Category Archives: Faith / Trusting God

Victory Over Temptation: Lessons from Jesus (Luke 4:1-13)

Have you ever considered the reality of spiritual warfare, the unseen battle that surrounds us every day?

In Luke 4:1-13, we witness Jesus facing the temptations of the devil in the wilderness, providing us with invaluable insights into how to overcome the schemes of our adversary.

Reconnect: As we delve into Luke 4:1-13, we are reminded of the importance of recognizing the spiritual battle that rages around us and the necessity of being prepared to face the enemy’s tactics with the wisdom and strength found in God’s Word.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Luke 4:1-13

The Temptation of Jesus

     1Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led around by the Spirit in the wilderness 2for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And He ate nothing during those days, and when they had ended, He became hungry. 3And the devil said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.” 4And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘MAN SHALL NOT LIVE ON BREAD ALONE.’”

      5And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. 6And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I wish. 7“Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours.” 8Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.’”

      9And he led Him to Jerusalem and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down from here;

10for it is written,


12And Jesus answered and said to him, “It is said, ‘YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.’”

      13When the devil had finished every temptation, he left Him until an opportune time.

Summary Key Points:

  1. Awareness of the Enemy: Jesus’s encounter with the devil underscores the reality of spiritual warfare and the need to be vigilant against the schemes of the enemy who seeks to deceive and destroy.
  2. Preparation and Filling of the Spirit: Before facing temptation, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and led by Him, highlighting the importance of cultivating a deep relationship with God and allowing His Spirit to guide us.
  3. Resisting Temptation with Scripture: Jesus’s response to each temptation demonstrates the power of God’s Word in overcoming the lies of the enemy. By knowing and applying Scripture, we can effectively resist temptation and stand firm in our faith.
  4. Choosing God’s Path: Despite the allure of shortcuts and worldly offers, Jesus remained steadfast in His commitment to God’s will, showing us the importance of trusting in God’s plan even when it involves difficulty and sacrifice.
  5. Continual Vigilance: Even after Jesus successfully resisted the devil’s temptations, we are reminded that the enemy will return, emphasizing the need for ongoing spiritual preparedness and reliance on God’s strength.

Call to Action: Let us follow in the footsteps of Jesus by:

  • Acknowledging the Reality of Spiritual Warfare: Recognizing that we are engaged in a spiritual battle and being alert to the enemy’s tactics.
  • Cultivating a Deep Relationship with God: Seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to lead us in every aspect of our lives.
  • Studying and Applying Scripture: Equipping ourselves with the truth of God’s Word to effectively resist temptation and stand firm in our faith.
  • Choosing God’s Will Above All Else: Trusting in God’s plan for our lives, even when it may involve challenges or sacrifices.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the example of Jesus in facing temptation and overcoming the schemes of the enemy. Fill us afresh with Your Holy Spirit and grant us wisdom and discernment to recognize and resist the temptations that seek to ensnare us. Help us to stand firm on Your Word and to choose Your will above all else. In Jesus’s name, amen.

Click to learn more about spiritual warfare.

Trust God’s Eternal Plan, Even When You Don’t Understand (Psalm 73)

Have you ever felt disheartened by the apparent success of the wicked, wondering why they seem to prosper while the righteous suffer?

In Psalm 73, Asaph grapples with these very questions, offering profound insights into the nature of God’s sovereignty and the eternal perspective we must cultivate.

Reconnect: In Psalm 73, Asaph shares his journey from doubt to faith, as he wrestles with the apparent prosperity of the wicked and the struggles of the righteous. Through divine revelation, he gains a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty and the eternal destiny that awaits both the wicked and the righteous.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Psalm 73

The End of the Wicked Contrasted with That of the Righteous.

A Psalm of Asaph.

1Surely God is good to Israel,
To those who are pure in heart!

      2But as for me, my feet came close to stumbling,
My steps had almost slipped.

      3For I was envious of the arrogant
As I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

      4For there are no pains in their death,
And their body is fat.

      5They are not in trouble as other men,
Nor are they plagued like mankind.

      6Therefore pride is their necklace;
The garment of violence covers them.

      7Their eye bulges from fatness;
The imaginations of their heart run riot.

      8They mock and wickedly speak of oppression;
They speak from on high.

      9They have set their mouth against the heavens,
And their tongue parades through the earth.

      10Therefore his people return to this place,
And waters of abundance are drunk by them.

      11They say, “How does God know?
And is there knowledge with the Most High?”

      12Behold, these are the wicked;
And always at ease, they have increased in wealth.

      13Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure
And washed my hands in innocence;

      14For I have been stricken all day long
And chastened every morning.

      15If I had said, “I will speak thus,”
Behold, I would have betrayed the generation of Your children.

      16When I pondered to understand this,
It was troublesome in my sight

      17Until I came into the sanctuary of God;
Then I perceived their end.

      18Surely You set them in slippery places;
You cast them down to destruction.

      19How they are destroyed in a moment!
They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors!

