Category Archives: Miracles

His Way… Not Our Own

Imagine the scene at hand. God has just manifested Himself to the congregation of Israelites. The holy ceremony to launch the priesthood was just completed. People were still celebrating. All had been carefully done how the Lord commanded.

Then two of the priests just seem to completely disregard all that God said about how to approach Him and serve Him. Nadab and Abihu take their own utensils instead of those set aside to be holy and used at the temple. They offered incense together where God said only one at a time should do so. They encroached on the function of the high priest, who alone was to offer burnt incense. They offered incense at the wrong time, neither part of the morning or evening sacrifice. They seemed unable to even honor God for a little while but rather immediately launched into disobedience after having been invited to serve in high honor as priest.

This was more than a simple mistake, they disregarded almost all that had just been instructed. They insisted on doing their own thing. Disobedience has serious consequences with the Lord, especially for those who have been set aside to be holy and know better.

Leviticus 10:1-7

The Sin of Nadab and Abihu

      1Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans, and after putting fire in them, placed incense on it and offered strange fire before the LORD, which He had not commanded them. 2And fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed them, and they died before the LORD.

3Then Moses said to Aaron, “It is what the LORD spoke, saying,
‘By those who come near Me I will be treated as holy,
And before all the people I will be honored.’”
So Aaron, therefore, kept silent.

      4Moses called also to Mishael and Elzaphan, the sons of Aaron’s uncle Uzziel, and said to them, “Come forward, carry your relatives away from the front of the sanctuary to the outside of the camp.” 5So they came forward and carried them still in their tunics to the outside of the camp, as Moses had said. 6Then Moses said to Aaron and to his sons Eleazar and Ithamar, “Do not uncover your heads nor tear your clothes, so that you will not die and that He will not become wrathful against all the congregation. But your kinsmen, the whole house of Israel, shall bewail the burning which the LORD has brought about. 7“You shall not even go out from the doorway of the tent of meeting, or you will die; for the LORD’S anointing oil is upon you.” So they did according to the word of Moses.

Disobedience is serious business once God has made clear to us what we ought to do and how we ought to do it. More so for those who have been selected to be set aside for His purposes and have seen His very presence in the camp among them.

Seek genuinely to learn the ways of the Lord and obey. Let go of doing things your own way and pursue His way and you will do well in the presence of the Lord.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? Are you living today filled with the peace and joy of truly knowing and following Jesus Christ? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Is “Tolerance” A Virtue?

In the United States and much of the world today there is a worldview that preaches “tolerance” as a virtue. Ironically, the world preaches tolerance for just about any belief except Christianity or Judaism. Jehovah does not share the opinion that tolerance is a virtue, at least in the context of His people honoring false gods and idols and pagan worship practices. He compares that to adultery, which is a very personal and destructive sin.

As we explore Exodus 34, notice that Jehovah is addressing His people. They are called to and expected to obey Him and His ways without compromise and tolerance. This does not, emphasize “not”, mean that we are to go and destroy or persecute everyone else. That is not consistent with other scripture. However, we are not to hold up false beliefs as if they are worthy of recognition and respect and consideration. We are not to consider which of the false beliefs we want to practice as His people. We are to strictly focus on what He commands us to do and not to do.  Jehovah has not changed His opinion on the matter since He spoke to Moses about it. It is still how He feels today.

Exodus 34:10-28

The Covenant Renewed

      10Then God said, “Behold, I am going to make a covenant. Before all your people I will perform miracles which have not been produced in all the earth nor among any of the nations; and all the people among whom you live will see the working of the LORD, for it is a fearful thing that I am going to perform with you.

      11“Be sure to observe what I am commanding you this day: behold, I am going to drive out the Amorite before you, and the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite. 12“Watch yourself that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land into which you are going, or it will become a snare in your midst. 13“But rather, you are to tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars and cut down their Asherim 14—for you shall not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God— 15otherwise you might make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and they would play the harlot with their gods and sacrifice to their gods, and someone might invite you to eat of his sacrifice, 16and you might take some of his daughters for your sons, and his daughters might play the harlot with their gods and cause your sons also to play the harlot with their gods. 17“You shall make for yourself no molten gods.

      18“You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread. For seven days you are to eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the appointed time in the month of Abib, for in the month of Abib you came out of Egypt.

