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Even Those With God’s Blessing Have Consequences For Their Mistakes

After Rebekah helps Jacob deceive Isaac so that Jacob can receive God’s blessing, the family is basically breaking apart. Isaac is very old and in declining physical health. Rebekah and Isaac have raised their boys with each having clear favorites. Lack of wisdom in selection of ungodly wives for Esau has made the situation worse within the family. Esau is planning to kill Jacob and Rebekah is now planning how to rescue Jacob by sending him away. By the end of this scripture Esau also chooses to leave. Sounds like a soap opera or dramatic television show, but actually it is the subject of historical events as documented in scripture.

Genesis 27:46-Genesis 28:1-9

46 Then Rebekah said to Isaac, “I’m sick and tired of these local Hittite women! I would rather die than see Jacob marry one of them.”

28 So Isaac called for Jacob, blessed him, and said, “You must not marry any of these Canaanite women. Instead, go at once to Paddan-aram, to the house of your grandfather Bethuel, and marry one of your uncle Laban’s daughters. May God Almighty[a] bless you and give you many children. And may your descendants multiply and become many nations! May God pass on to you and your descendants[b] the blessings he promised to Abraham. May you own this land where you are now living as a foreigner, for God gave this land to Abraham.”

So Isaac sent Jacob away, and he went to Paddan-aram to stay with his uncle Laban, his mother’s brother, the son of Bethuel the Aramean.

Esau knew that his father, Isaac, had blessed Jacob and sent him to Paddan-aram to find a wife, and that he had warned Jacob, “You must not marry a Canaanite woman.” He also knew that Jacob had obeyed his parents and gone to Paddan-aram. It was now very clear to Esau that his father did not like the local Canaanite women. So Esau visited his uncle Ishmael’s family and married one of Ishmael’s daughters, in addition to the wives he already had. His new wife’s name was Mahalath. She was the sister of Nebaioth and the daughter of Ishmael, Abraham’s son.

First I would observe that many look to the early figures in our faith such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. with great respect. If someone was just making up the whole story or intentionally altering history, they would certainly omit or clean up the messes like the one we are reading about in Genesis with Isaac’s family. They would easily have omitted them. However, they did not. The fact that even the mistakes and embarrassment of the elders of God’s people are recorded in detail is compelling evidence that the Bible is an accurate historical document for those parts of the scripture that were written to be taken literally.

Rebekah apparently learned her lesson in the importance of selecting the proper wife based in part her faith and relationship with God. It is disappointing that they could not help Esau avoid pagan wives. Now after seeing that it does not end well (sorry Esau, too late for you), she is going to take a better approach for Jacob. It is good that she learned from the situation with Esau, but how much better to have learned and applied the lesson of Abraham when he sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac… and found Rebekah! The parents had already lived through this issue personally and still the family failed in this area.

The sins of the parents in this case led to failure within the family structure. Scripture shows that Isaac and Rebekah did not work together and guide their family to love and respect one another, working as a team to serve God and the family. Instead they each gravitated toward favorites and created the roots of bitterness. Then Rebekah made it worse by plotting and scheming against her own husband. Perhaps she could have tried talking to him instead about the issues about which she was concerned?

Each of us should reflect on the errors made by Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, and Esau. What should they have done differently in each situation? How can we apply those learnings to our family lives?


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God’s Blessing Passed to Jacob By Deception?

Genesis 27:1-45 can be difficult to fully understand when you first read it. We must wrestle with issues such as “Why does God allow Isaac’s blessing to go to Jacob through deception and trickery?”

To understand the context properly we should remember what we read in Genesis 25. Esau showed contempt for his rights as first born and traded them willingly to Jacob for a bowl of stew. Then in Genesis 26, Esau continues straying from God by marrying two Hittite wives. The Hittite people had detestable practices involved in their pagan worship. It would appear that Esau rejected God willingly and thus in that context it becomes easier to understand why God passed the blessing on to Jacob.

27 One day when Isaac was old and turning blind, he called for Esau, his older son, and said, “My son.”

“Yes, Father?” Esau replied.

“I am an old man now,” Isaac said, “and I don’t know when I may die. Take your bow and a quiver full of arrows, and go out into the open country to hunt some wild game for me. Prepare my favorite dish, and bring it here for me to eat. Then I will pronounce the blessing that belongs to you, my firstborn son, before I die.”

But Rebekah overheard what Isaac had said to his son Esau. So when Esau left to hunt for the wild game, she said to her son Jacob, “Listen. I overheard your father say to Esau, ‘Bring me some wild game and prepare me a delicious meal. Then I will bless you in the Lord’s presence before I die.’ Now, my son, listen to me. Do exactly as I tell you. Go out to the flocks, and bring me two fine young goats. I’ll use them to prepare your father’s favorite dish. 10 Then take the food to your father so he can eat it and bless you before he dies.”

11 “But look,” Jacob replied to Rebekah, “my brother, Esau, is a hairy man, and my skin is smooth. 12 What if my father touches me? He’ll see that I’m trying to trick him, and then he’ll curse me instead of blessing me.”

13 But his mother replied, “Then let the curse fall on me, my son! Just do what I tell you. Go out and get the goats for me!”