      20Like a dream when one awakes,
O Lord, when aroused, You will despise their form.

      21When my heart was embittered
And I was pierced within,

      22Then I was senseless and ignorant;
I was like a beast before You.

      23Nevertheless I am continually with You;
You have taken hold of my right hand.

      24With Your counsel You will guide me,
And afterward receive me to glory.

      25Whom have I in heaven but You?
And besides You, I desire nothing on earth.

      26My flesh and my heart may fail,
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

      27For, behold, those who are far from You will perish;
You have destroyed all those who are unfaithful to You.

      28But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;
I have made the Lord GOD my refuge,
That I may tell of all Your works.

Summary Key Points:

  • Asaph’s Revelation: Through divine insight, Asaph gains a deeper understanding of the fate awaiting the wicked and the righteous. He realizes that the seeming prosperity of the wicked is fleeting, while the righteous are ultimately blessed by God.
  • Eternal Perspective: Asaph’s journey underscores the importance of viewing life’s trials and triumphs through an eternal lens. While worldly success may elude the righteous in the short term, their ultimate reward lies in their relationship with God.
  • Trusting God’s Sovereignty: Asaph learns to trust in God’s sovereignty, recognizing that His plans extend beyond the temporary circumstances of this world. He finds peace in surrendering his doubts and fears to God’s unfailing wisdom.

Call to Action: Let us heed the lessons of Psalm 73 by:

  • Seeking Eternal Perspective: Instead of being consumed by envy or doubt, let us seek to view our lives and circumstances through the lens of eternity. Trusting in God’s promises, may we find solace in His enduring faithfulness.
  • Cultivating Trust: Like Asaph, let us cultivate a deeper trust in God’s sovereignty, even in the face of life’s uncertainties. Through prayer and meditation on His Word, may we surrender our fears and anxieties, trusting in His unwavering guidance.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, grant us the wisdom to see beyond the temporary trials of this world and to trust in Your eternal promises. Help us cultivate a heart of gratitude and trust, knowing that Your plans for us are good. May we find peace in Your presence and strength in Your unfailing love. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Pleasing God Through Obedience Rather than Accomplishment (Luke 3:21-22)

Have you ever felt the weight of expectation, believing that you must accomplish great feats to earn God’s favor?

In Luke 3:21-22, we witness a profound moment as Jesus is baptized, revealing that God’s pleasure in us is not dependent on our achievements but on our obedience and relationship with Him. Let’s explore this perspective and its implications for our lives.

Reconnect: Luke 3:21-22 transports us to the banks of the Jordan River, where Jesus, in humble obedience, presents Himself for baptism by John. In this significant moment, we glimpse the Father’s affirmation of Jesus’ obedient life and His delight in His beloved Son. As we unpack these verses, may we find encouragement and reassurance in knowing that God’s pleasure rests on our obedience and relationship with Him.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Luke 3:21-22

Jesus Is Baptized

     21Now when all the people were baptized, Jesus was also baptized, and while He was praying, heaven was opened, 22and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came out of heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.”

Summary Key Points:

  1. The Baptism of Jesus: Luke vividly describes the scene of Jesus’ baptism, highlighting the humility and obedience of the Son of God as He submits to John’s baptism of repentance. Despite being sinless, Jesus identifies with humanity in this act, foreshadowing His role as the sacrificial Lamb who would bear the sins of the world.
  2. God’s Pleasure in Obedience: The voice from heaven declares, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” These words affirm God’s delight in Jesus’ obedient life, His commitment to fulfilling the Father’s will, and His deep relationship with Him. It’s a powerful reminder that God’s pleasure in us is not based on our accomplishments but on our obedience and intimacy with Him.
  3. Encouragement for Every Believer: The example of Jesus’ baptism offers encouragement to every believer, regardless of age or stage in life. We are reminded that we can please the Lord right where we are, even without a formal ministry. By obeying His commands, seeking intimacy with Him, and living out our faith in daily obedience, we too can experience God’s pleasure and delight in us.

Call to Action:

  1. Embrace Obedience: Take a moment to reflect on areas of your life where God is calling you to obedience. Surrender your will to His and commit to following His commands with humility and trust.
  2. Deepen Your Relationship: Cultivate a deeper relationship with God through prayer, meditation on His Word, and fellowship with other believers. Seek to know Him more intimately and experience His presence in your daily life.
  3. Live Out Your Faith: Let your obedience to God’s Word be evident in your actions and attitudes. Serve others with love and compassion, and let your life be a testimony to the transformative power of faith in Christ.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the example of Jesus’ obedient life and the reminder that Your pleasure in us is not based on our accomplishments but on our obedience and relationship with You. Help us to walk in humility and trust, seeking to please You in all that we do. May our lives be a reflection of Your love and grace to the world around us. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Embracing God’s Call: Lessons from the Nativity (Luke 2:1-20)

Have you ever pondered the challenges of obedience in the face of adversity, especially when called to fulfill a task that seems beyond your capacity? In Luke 2:1-20, we encounter the profound narrative of Jesus’ birth, a testament to the unwavering faith and obedience of Mary and Joseph amidst difficult circumstances.