      19“The first offspring from every womb belongs to Me, and all your male livestock, the first offspring from cattle and sheep. 20“You shall redeem with a lamb the first offspring from a donkey; and if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck. You shall redeem all the firstborn of your sons. None shall appear before Me empty-handed.

      21“You shall work six days, but on the seventh day you shall rest; even during plowing time and harvest you shall rest. 22“You shall celebrate the Feast of Weeks, that is, the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the turn of the year. 23“Three times a year all your males are to appear before the Lord GOD, the God of Israel. 24“For I will drive out nations before you and enlarge your borders, and no man shall covet your land when you go up three times a year to appear before the LORD your God.

      25“You shall not offer the blood of My sacrifice with leavened bread, nor is the sacrifice of the Feast of the Passover to be left over until morning.

      26“You shall bring the very first of the first fruits of your soil into the house of the LORD your God.
“You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.”

      27Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.” 28So he was there with the LORD forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread or drink water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.

Interesting thing about a “covenant”… it calls upon both sides to meet certain conditions. God has done, does, and will do mighty things for His people. However, don’t expect Him to treat you as His child if you choose to reject His commands and instructions. When you disregard or outright reject what He calls you to do… you have broken the covenant.

Prayerfully consider… in what areas do you find yourself compromising to accept or even endorse behaviors and attitudes that the world claims are right and appropriate, but God has spoken against in the Bible? Stand for God and stand upon His word. Live as a light to others, even when they reject you for it. That is living as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Ask yourself… Why do we find it so easy to go along with cultural / worldly celebrations, attitudes, and behaviors? Why is it we act like God has not spoken in regards to what and how He would like us to live and worship Him?  Why do we, as God’s people, not completely reject false gods and idols? Why do we not completely reject worldly celebrations and traditions… or at least test them rigorously against God’s word? Why do we accept wrong attitudes, and behaviors as “normal” and “acceptable” instead of deviant and in need of repentance?

Why do we not commonly celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Feast of Weeks, Feast of Ingathering and Passover? Why do we not embrace and honor the Sabbath? Why do we not honor God with the first fruits of our finances (though it may not be animals for those of us who are not farmers)? Why do we not stand firm and proud for all of God’s instructions in what is and what is not “sin”, regardless of public opinion?

We should. Be a light for others. Do things the way our Creator instructed. Do them joyfully even through adversity.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

The Patience of Our Father

Good parents exhibit patience with their children when they are learning to obey. Jehovah is no different. He is our heavenly Father. He loves His people. When He brought the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt, He understood that they would need to learn to obey Him. He was not surprised. As such, Jehovah exhibited great patience in dealing with them as they complained and whined about Pharaoh’s army and then food and water. Each time, Jehovah protected them and provided for them.

Exodus 17:1-7

Water in the Rock

      1Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the LORD, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink. 2Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said, “Give us water that we may drink.” And Moses said to them, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the LORD?” 3But the people thirsted there for water; and they grumbled against Moses and said, “Why, now, have you brought us up from Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?” 4So Moses cried out to the LORD, saying, “What shall I do to this people? A little more and they will stone me.” 5Then the LORD said to Moses, “Pass before the people and take with you some of the elders of Israel; and take in your hand your staff with which you struck the Nile, and go. 6“Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.” And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel. 7He named the place Massah and Meribah because of the quarrel of the sons of Israel, and because they tested the LORD, saying, “Is the LORD among us, or not?”

Though Jehovah was patient and merciful with His people in this example, we should not take His patience for granted and we should not deliberately put Him to the test.

Luke 4:12

12And Jesus answered and said to him, “It is said, ‘YOU SHALL NOT PUT THE LORD YOUR GOD TO THE TEST.’”

As we spend time with our children to teach them and help them grow, we eventually expect them to mature in their understanding, obedience, and respect.  Similarly, our Father in heaven expects this from us also. Let us strive to trust and obey our heavenly Father and praise Him for His patience with us as we grow in maturity, faith and understanding.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

Do Not Dismiss God’s Guidance In Search Of Your Own

Have you ever found yourself facing situations where you felt like God was directing you to or away from something. Perhaps you prayed even a simple prayer for God to do something in your life.  At times when I have prayed for something, God may answer “yes” or he may answer “no” or he may answer “not the way you want, but my way” or even “not right now”. He does not always answer with words or miracles. Sometimes he just blocks our path as we keep trying to find a way to accomplish our own desires… having convinced ourselves that God must want it for us too.