14 So Jacob went out and got the young goats for his mother. Rebekah took them and prepared a delicious meal, just the way Isaac liked it. 15 Then she took Esau’s favorite clothes, which were there in the house, and gave them to her younger son, Jacob. 16 She covered his arms and the smooth part of his neck with the skin of the young goats. 17 Then she gave Jacob the delicious meal, including freshly baked bread.

18 So Jacob took the food to his father. “My father?” he said.

“Yes, my son,” Isaac answered. “Who are you—Esau or Jacob?”

19 Jacob replied, “It’s Esau, your firstborn son. I’ve done as you told me. Here is the wild game. Now sit up and eat it so you can give me your blessing.”

20 Isaac asked, “How did you find it so quickly, my son?”

“The Lord your God put it in my path!” Jacob replied.

21 Then Isaac said to Jacob, “Come closer so I can touch you and make sure that you really are Esau.” 22 So Jacob went closer to his father, and Isaac touched him. “The voice is Jacob’s, but the hands are Esau’s,” Isaac said. 23 But he did not recognize Jacob, because Jacob’s hands felt hairy just like Esau’s. So Isaac prepared to bless Jacob. 24 “But are you really my son Esau?” he asked.

“Yes, I am,” Jacob replied.

25 Then Isaac said, “Now, my son, bring me the wild game. Let me eat it, and then I will give you my blessing.” So Jacob took the food to his father, and Isaac ate it. He also drank the wine that Jacob served him. 26 Then Isaac said to Jacob, “Please come a little closer and kiss me, my son.”

27 So Jacob went over and kissed him. And when Isaac caught the smell of his clothes, he was finally convinced, and he blessed his son. He said, “Ah! The smell of my son is like the smell of the outdoors, which the Lord has blessed!

28 “From the dew of heaven
    and the richness of the earth,
may God always give you abundant harvests of grain
    and bountiful new wine.
29 May many nations become your servants,
    and may they bow down to you.
May you be the master over your brothers,
    and may your mother’s sons bow down to you.
All who curse you will be cursed,
    and all who bless you will be blessed.”

30 As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, and almost before Jacob had left his father, Esau returned from his hunt. 31 Esau prepared a delicious meal and brought it to his father. Then he said, “Sit up, my father, and eat my wild game so you can give me your blessing.”

32 But Isaac asked him, “Who are you?”

Esau replied, “It’s your son, your firstborn son, Esau.”

33 Isaac began to tremble uncontrollably and said, “Then who just served me wild game? I have already eaten it, and I blessed him just before you came. And yes, that blessing must stand!”

34 When Esau heard his father’s words, he let out a loud and bitter cry. “Oh my father, what about me? Bless me, too!” he begged.

35 But Isaac said, “Your brother was here, and he tricked me. He has taken away your blessing.”

36 Esau exclaimed, “No wonder his name is Jacob, for now he has cheated me twice.[a] First he took my rights as the firstborn, and now he has stolen my blessing. Oh, haven’t you saved even one blessing for me?”

37 Isaac said to Esau, “I have made Jacob your master and have declared that all his brothers will be his servants. I have guaranteed him an abundance of grain and wine—what is left for me to give you, my son?”

38 Esau pleaded, “But do you have only one blessing? Oh my father, bless me, too!” Then Esau broke down and wept.

39 Finally, his father, Isaac, said to him,

“You will live away from the richness of the earth,
    and away from the dew of the heaven above.
40 You will live by your sword,
    and you will serve your brother.
But when you decide to break free,
    you will shake his yoke from your neck.”

41 From that time on, Esau hated Jacob because their father had given Jacob the blessing. And Esau began to scheme: “I will soon be mourning my father’s death. Then I will kill my brother, Jacob.”

42 But Rebekah heard about Esau’s plans. So she sent for Jacob and told him, “Listen, Esau is consoling himself by plotting to kill you. 43 So listen carefully, my son. Get ready and flee to my brother, Laban, in Haran. 44 Stay there with him until your brother cools off. 45 When he calms down and forgets what you have done to him, I will send for you to come back. Why should I lose both of you in one day?”

Several key points in this scripture:

  • Isaac and Rebekah had created a troubled family environment where each had a favorite rather than all working together. This approach had negative consequences.
  • Esau appears to have rejected God before losing his blessing to Jacob. Jacob does not get the blessing by “fooling God”.
  • Esau does not take responsibility for giving away his birthright but rather blames Jacob. Without accepting responsibility there can be no repentance.  In fact, Esau plots to kill Jacob.
  • Jacob receives God’s blessing, but still has to accept the consequences for his actions including breaking apart his own family to the point where his brother wants to kill him.
  • All involved in the scripture put great importance in the blessing of Isaac for His son.

As we will see tomorrow as we continue Genesis 27, the family is broken apart by this deception and infighting and Jacob leaves.

Each of us should focus on creating a loving family environment where siblings are not singled out by parents as favorites but rather all work together to serve God and the family. Respect and celebrate differences as we celebrate the body of Christ. Yes our children are different. Praise God! Each has different gifts and abilities and we can complement each other to create a family that is greater than the sum of the individuals.

Receiving blessing from God is important. Seek that humbly in prayer and submission of our will to God’s will.

Do not be emboldened to choose deception because it appears to work in Jacob’s favor to get the blessing in this scripture. God allowed the blessing of Isaac to go to Jacob.  God was not fooled. There are also consequences Jacob must face, starting with leaving his family and then in Genesis 29 Jacob is deceived by Laban in a significant manner that seems just given Jacob’s deception.


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