Reconnect: As we delve into Luke 2:1-20, the culmination of the Nativity narrative, we’re reminded of the remarkable journey that led to the birth of Christ.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Luke 2:1-20

Jesus’ Birth in Bethlehem

     1Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus, that a census be taken of all the inhabited earth. 2This was the first census taken while Quirinius was governor of Syria. 3And everyone was on his way to register for the census, each to his own city. 4Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David, 5in order to register along with Mary, who was engaged to him, and was with child. 6While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth. 7And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

      8In the same region there were some shepherds staying out in the fields and keeping watch over their flock by night. 9And an angel of the Lord suddenly stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them; and they were terribly frightened. 10But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; 11for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12“This will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 13And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,

      14“Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.”

      15When the angels had gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds began saying to one another, “Let us go straight to Bethlehem then, and see this thing that has happened which the Lord has made known to us.” 16So they came in a hurry and found their way to Mary and Joseph, and the baby as He lay in the manger. 17When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child. 18And all who heard it wondered at the things which were told them by the shepherds. 19But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. 20The shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them.

Summary Key Points:

  1. The Birth of Jesus: Luke 2:1-20 opens with the remarkable account of Jesus’ birth, unfolding against the backdrop of Roman rule and Jewish expectation. In the humble setting of a Bethlehem stable, the Son of God enters the world, fulfilling ancient prophecies and ushering in a new era of hope and salvation.
  2. The Angelic Announcement: Angels appear to shepherds in the fields, proclaiming the joyous news of Christ’s birth. Their celestial chorus heralds the arrival of the long-awaited Savior, inviting all to witness the fulfillment of God’s promises and to rejoice in the gift of Emmanuel, “God with us.”
  3. The Response of Mary and Joseph: Mary and Joseph, entrusted with the care of the newborn King, marvel at the miraculous events surrounding His birth. Despite the humble circumstances, they embrace their role in God’s redemptive plan, treasuring and pondering the significance of Jesus’ arrival in their hearts.
  4. The Adoration of the Shepherds: The humble shepherds, chosen as the first witnesses to Christ’s birth, respond with awe and reverence. They hasten to Bethlehem, eager to behold the newborn Messiah, and depart with hearts filled with wonder and praise for the miraculous signs they have seen.
  5. Embracing God’s Call Amid Challenges: Mary and Joseph’s obedience to God’s call to bear and nurture Jesus exemplifies faithfulness amidst adversity. Despite the hardships and uncertainties they faced, they trusted in God’s providence and willingly embraced His plan, demonstrating courage and resilience in fulfilling their divine purpose.

Call to Action:

  • Reflect on the profound mystery of Christ’s incarnation and its significance for our lives today.
  • Embrace the message of hope and redemption proclaimed through the birth of Jesus, inviting Him to dwell in our hearts anew.
  • When faced with daunting challenges or difficult tasks that God calls us to, let us remember Mary and Joseph’s example of obedience and perseverance. Even when the path seems uncertain or arduous, may we trust in God’s faithfulness and follow His lead with unwavering faith.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, as we reflect on the nativity story in Luke 2:1-20, we are reminded of Your boundless love and grace revealed in the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ. May His humble beginnings inspire us to embrace humility and gratitude, and may His presence fill our lives with hope and joy. We also ask, inspired by Mary and Joseph, that you would help us embrace whatever you call us to do, even when it is hard and we don’t have all the answers for how it will work out. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Reflections on Job’s Journey: Lessons from Job 42

Have you ever found yourself at the end of a long and arduous journey, looking back on the challenges faced and the lessons learned along the way?

Job’s final chapter invites us to reflect on his remarkable journey of faith and resilience.

Reconnect: Job 42 marks the culmination of Job’s story, where he humbly submits to God’s sovereignty and receives restoration and blessing. As we conclude our exploration of Job’s narrative, let us glean wisdom from the profound truths unveiled throughout this book.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Job 42

Job’s Confession

      1Then Job answered the LORD and said,

      2“I know that You can do all things,
And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.

      3‘Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?’
“Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand,
Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.”

      4‘Hear, now, and I will speak;
I will ask You, and You instruct me.’

      5“I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear;
But now my eye sees You;

      6Therefore I retract,
And I repent in dust and ashes.”

God Displeased with Job’s Friends

      7It came about after the LORD had spoken these words to Job, that the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, “My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends, because you have not spoken of Me what is right as My servant Job has. 8“Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to My servant Job, and offer up a burnt offering for yourselves, and My servant Job will pray for you. For I will accept him so that I may not do with you according to your folly, because you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has.” 9So Eliphaz the Temanite and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went and did as the LORD told them; and the LORD accepted Job.