I have experienced this more than a few times in my life. I have an answer in mind and pray for help. Then I proceed to ignore every improbable barrier that comes in my path, each time convincing myself that God wants to give me the answer I already identified. Sometimes He is giving me a clear answer and I just refuse to listen. In fact, He often seems to be “closing certain doors” and “opening others” I had not even considered or had chosen against. Pharaoh had a similar problem with a hard heart, refusing to acknowledge God and the will of God despite many miraculous wonders.

Exodus 8:16-32

The Plague of Insects

      16Then the LORD said to Moses, “Say to Aaron, ‘Stretch out your staff and strike the dust of the earth, that it may become gnats through all the land of Egypt.’” 17They did so; and Aaron stretched out his hand with his staff, and struck the dust of the earth, and there were gnats on man and beast. All the dust of the earth became gnats through all the land of Egypt. 18The magicians tried with their secret arts to bring forth gnats, but they could not; so there were gnats on man and beast. 19Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the LORD had said.

      20Now the LORD said to Moses, “Rise early in the morning and present yourself before Pharaoh, as he comes out to the water, and say to him, ‘Thus says the LORD, “Let My people go, that they may serve Me. 21“For if you do not let My people go, behold, I will send swarms of flies on you and on your servants and on your people and into your houses; and the houses of the Egyptians will be full of swarms of flies, and also the ground on which they dwell. 22“But on that day I will set apart the land of Goshen, where My people are living, so that no swarms of flies will be there, in order that you may know that I, the LORD, am in the midst of the land. 23“I will put a division between My people and your people. Tomorrow this sign will occur.”’” 24Then the LORD did so. And there came great swarms of flies into the house of Pharaoh and the houses of his servants and the land was laid waste because of the swarms of flies in all the land of Egypt.

      25Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, “Go, sacrifice to your God within the land.” 26But Moses said, “It is not right to do so, for we will sacrifice to the LORD our God what is an abomination to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice what is an abomination to the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not then stone us? 27“We must go a three days’ journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the LORD our God as He commands us.” 28Pharaoh said, “I will let you go, that you may sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only you shall not go very far away. Make supplication for me.” 29Then Moses said, “Behold, I am going out from you, and I shall make supplication to the LORD that the swarms of flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people tomorrow; only do not let Pharaoh deal deceitfully again in not letting the people go to sacrifice to the LORD.”

      30So Moses went out from Pharaoh and made supplication to the LORD. 31The LORD did as Moses asked, and removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his servants and from his people; not one remained. 32But Pharaoh hardened his heart this time also, and he did not let the people go.

Each time you pray, challenge yourself to try to look for what God wants you to do, rather than what you want to do. Identify your bias and try to guard against it. Test what you want to do against scripture for guidance and pray for God to help you find His path rather than your own. Then be open to the prompting God provides to lead you and guide you. He will not always send gnats and flies. Sometimes He is much more subtle. When you ask for God’s help, take special care you do not dismiss His answer when He gives it.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

If God Calls You To A Mission, He Will Help You Complete It

When God calls us to complete a mission, He will often test and grow our faith by challenging us with something outside of our comfort zone. God does this intentionally. It requires no faith if God asks us to go do what we can do on our own. Imagine if God asked us to tie our shoes… does that have any opportunity to bring glory to God? to build our faith? No. It is something we can do by ourselves without God’s help.

When God calls us to a mission that is obviously stretching us beyond our own ability, we must obey and rely on Him to successfully accomplish it. It can be more than a little intimidating, even for those we think of as heroes or legends of faith.

Exodus 3:10-22

The Mission of Moses

      10“Therefore, come now, and I will send you to Pharaoh, so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” 11But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?” 12And He said, “Certainly I will be with you, and this shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God at this mountain.”

      13Then Moses said to God, “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I will say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?” 14God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” 15God, furthermore, said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations. 16“Go and gather the elders of Israel together and say to them, ‘The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has appeared to me, saying, “I am indeed concerned about you and what has been done to you in Egypt. 17“So I said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite, to a land flowing with milk and honey.”’ 18“They will pay heed to what you say; and you with the elders of Israel will come to the king of Egypt and you will say to him, ‘The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. So now, please, let us go a three days’ journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God.’ 19“But I know that the king of Egypt will not permit you to go, except under compulsion. 20“So I will stretch out My hand and strike Egypt with all My miracles which I shall do in the midst of it; and after that he will let you go. 21“I will grant this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be that when you go, you will not go empty-handed. 22“But every woman shall ask of her neighbor and the woman who lives in her house, articles of silver and articles of gold, and clothing; and you will put them on your sons and daughters. Thus you will plunder the Egyptians.”

Moses is immediately intimidated by the instructions. He humbly questions if he is the right person for God to send.

11But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”

God’s response is to reassure Moses that God will be with him and to give specific instructions. God was not upset or surprised that Moses was fearful.

12And He said, “Certainly I will be with you, and this shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God at this mountain.”

God continues to reassure Moses that he will not be alone and also shares specific details about what is to come and how Moses will succeed with God’s help.  God will not always share the details with us before the mission begins, but in the case with Moses it was in deed an imposing mission and God took extra care to encourage Moses.

God will not ask each of us to accomplish such an intimidating mission as He asked Moses… but He does call us to obey His word and at times He still gives His people specific missions to accomplish in His name. We can find comfort in knowing that God will be with us and help us to accomplish what He asks of us so long as we obey Him faithfully. We do not have to complete the mission alone on our own strength.

Do you feel like God has called you to accomplish a specific mission, but are afraid to step out in faith and begin the journey? You are not alone. Even Moses was fearful when God asked Him to take on a mission.  Trust in God and obey.

If you don’t believe you have heard from God for a specific mission, then you can start by focusing on the commands He has provided to all of us who follow Him in His word, the Bible.

Identify one specific task you can undertake immediately (today or this week) that is consistent with God’s word, but you have put off because you are intimidated by it. Ask God for help in prayer and get started! (Hint: You do not need to start by confronting Pharaoh, perhaps something simple like sharing your faith with someone or helping someone.)


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

HFJ News: Focused Ministries – Creation

We are continuing our weekly Friday extra post of “HFJ News” which is intended to introduce our Christian community to different parts of the website or related resources that many find useful.  Links are provided for your convenience or you can just visit the site directly at and look around on your own.

One of the most obvious miracles of all time where God reveals Himself to everyone across all time is creation itself. Sadly, many who wish to reject God do so by suppressing the truth in unrighteousness trying to convince the world that such a marvelous and delicate creation could have happened and could be sustained through random events. It is absurd to argue evolution can replace God as creator because even if evolution were plausible, which it is not, it needs to start with something… and something living… and an environment in which that something lives. Who among us believes everything comes from nothing without a creator?

Psalm 19:1 1The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.

Romans 1:18-20 18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.


Focused Ministries – Creation

  • Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. They provide answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.
  • Creation Today seeks to impact individuals to know and defend our faith in Creator God and to wholeheartedly experience and share Him through the foundations of Scripture.
  • Institute for Creation Research focuses on scientific research within the context of biblical creation with purposes to educate and communicate the truth of God’s word.
  • Truth in Genesis provides many articles and videos supporting a Biblical Worldview.  Their mission is to uphold the authority of the Word of God, strengthen the faith of believers, and win the lost to Christ.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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“No Longer Shall There Be Any Fruit From You”

The context of Matthew 21:18-22 is important to understanding what Jesus was teaching. Without proper context, we will miss the point and walk away scratching our heads. Jesus had just been to the temple the night before and seen how what was holy, God’s temple, was being profaned by those selling animals and making a market out of it… a “robbers’ den”. He was returning again to Jerusalem and took the opportunity to teach His disciples about the coming judgment for those who choose hypocrisy and religion, while rejecting Jesus as Messiah.

  18Now in the morning, when He was returning to the city, He became hungry. 19Seeing a lone fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it except leaves only; and He said to it, “No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you.” And at once the fig tree withered.

20Seeing this, the disciples were amazed and asked, “How did the fig tree wither all at once?” 21And Jesus answered and said to them, “Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ it will happen. 22“And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Mark 11:12-14 also records these events, but provides a bit more detail in regards to the fact that figs were not in season, and thus the tree was not expected to have figs.

   12On the next day, when they had left Bethany, He became hungry. 13Seeing at a distance a fig tree in leaf, He went to see if perhaps He would find anything on it; and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. 14He said to it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again!” And His disciples were listening.

Why did Jesus curse the fig tree? Was Jesus just grumpy because there were no figs when He was hungry? Did Jesus not know figs were out of season? Of course not!