God Restores Job’s Fortunes

      10The LORD restored the fortunes of Job when he prayed for his friends, and the LORD increased all that Job had twofold. 11Then all his brothers and all his sisters and all who had known him before came to him, and they ate bread with him in his house; and they consoled him and comforted him for all the adversities that the LORD had brought on him. And each one gave him one piece of money, and each a ring of gold. 12The LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning; and he had 14,000 sheep and 6,000 camels and 1,000 yoke of oxen and 1,000 female donkeys. 13He had seven sons and three daughters. 14He named the first Jemimah, and the second Keziah, and the third Keren-happuch. 15In all the land no women were found so fair as Job’s daughters; and their father gave them inheritance among their brothers. 16After this, Job lived 140 years, and saw his sons and his grandsons, four generations. 17And Job died, an old man and full of days.

Summary Key Points:

  1. Job’s Humble Acknowledgment: In this final chapter, Job responds to God’s inquiry with humility and reverence, acknowledging the limitations of his understanding and the majesty of God’s power. He confesses his previous lack of knowledge and repents in dust and ashes before the Almighty.
  2. God’s Restoration and Blessing: Despite Job’s suffering and questioning, God graciously restores him, doubling his previous blessings and granting him a long life filled with prosperity and familial joy. This serves as a testament to God’s faithfulness and his ability to redeem even the most dire circumstances.
  3. Reflections on Job’s Journey: Job’s story is one of profound faith tested by adversity, yet ultimately strengthened through perseverance and trust in God’s sovereignty. Throughout the book, we witness Job’s unwavering commitment to righteousness and his relentless pursuit of understanding amidst profound suffering.
  4. Lessons from Job’s Experience: As we reflect on Job’s journey, we are reminded of the importance of faithfulness in the face of adversity, the necessity of humility before God’s wisdom, and the assurance of God’s faithfulness even in the midst of life’s greatest trials.

Call to Action: Let us take to heart the lessons learned from Job’s experience by:

  • Cultivating unwavering faith and trust in God’s sovereignty, even in the midst of life’s greatest challenges.
  • Embracing humility and repentance before God, recognizing our finite understanding in light of His infinite wisdom.
  • Seeking restoration and blessing through faithful obedience to God’s will, knowing that He is faithful to redeem and restore those who trust in Him.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the profound truths unveiled through the story of Job. Grant us the faith and humility to trust in Your sovereignty, even in the midst of life’s trials. May we find strength and restoration in Your presence, knowing that You are faithful to sustain us through every season of life. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Summary Key Points:

  1. Job’s Humble Acknowledgment: In this final chapter, Job responds to God’s inquiry with humility and reverence, acknowledging the limitations of his understanding and the majesty of God’s power. He confesses his previous lack of knowledge and repents in dust and ashes before the Almighty.
  2. God’s Restoration and Blessing: Despite Job’s suffering and questioning, God graciously restores him, doubling his previous blessings and granting him a long life filled with prosperity and familial joy. This serves as a testament to God’s faithfulness and his ability to redeem even the most dire circumstances.
  3. Reflections on Job’s Journey: Job’s story is one of profound faith tested by adversity, yet ultimately strengthened through perseverance and trust in God’s sovereignty. Throughout the book, we witness Job’s unwavering commitment to righteousness and his relentless pursuit of understanding amidst profound suffering.
  4. Lessons from Job’s Experience: As we reflect on Job’s journey, we are reminded of the importance of faithfulness in the face of adversity, the necessity of humility before God’s wisdom, and the assurance of God’s faithfulness even in the midst of life’s greatest trials.

Call to Action: Let us take to heart the lessons learned from Job’s experience by:

  • Cultivating unwavering faith and trust in God’s sovereignty, even in the midst of life’s greatest challenges.
  • Embracing humility and repentance before God, recognizing our finite understanding in light of His infinite wisdom.
  • Seeking restoration and blessing through faithful obedience to God’s will, knowing that He is faithful to redeem and restore those who trust in Him.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank you for the profound truths unveiled through the story of Job. Grant us the faith and humility to trust in Your sovereignty, even in the midst of life’s trials. May we find strength and restoration in Your presence, knowing that You are faithful to sustain us through every season of life. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


Finding Refuge in God’s Strength (Psalm 71)

Have you ever found yourself in the midst of life’s storms, seeking refuge from the relentless waves of adversity?

Psalm 71 extends an invitation to take shelter in the unwavering strength of God, even in the face of trials and tribulations.

Reconnect: In Psalm 71, the psalmist continues to pour out their heart to God, seeking His protection and deliverance from enemies and afflictions. This heartfelt plea echoes themes of trust and dependence on God’s steadfast love, which have been evident throughout the Psalms.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Psalm 71

Prayer of an Old Man for Deliverance.

     1In You, O LORD, I have taken refuge;
Let me never be ashamed.

      2In Your righteousness deliver me and rescue me;
Incline Your ear to me and save me.

      3Be to me a rock of habitation to which I may continually come;
You have given commandment to save me,
For You are my rock and my fortress.

      4Rescue me, O my God, out of the hand of the wicked,
Out of the grasp of the wrongdoer and ruthless man,

      5For You are my hope;
O Lord GOD, You are my confidence from my youth.

      6By You I have been sustained from my birth;
You are He who took me from my mother’s womb;
My praise is continually of You.

      7I have become a marvel to many,
For You are my strong refuge.

      8My mouth is filled with Your praise
And with Your glory all day long.

      9Do not cast me off in the time of old age;
Do not forsake me when my strength fails.

      10For my enemies have spoken against me;
And those who watch for my life have consulted together,

      11Saying, “God has forsaken him;
Pursue and seize him, for there is no one to deliver.”

      12O God, do not be far from me;
O my God, hasten to my help!

      13Let those who are adversaries of my soul be ashamed and consumed;
Let them be covered with reproach and dishonor, who seek to injure me.

      14But as for me, I will hope continually,
And will praise You yet more and more.

      15My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness
And of Your salvation all day long;
For I do not know the sum of them.

      16I will come with the mighty deeds of the Lord GOD;
I will make mention of Your righteousness, Yours alone.

      17O God, You have taught me from my youth,
And I still declare Your wondrous deeds.

      18And even when I am old and gray, O God, do not forsake me,
Until I declare Your strength to this generation,
Your power to all who are to come.

      19For Your righteousness, O God, reaches to the heavens,
You who have done great things;
O God, who is like You?

      20You who have shown me many troubles and distresses
Will revive me again,
And will bring me up again from the depths of the earth.

      21May You increase my greatness
And turn to comfort me.

      22I will also praise You with a harp,
Even Your truth, O my God;
To You I will sing praises with the lyre,
O Holy One of Israel.

      23My lips will shout for joy when I sing praises to You;
And my soul, which You have redeemed.

      24My tongue also will utter Your righteousness all day long;
For they are ashamed, for they are humiliated who seek my hurt.

Summary Key Points:

  1. Seeking God’s Protection: The psalmist fervently implores God to be their refuge and stronghold in times of trouble. Amidst the plots of enemies and the onslaught of adversity, they find solace in God’s unwavering presence and protection.
  2. Reflecting on God’s Faithfulness: Through a retrospective lens, the psalmist recalls God’s faithfulness throughout their life, from their earliest days to the present moment. This reflection serves as a source of encouragement and a reminder of God’s enduring love and care.
  3. Declaring God’s Righteousness: Amidst the challenges and uncertainties of life, the psalmist boldly declares God’s righteousness and praises Him for His mighty works. In doing so, they reaffirm their trust in God’s sovereignty and goodness, even when circumstances may suggest otherwise.

Call to Action:

As we meditate on Psalm 71, let us:

  • Seek Refuge in God: In moments of trial and distress, let us turn to God as our refuge and strength, trusting in His unfailing love and protection.
  • Reflect on His Faithfulness: Take time to reflect on God’s faithfulness in your own life, remembering His past provisions and deliverances as a source of hope for the future.
  • Declare His Righteousness: Like the psalmist, let us boldly declare God’s righteousness and praise Him for His mighty works, even in the midst of adversity.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we thank You for being our refuge and strength, a present help in times of trouble. As we reflect on Psalm 71, may we find renewed confidence in Your steadfast love and faithfulness. Grant us the courage to declare Your righteousness and praise You in all circumstances. In Your holy name, amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Reflecting on God’s Sovereign Majesty (Job 40)

Have you ever stood in awe of the majestic power and sovereignty of God, realizing the vastness of His wisdom and might compared to our limited understanding?

In Job 40, we are confronted with the incomparable greatness of God as He reveals Himself to Job in a whirlwind, inviting us to humbly acknowledge His unmatched authority over all creation.

Reconnect: In the book of Job, we witness a profound dialogue between Job, a righteous man who faces immense suffering, and his friends who attempt to make sense of his plight. As the debate unfolds, God intervenes to offer His perspective on the mysteries of His ways and the universe He has created.

(Summarized and continued after the scripture)

Job 40

Job: What Can I Say?

      1Then the LORD said to Job,

      2“Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty?
Let him who reproves God answer it.”

      3Then Job answered the LORD and said,

      4“Behold, I am insignificant; what can I reply to You?
I lay my hand on my mouth.

      5“Once I have spoken, and I will not answer;
Even twice, and I will add nothing more.”

God Questions Job

      6Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm and said,

      7“Now gird up your loins like a man;
I will ask you, and you instruct Me.

      8“Will you really annul My judgment?
Will you condemn Me that you may be justified?

      9“Or do you have an arm like God,
And can you thunder with a voice like His?

      10“Adorn yourself with eminence and dignity,
And clothe yourself with honor and majesty.

      11“Pour out the overflowings of your anger,
And look on everyone who is proud, and make him low.

      12“Look on everyone who is proud, and humble him,
And tread down the wicked where they stand.