Jesus was taking the opportunity to have a teachable moment with His disciples. Having just witnessed how the chief priests had allowed God’s holy temple to be profaned and made common, Jesus was making a point. The religious leaders that were supposed to be serving God faithfully and prayerfully, doing things God’s way, and bearing godly fruit in service to God were instead clinging to traditions of men and living as hypocrites, losing sight of the commands of God. They even refused to recognize Jesus as Messiah despite their knowledge of the coming Messiah and the evidence all around them that Jesus was the Messiah.

Jesus uses the fig tree to illustrate to His disciples the curse that God will put on such a people who reject Him. Yes, God does provide righteous judgment to those who reject Him, even more so when they should clearly know better.

The disciples are, of course, amazed by the noticeable withering of the fig tree. When Jesus tells them that faith enables them to do the same or even cast a mountain into the sea, we must be careful not to take it literally. Clearly, with God, many mighty miracles are possible such as those with Moses and Elijah. However, we must look throughout scripture and test how the disciples understood Jesus’ message to verify what Jesus meant. We never see prophets or disciples of God just going around “moving mountains” literally at their own discretion. That is not the point and that is not what the disciples understood Jesus to be saying, or they would have tried to do so at some point. The point is that when we seek God’s will, and listen to His instruction faithfully and without doubt, He will enable us to accomplish the work He has for us, even if it requires incredible miracles! God’s power is not something that we control for our own use and our own will, but something Gods provides as He helps us accomplish His will.

Each of us should  consider if we are bearing good fruit for God. Is it visible in our lives? Do people clearly know we are serving God? Are we serving God His way, set apart from the way of the world? or are we serving God to the point of comfort and convenience?

Do not expect miracles if you  are only submitted to God to the point of comfort and convenience and are still doing things your way instead of His. So long as you are not fully committed to Jesus, you are still in rebellion against Him. There is no neutral ground. You submit to Him fully or you rebel against His leadership.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

the way with scripture - for posts, medium 2

Are Miracles Rare or Common?

Many are convinced that God’s supernatural intervention into our world and the lives of His people, miracles, is now rare or does not happen at all. Many do not even believe in any miracles at all. For those who are interested to seek out the answers, let us explore this topic by starting with a story.

Not so long ago there lived two women many miles apart. One lived on a rocky hillside near the mountains and one lived in a fertile valley. The first woman, on the rocky hillside, loved flowers. They were rare. They did not grow often near her home, so whenever she found one she rejoiced. She even let them grow right in her pathway so as to enjoy their beauty. Each morning she would look around for the beautiful flowers  and take a few minutes out of her day to stop and enjoy.

Near the home of the second woman, the same flowers were plentiful. They were everywhere. At first she really enjoyed them, but after awhile she tended to just overlook them. She accepted them as normal and ordinary. In fact, she found it frustrating that so many grew in her pathway and complaining in frustration she would often pluck them out to keep her pathway clean and organized.

The fact is that many miracles are impactful to us because they are somewhat rare. They are God’s supernatural intervention to do something that would not normally happen. By definition they are typically unusual. In that way, our human minds better process their wonder and look to God as a result.

Let’s take an example regarding cancer or other serious illness. If God always healed everyone who had serious illness, we would soon come to completely miss God’s miracle when He chooses to heal someone and just conclude that it is normal for people with cancer to heal on their own… like the common cold. If something is common we dismiss it too easily.

We could even take a moment to explore human nature further regarding some very uncommon miracles and how people relate to them today. Just to take a few exceedingly rare miracles as examples, let’s consider:

  • God created the universe and everything in it.
  • God flooded the whole earth during the time of Noah.
  • God performed many miracles leading the Israelites out of Egypt under Moses.
  • God became man, lived, died and came back to life in physical form to show us how to live out God’s word and provide a path to reconciliation with God from our unrighteousness.

Most of the world denies these miracles ever happened. They are said to not have occurred because they are hard to believe in the absence of God. Instead of acknowledging God, many try very hard to explain them away, in spite of the overwhelming evidence that God left for us to see that these things are real. It is worth noting, however, that these miracles are life changing once one accepts them as real and from God. All we must do is study the facts closely and follow where the evidence leads. Praise God He did these things even knowing most would reject Him!

So we know there are many historical evidences of God’s exceedingly rare miracles… but are there still examples miracles today? Simply put, yes. But we must take care to avoid the trap of the second woman in the story in today’s teaching. She totally missed the beauty in the flowers because they were common. So too is it with many who experience common miracles today all around them. They are so common, they are no longer considered miracles.