      13“Hide them in the dust together;
Bind them in the hidden place.

      14“Then I will also confess to you,
That your own right hand can save you.

God’s Power Shown in Creatures

15“Behold now, Behemoth, which I made as well as you;
He eats grass like an ox.

      16“Behold now, his strength in his loins
And his power in the muscles of his belly.

      17“He bends his tail like a cedar;
The sinews of his thighs are knit together.

      18“His bones are tubes of bronze;
His limbs are like bars of iron.

      19“He is the first of the ways of God;
Let his maker bring near his sword.

      20“Surely the mountains bring him food,
And all the beasts of the field play there.

      21“Under the lotus plants he lies down,
In the covert of the reeds and the marsh.

      22“The lotus plants cover him with shade;
The willows of the brook surround him.

      23“If a river rages, he is not alarmed;
He is confident, though the Jordan rushes to his mouth.

      24“Can anyone capture him when he is on watch,
With barbs can anyone pierce his nose?

Summary Key Points:

  1. God’s Challenge to Job: In Job 40, God addresses Job out of the whirlwind, challenging him to brace himself like a man and prepare to answer His questions. God’s rhetorical questions serve to remind Job of his finite understanding and the limitations of human wisdom compared to the boundless wisdom of the Creator.
  2. Behemoth: As God continues to speak, He draws Job’s attention to the Behemoth, a mighty creature of His creation. Scholars interpret Behemoth as a symbol of God’s sovereignty over the natural world, representing His authority and power to govern all creatures, great and small.
  3. Job’s Response: Faced with God’s awe-inspiring presence and the revelation of His sovereignty, Job responds with humility and reverence. He acknowledges his unworthiness to question God’s ways and submits to His divine authority, recognizing that only God holds the answers to life’s mysteries.

Call to Action: As we contemplate the revelations found in Job 40, let us:

  1. Embrace Humility: Like Job, let us humbly acknowledge our limited understanding and submit to God’s sovereignty over our lives. May we recognize that His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are beyond our comprehension.
  2. Trust in God’s Wisdom: In moments of uncertainty and doubt, let us trust in the wisdom and providence of God, knowing that He holds the universe in His hands and works all things according to His perfect plan.
  3. Stand in Awe: As we reflect on the majesty of God revealed in Job 40, let us stand in awe of His greatness and offer Him our heartfelt worship and praise.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we stand in awe of Your sovereign majesty revealed in the whirlwind of Job 40. Help us to embrace humility, trust in Your wisdom, and stand in reverent awe of Your greatness. May our lives bring glory to Your name, now and forevermore. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Trust in God’s Promises and Magnify the LORD (Luke 1)

Have you ever marveled at the unfolding of divine promises, seeing them come to fruition in unexpected ways and at unexpected times?

Perhaps you have struggled as you wait for divine promises to unfold in your life, wondering if or when they will take place.

In Luke 1, we enter into the extraordinary narrative of God’s plan for redemption, where His promises to His people are fulfilled in remarkable ways. Join us as we explore the magnificence of Luke 1 and discover the profound significance of God’s faithfulness.

Reconnect: In the Gospel of Luke, we are introduced to a series of events that lead up to the birth of Jesus Christ. Luke, a meticulous historian and careful observer, presents a detailed account of God’s intervention in human history through the lives of ordinary individuals who played extraordinary roles in His divine plan.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Luke 1


      1Inasmuch as many have undertaken to compile an account of the things accomplished among us, 2just as they were handed down to us by those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and servants of the word, 3it seemed fitting for me as well, having investigated everything carefully from the beginning, to write it out for you in consecutive order, most excellent Theophilus; 4so that you may know the exact truth about the things you have been taught.

Birth of John the Baptist Foretold

5In the days of Herod, king of Judea, there was a priest named Zacharias, of the division of Abijah; and he had a wife from the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth. 6They were both righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord. 7But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and they were both advanced in years.

      8Now it happened that while he was performing his priestly service before God in the appointed order of his division, 9according to the custom of the priestly office, he was chosen by lot to enter the temple of the Lord and burn incense. 10And the whole multitude of the people were in prayer outside at the hour of the incense offering. 11And an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of incense. 12Zacharias was troubled when he saw the angel, and fear gripped him. 13But the angel said to him, “Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John. 14“You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. 15“For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother’s womb. 16“And he will turn many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God. 17“It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS BACK TO THE CHILDREN, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

      18Zacharias said to the angel, “How will I know this for certain? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in years.” 19The angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. 20“And behold, you shall be silent and unable to speak until the day when these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their proper time.”

      21The people were waiting for Zacharias, and were wondering at his delay in the temple. 22But when he came out, he was unable to speak to them; and they realized that he had seen a vision in the temple; and he kept making signs to them, and remained mute. 23When the days of his priestly service were ended, he went back home.

      24After these days Elizabeth his wife became pregnant, and she kept herself in seclusion for five months, saying, 25“This is the way the Lord has dealt with me in the days when He looked with favor upon me, to take away my disgrace among men.”

Jesus’ Birth Foretold

26Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, 27to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. 28And coming in, he said to her, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.” 29But she was very perplexed at this statement, and kept pondering what kind of salutation this was. 30The angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God. 31“And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. 32“He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; 33and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” 34Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” 35The angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God. 36“And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month. 37“For nothing will be impossible with God.” 38And Mary said, “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.

Mary Visits Elizabeth

39Now at this time Mary arose and went in a hurry to the hill country, to a city of Judah, 40and entered the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth. 41When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42And she cried out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb! 43“And how has it happened to me, that the mother of my Lord would come to me? 44“For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped in my womb for joy. 45“And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.”

The Magnificat

46And Mary said:
“My soul exalts the Lord,

      47And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.

      48“For He has had regard for the humble state of His bondslave;
For behold, from this time on all generations will count me blessed.

      49“For the Mighty One has done great things for me;
And holy is His name.


      51“He has done mighty deeds with His arm;
He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart.

      52“He has brought down rulers from their thrones,
And has exalted those who were humble.

And sent away the rich empty-handed.

      54“He has given help to Israel His servant,
In remembrance of His mercy,

      55As He spoke to our fathers,
To Abraham and his descendants forever.”

      56And Mary stayed with her about three months, and then returned to her home.

John Is Born

57Now the time had come for Elizabeth to give birth, and she gave birth to a son. 58Her neighbors and her relatives heard that the Lord had displayed His great mercy toward her; and they were rejoicing with her.

      59And it happened that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to call him Zacharias, after his father. 60But his mother answered and said, “No indeed; but he shall be called John.” 61And they said to her, “There is no one among your relatives who is called by that name.” 62And they made signs to his father, as to what he wanted him called. 63And he asked for a tablet and wrote as follows, “His name is John.” And they were all astonished. 64And at once his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he began to speak in praise of God. 65Fear came on all those living around them; and all these matters were being talked about in all the hill country of Judea. 66All who heard them kept them in mind, saying, “What then will this child turn out to be?” For the hand of the Lord was certainly with him.

Zacharias’s Prophecy

67And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying:

      68“Blessed be the Lord God of Israel,
For He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people,

      69And has raised up a horn of salvation for us
In the house of David His servant—

      70As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old—

      71Salvation FROM OUR ENEMIES,

      72To show mercy toward our fathers,
And to remember His holy covenant,

      73The oath which He swore to Abraham our father,

      74To grant us that we, being rescued from the hand of our enemies,
Might serve Him without fear,

      75In holiness and righteousness before Him all our days.

      76“And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High;

      77To give to His people the knowledge of salvation
By the forgiveness of their sins,

      78Because of the tender mercy of our God,
With which the Sunrise from on high will visit us,

To guide our feet into the way of peace.”

      80And the child continued to grow and to become strong in spirit, and he lived in the deserts until the day of his public appearance to Israel.

Summary Key Points:

  1. The Announcement of John the Baptist: Luke begins his Gospel by recounting the miraculous announcement of the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah, a priest serving in the temple. Despite his old age and his wife Elizabeth’s barrenness, God promises them a son who will prepare the way for the Messiah.
  2. The Announcement of Jesus Christ: Following the announcement to Zechariah, the angel Gabriel appears to Mary, a humble young woman, a virgin, from Nazareth, to proclaim that she will conceive and bear a son who will be called the Son of the Most High. Mary’s faithful response, “Let it be to me according to your word,” demonstrates her profound trust in God’s plan.
  3. The Magnificat: Filled with joy and gratitude, Mary bursts into a song of praise known as the Magnificat, exalting God’s faithfulness and mercy. Her words reflect the deep faith of a humble servant who recognizes the profound significance of the role she has been called to fulfill.
  4. The Birth of John the Baptist: As the appointed time draws near, Elizabeth gives birth to a son, whom they name John. His miraculous birth signals the fulfillment of God’s promise and prepares the way for the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah.

Call to Action: As we delve into the richness of Luke 1, let us:

  1. Embrace God’s Promises: Like Zechariah, Elizabeth, and Mary, let us trust in God’s promises, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill them in His perfect timing.
  2. Magnify the Lord: May we, like Mary, magnify the Lord in our lives, offering Him our heartfelt praise and worship for His faithfulness and mercy.
  3. Prepare the Way: As we reflect on Christ’s birth, let us prepare our hearts to receive Him anew, embracing His redemptive work with humility and gratitude.

Closing Prayer: Heavenly Father, we thank You for the remarkable events recorded in Luke 1, which testify to Your faithfulness and love for Your people. Grant us the grace to trust in Your promises, to magnify Your name in all we do, and to prepare our hearts to receive Your Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Reflecting on God’s Wisdom Compared to Our Own (Job 39)

Have you ever pondered the depth of God’s wisdom, marveling at His intricate design and sovereignty over creation?