Let us consider just one prominent example. People can stare directly into the impossible diversity and uniqueness of every day events and claim it is completely random, dismissing God. Many can wonder that there are so many snowflakes and never two the same. Others miss the glorious miracle of how God creates each child, like a snowflake, unique and unmatched in all the history of mankind across billions of people. God forms each person in their mother’s womb.

God clearly tells us life begins in the womb in Jeremiah 1:4-5

The Lord gave me this message:

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my  prophet to the nations.”

And again in Psalms 139:13-16

13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
    as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
    Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
    before a single day had passed.

Yet still people around the world, including many Christians fail to see the miracle and instead have actually taken Satan’s deception that babies are just commonplace and disposable. Over 40 million babies are murdered in their mother’s wombs every year for little more than selfishness and convenience of the mother. The glorious, but seemingly common, miracle of God has become ordinary and disposable to many. They miss the miracle and instead , remove it from their path in frustration that it is even there at all.

To sum up… what is the answer to our question in the title of this teaching… “Are Miracles Rare or Common?” In fact the answer is “Yes, miracles are both rare and common.”. We should take care not to miss the common ones all around us and take equal care not to dismiss the exceedingly rare ones as ever really happening. Let both the common and rare miracles lead us to deeper relationship with our creator.

If you or someone you know has been involved in abortion, help is available. Those involved should acknowledge their sin, repent and genuinely ask forgiveness through Jesus Christ… turning from their sin and encouraging others likewise to avoid abortion. There is forgiveness and love at the cross. Please see our teaching, The Message of the Cross. If you want more information on abortion, please visit our website page, Crisis Help: Stop Abortion.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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Jesus Heals Two Blind Men And They Follow Him

How appropriate, that after teaching His disciples that true leadership is demonstrated by serving others, Jesus stops along His journey to heal two blind men in Matthew 20:29-34. Let us never take for granted the inspiring and life changing miracles Jesus performed even while just traveling between two locations. He was busy, He had places to go and people to see as it were… but He listened for and had compassion for those who cried out to Him for help while He passes by. He took time to stop what He was doing and meet their needs.

29 As Jesus and the disciples left the town of Jericho, a large crowd followed behind. 30 Two blind men were sitting beside the road. When they heard that Jesus was coming that way, they began shouting, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

31 “Be quiet!” the crowd yelled at them.

But they only shouted louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

32 When Jesus heard them, he stopped and called, “What do you want me to do for you?”

33 “Lord,” they said, “we want to see!” 34 Jesus felt sorry for them and touched their eyes. Instantly they could see! Then they followed him.

Once again, we see an example of the crowd… the majority… being wrong. Even in this simple example, the ways of men tried to quiet down the people in need so they would not be a distraction to the event. How clearly this reveals that they did not truly understand Jesus. Jesus takes this opportunity to stop what He is doing and with compassion heal the two men who were calling out for His help. I am glad for those men that they were not discouraged to call out to Jesus, but instead only called out louder.

How often do we tell ourselves we are too busy to notice or stop and help someone who is in need… crying out for help? “Maybe when I have more time.“, we say. “Surely someone else will help them.” While I am subject to fail in this regard as do most of us, I strive to do better to notice and respond to the needs of those around us. I am not content to say I am “good enough” and will help when I have more time. I want to follow Jesus’ example and help when people need it and call out for it, not just when it is convenient to me.

It is almost easy to miss the fact that the two men followed Jesus. The miracle, performed to change their lives when they were in need of help and unable to help themselves led them to Jesus… and they followed Him.

While I do not know what it is like to be physically blind, I have a clear picture of what it is like to be spiritually blind. For most of my first 25 years I did not know or understand the ways of God clearly or correctly. In the words of the inspiring song, Amazing Grace… I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind but now I see. It is indeed through the grace of God that my eyes have been opened. I can not even say that I was seeking it, but rather I was comfortable in the teachings of the church in which I was raised… go to church on Sunday, no need for the Bible, live your life according to the ways taught you by your parents and grandparents before them. In my case this amounted to … “be good”, “do what’s right”, but no clear definition of what that meant or how to seek it out in scripture. I was lost. Praise God that now I am found.

The more God reveals to me, the more He allows me to see clearly, them more passionately I want to follow Him, to submit to Him, and to proclaim Him! He gave me sight (spiritually) and I now follow Him as the two blind men in this scripture in Matthew.