Job 39 invites us to contemplate the mysteries of God’s wisdom as we explore the intricate details of His handiwork in the animal kingdom.

Reconnect: Job 39 marks a pivotal moment in the book of Job as God continues His divine discourse, challenging Job’s understanding of His wisdom and sovereignty. Through a series of rhetorical questions, God invites Job to consider the intricacies of His creation, particularly in the realm of the animal kingdom.

Job has been searching for understanding and rescue from his suffering after experiencing great personal loss. God now steps in and challenges him to reflect on God’s wisdom relative to his own.

(Summarized and continued after scripture)

Job 39

God Speaks of Nature and Its Beings

1“Do you know the time the mountain goats give birth?
Do you observe the calving of the deer?

      2“Can you count the months they fulfill,
Or do you know the time they give birth?

      3“They kneel down, they bring forth their young,
They get rid of their labor pains.

      4“Their offspring become strong, they grow up in the open field;
They leave and do not return to them.

      5“Who sent out the wild donkey free?
And who loosed the bonds of the swift donkey,

      6To whom I gave the wilderness for a home
And the salt land for his dwelling place?

      7“He scorns the tumult of the city,
The shoutings of the driver he does not hear.

      8“He explores the mountains for his pasture
And searches after every green thing.

      9“Will the wild ox consent to serve you,
Or will he spend the night at your manger?

      10“Can you bind the wild ox in a furrow with ropes,
Or will he harrow the valleys after you?

      11“Will you trust him because his strength is great
And leave your labor to him?

      12“Will you have faith in him that he will return your grain
And gather it from your threshing floor?

      13“The ostriches’ wings flap joyously
With the pinion and plumage of love,

      14For she abandons her eggs to the earth
And warms them in the dust,

      15And she forgets that a foot may crush them,
Or that a wild beast may trample them.

      16“She treats her young cruelly, as if they were not hers;
Though her labor be in vain, she is unconcerned;

      17Because God has made her forget wisdom,
And has not given her a share of understanding.

      18“When she lifts herself on high,
She laughs at the horse and his rider.

      19“Do you give the horse his might?
Do you clothe his neck with a mane?

      20“Do you make him leap like the locust?
His majestic snorting is terrible.

      21“He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength;
He goes out to meet the weapons.

      22“He laughs at fear and is not dismayed;
And he does not turn back from the sword.

      23“The quiver rattles against him,
The flashing spear and javelin.

      24“With shaking and rage he races over the ground,
And he does not stand still at the voice of the trumpet.

      25“As often as the trumpet sounds he says, ‘Aha!’
And he scents the battle from afar,
And the thunder of the captains and the war cry.

      26“Is it by your understanding that the hawk soars,
Stretching his wings toward the south?

      27“Is it at your command that the eagle mounts up
And makes his nest on high?

      28“On the cliff he dwells and lodges,
Upon the rocky crag, an inaccessible place.

      29“From there he spies out food;
His eyes see it from afar.

      30“His young ones also suck up blood;
And where the slain are, there is he.”

Summary Key Points:

  1. God’s Sovereign Design: In Job 39, God draws Job’s attention to the intricacies of His creation, highlighting His sovereign control over every aspect of the natural world. From the wild mountain goats to the majestic horses, God’s wisdom is evident in the design and behavior of each creature.
  2. The Limitations of Human Understanding: Through a series of rhetorical questions, God challenges Job’s understanding of His wisdom and sovereignty. He emphasizes the vast difference between human knowledge and divine wisdom, reminding Job of the inherent limitations of human understanding.
  3. Humility in the Face of God’s Wisdom: Job’s encounter with God’s divine discourse humbles him, prompting him to acknowledge the greatness and majesty of God’s wisdom. In the presence of God’s sovereign control over creation, Job is reminded of his own finite understanding and the need for humility before the Creator.

Call to Action:

As we reflect on Job 39, let us:

  • Contemplate God’s Wisdom: Take time to meditate on the mysteries of God’s wisdom as revealed in His creation, recognizing the intricacies of His design and the sovereignty over all things.
  • Cultivate Humility: Embrace humility in the face of God’s wisdom, acknowledging our finite understanding and the limitations of human knowledge. Let us approach God with reverence and awe, recognizing His infinite wisdom and sovereignty.
  • Seek Wisdom from God: Pray for God to grant us wisdom and understanding as we navigate the complexities of life. May we rely on His guidance and trust in His sovereign plan for our lives.

Closing Prayer:

Heavenly Father, we stand in awe of Your wisdom and sovereignty over creation, marveling at the intricacies of Your design. Grant us the humility to acknowledge our finite understanding and the wisdom to seek Your guidance in all things. May we find comfort and assurance in Your sovereign control over every aspect of our lives. In Your holy name, we pray, amen.

May the grace and peace of our Lord, Yeshua, be with you.

John Golda

Do you know for sure if you will go to heaven or hell when you die? Are you experiencing in your life the peace and joy of a personal relationship with our Creator and Father? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.