I pray you would never grow complacent in your relationship with Jesus. I challenge you to seek to know, love, and serve God more every day, every year of your life. This takes conscious effort and time and it means God must be a priority in your life, not something to do for an hour on Sunday and call it done for the week.

On our journey to know, love, and serve God… just as on any journey… once you feel you have arrived, that is as far as you will ever go. We must recognize that we should be avidly seeking Him more as long as we live. If we can not recognize change in our walk with Him over time, than likely we are no longer walking with Him, but rather we have stopped somewhere along the journey to rest… perhaps without even realizing it. When we see this, we must get up and follow Him again, continue on the path.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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Let No One Split Apart What God Has Joined Together

As Jesus is teaching and healing in the presence of large crowds of public witnesses it must have surely been a dramatic sight. People being healed, family and friends cheering on in amazement and praising God. This must surely have been an exciting scene in Matthew 19:1-12Yet the Pharisees walk past all of this in an effort to trap Jesus. Jesus, undeterred, uses this as an opportunity to speak clearly about marriage and divorce.

19 When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went down to the region of Judea east of the Jordan River. Large crowds followed him there, and he healed their sick.

Some Pharisees came and tried to trap him with this question: “Should a man be allowed to divorce his wife for just any reason?”

“Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’[a] And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’[b] Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”

“Then why did Moses say in the law that a man could give his wife a written notice of divorce and send her away?”[c] they asked.

Jesus replied, “Moses permitted divorce only as a concession to your hard hearts, but it was not what God had originally intended. And I tell you this, whoever divorces his wife and marries someone else commits adultery—unless his wife has been unfaithful.[d]

10 Jesus’ disciples then said to him, “If this is the case, it is better not to marry!”

11 “Not everyone can accept this statement,” Jesus said. “Only those whom God helps. 12 Some are born as eunuchs, some have been made eunuchs by others, and some choose not to marry[e] for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. Let anyone accept this who can.”

It almost seems routine that Jesus healed the sick in front of large crowds. It is mentioned almost in passing as we begin this scripture. But we must be careful never to take that for granted. He performed those signs to demonstrate His authority as God to heal people physically and spiritually (through forgiveness of sins for those who repent).

The scene is set… large crowds hearing Jesus teach and witnessing miracles of healing publically with many witnesses… and the Pharisees, religious leaders, can only think about trapping Jesus. They are blind to His truth because they already decided that they do not want to give up their power, authority, and influence. They seem blinded by their own wickedness. They are certainly not submitted to God.

Jesus takes the opportunity to clearly teach about marriage and divorce. With great clarity, Jesus points to the scriptures as authoritative and specifically points to marriage being between one man and one woman.  Homosexual “marriage” is clearly omitted because it is wrong and not God’s plan. Additionally, God clearly speaks that a man is  joined to his “wife”, not his “wives”.

Once a husband and wife are joined by God in marriage, God intends for them to stay together and seek and submit to God and each other through good times and difficult times. They are to separate  from mother and father and join to each other as the primary relationship in their lives, behind only their individual relationships with God for priority. The two become one and should not be separated.

Because of the wickedness and hardness of our hearts, God does allow divorce in some instances. It is not His plan for married couples to seek divorce, but rather a disappointing outcome driven by wickedness and selfishness, which at times creates a dangerous or harmful situation. We should never take divorce lightly and should always seek God’s help to reconcile and confirm before going down that path. It is better not to marry, than to marry and divorce.

For those of us who have experienced divorce or know those who have, there is forgiveness and grace for those who submit to God and repent from our sins. We should be careful not to rationalize divorce in a way that vindicates any involved are faultless. Those who develop an intimate relationship with God, study His scripture and apply it to their lives, submit to Him and prayerfully ask for His guidance… will be much more successful in choosing a godly spouse and living out a godly marriage that requires each of us to change and move away from our sinful and selfish desires and submit to God and our spouse. If two are truly submitted to God, difficulties in marriage can be addressed and overcome to the glory of God.

Instead, when we find ourselves in divorce, we must turn with genuine repentance before God and seek His forgiveness and grace. Jesus already died for our sins. His blood pays for our mistakes. Accept His grace and seek greater relationship with Him to avoid repeating the same sin again.


Have you submitted your life to Jesus Christ? If you die today, do you know for sure that you would be with God in heaven? Learn more about salvation through The Message of the Cross.

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